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myOtaku.com: SakuraChan

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Am I back?
Am I back? Maybeee...
The JACON was a BLAST. Email me if you want to see some pics of me!!
SakuraLove2uv2@aol.com. title the subject "JACON PICS". Sorry,but I get a lot of spam and I tend to delete things quickly, so it needs to stand out.
A bunch of guys liked me. It was amusing. o_O.
The hotel I stayed out was cool. But, my aunt got dunk and ran into the anime dance called "Cyberia" and fell on people. I was embarrased... so! Deb and I escaped into the "Yaoi sleepover" room. O_O MY AUNT AS SITTING THERE WATCHING YAOI!! I nearly died. Actually, it was Saiyuki Reloaded. Not yaoi, but with 4 bishounen, heck, why not. She liked it so much that she ordered 25 episodes of it online today. o_O! And she doesnt even watch anime. Sakura is very surprised. :D and happy. Anyways. I saw some good yaoi XD Like gravitation, but I fell asleep too early, around 3 AM, before FAKE came on. ;_;. Oh well. Too much yaoi might fry my brain. Lol. Yeah.

My other grandma from Delaware wants me to visit her. hae to make a decision-- and fast. Please comment and help me make a decision. I'll be seeing my "long lost" older sister who I havent seen since... 9 years ago? My father... and some family that I dont even know exists... Im scared ;_; -cryishness-.

Oh. Yes. the icon, as some people have been wondering about, is my friend's bunny, with the color reversed, cut, and pic mirror-flipped.

And-- Orginal J, I accidently deletd your Guestbook signing ;_; Sowwwwwwwiiiiiieee. Can you resign, if it lets you? >_o; I hope.

-sigh- Im feeling sooooo much crap now, I'm hoping that the jpop Im listening to washes everything away...
._. Please help people. <3 Me loves youuuuuuu <3<3<3 Love the Sakura. Help me. In any wayyou can. Coz I need it.

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