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Sakura Aka Saku
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Hints: Megacon, Jacon, AFO-con.
Member Since
Highschool girl Otaku.
Real Name
Okay, so.. Sakura may not be my REAL name, but hey, I have all my teachers calling me it, so why not?
Anime Fan Since
1999. 6 years!
Favorite Anime
anything by clamp is godly, rurouniken, full moon, Flcl, gravi, and others. But mainly CLAMP stuff ..
To pass the 10th grade, OH DEAR PLEASE GOD X.x;; And also to become a great mangaka as well as a great person!
being an otaku. 100%.
Deb says I should put "Being a good friend" hehe, shameless plug! Anyways, my talents, I believe are using my oddball sense of humor, drawing/art/otakuism, and surviving difficult times ^_^
Friday, May 28, 2004
XD Kyotoko visits at 5 AM
Yeah. o_O If you know Kyotoko.. -points to friendlist-, you know that's another word for d00m. A 13 yr. old criminal mastermind HENTAI punk goth kid from the depths of o_o; Shh, not telling. XD Agh, okay. Everynight I talk to him over IMand such and he said he was going to leave the house at 5 AM. I was like "XD Come visit me." And thats what he did.
5:45 AM: Sakura gets goldfish; snacks; manga; chii doll and stuffs it in a plastic baggy, tries to sneak out of the house, and fails. Grandma woke up XD I told her. "Im meeting this d00d downstairs, bye". Omg, she probably thought I was about to get raped XD She started freaking out. I tried to explain a little more but--ehhh, she wasnt very ":D Okay! Whee!" About it, yanno? But I got out anyways, and met Kyoto' down stairs.
XD Whee. Thats when it got crazy. We ran all over the place. O_O Lots of disturbing things happened. -- He had a cell phone camera and tried to get pictures of me-- o_o not my face-- more like, if you've ever seen RANMA, its like the opening theme. o_o If you understandthat, then, o_O--to you. dunno. XD Ive lost myself. Anyways. he said something funny, I just gotta repeat it.
"I was running here and I got tired and I ran into a bush and now I got little families growing on my leg!" XD Little families? he meant these little grass sticky things. Whee. o-o we eventually got in trouble... and he left at 9AM-ish. o_o mhm. Ah. And, mah goood friend Chiyo is coming over at 10:30 AM tomorrow ^^;. Too bad I woke up at 6 PM today, how will I ever wake up? x_x; uuuu..
o_O How do you say "j00"? Do you pronounce it like "Jew"? XD That would sound bad.
"I'll kill j00!" o_O "I'll kill jew"? X_x; I usually say "you" but kyotoko said "j00." o_o; which is odd.
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