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Currently??? Japan *I wish!!!*
Member Since
stay at home artist and lonely as hells...
Real Name
Jessie (my friends call me Kitty)
Published twice, recived 3 awards for my creativity, and sold a painting for $1000,i been drawing since pre-k (getting dumped several times)
Anime Fan Since
The age of 6 when Kitty first saw Sailor Moon on DIC, and Dragon Ball on the WB, public access television.
Favorite Anime
YuYuHakusho, Saiuki, Inuyasha, Chobits, Rave Master, Gravitation, Getbackers, Slayers, Sorcerer Hunters, Those Who Hunt Elves, All Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku, Sailormoon, Duel masters, Escaflowne, anything by Hayo Miyazaki, Tokyo mew mew, Utena
I want to become a cartoonist because you can dress casually every day and do what you love(creating anime).
Drawing and Videogames, sumtimes Kitty sleeps
Creating new charecters for Kitty's portfolio,Keeping in touch with friends.*I dont have many so there a very special treasure to me.*
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Saturday, October 8, 2005
a more active me!
hey all long time no see...ha ha... well I'll be gone for a few days in november because of a big trip to disneyworld... it's gonna be a hoot oh and later today I'm going to a costume party... ...all right I took everyones advice and I'm becoming more active...even if it means every once in a while I'll black out from overexertion... ...I don't mind the pain it just means i'm healing.untill next time... arigato, and sayonara.
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Saturday, September 10, 2005
EpilogueZhisi ~Kitty comes home~ The sun was hot as we rode covered in a tarp in a smelly truck bed. I was peeking from under the tarp to see where we were and then like a sign from the gods I saw it... ...the sign on the side of the road read "welcome to Salem-the bewitching seaport." "I'm home." was my first thought, as I walked towards my house. My ears twitched in anticipation and I started running. All I wanted was to see Mom and Sam again and to hold my fuzzy kitty sly I missed them so much. B-Chan ~Bunny Comes Home~ I was happy to be home, and I was eager to see my family... ...I wanted to see my family so badly and to see my little precious bunnies again. My family was out, so I went to the backyard. "Babies I'm home!" were the only words on my breath as I ran to the hutches that were there, and cuddled the fuzzy babies in my arms. "I love you little ones." Peromaru ~Puppy Comes Home~ "I'm home?" I asked as Torikun led me to the familiar front door... ...after ringing the bell, he hissed me gently and said, "Yes you're home, and I have to get to mine now." he left after that. My mother was the one who answered the door. She looked at me as if in shock, and then wrapped her arms around me in a hug so tight I thought I would pop. Wolfie my pet husky was barking loudly at my return, as he wagged his tail wildly and panted dancing in place like he was a puppy again. "I'm home." Torimaru ~Birdie Comes Home~ I was home in a few short wing beats... ...Even if I still wasn't used to flying yet. I hugged my mother who seemed surprised to have an angel for a son. "I'm glad to be home." I breathed as I sat down and told Mom about the incredible chaos that my friends and I endured. "Happy to be home." was what I heard across the room and I saw my pet cockatiel that had apparently welcomed me home. Suchi ~Chipmunk Comes Home~ Amuro was silent as he walked me to my family's house. I swallowed my pride as we reached the door, and spoke to him. "Uh...Amuro, I..." I was unable to finish as he engulfed me in a kiss that warmed my entire body. I wrapped my arms around him as we lengthened our farewell. Our passionate moment was cut short by the sound of a door slamming, and my mother came running out. For some reason I felt it was over. Sgt. Amuro ~A.W.O.L.~ I was taken in by Suchi's family after I explained some of what had happened during the past couple of months... ...but then I didn't give very many details. I was so glad to be near her, but I never Imagined Suchi or her family would accept me like this. Suchi's ferret also seemed to like me, although I just think he was hyperactive. The End Our story ends on a happy note but there’s always sequels. Look out for… book 2: Genetix Heroes Peace be with you ~sakurachi24 (aka. Jessie Denaro)
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Chapter 8 ~Breakout~ Dashing down the corridor in formation, with Suchi (Sonic) and B-Chan (Bubble Bunny) running at point disorienting all guards that got in their way. Suchi screamed at all those that got too close, while B-Chan blinded the armed guards with a blast of bubbles to the eyes. "We're not out of the woods yet," shouted Amuro as he trailed behind the group, guns blazing at the guards and soldiers coming at them from the rear. "We still have to get through the high security areas." As he shot down two more guards the group sped of towards a security code box. "Leave it to me." said Torimaru (Judgment Day). Electricity surged from his body and sparks danced across the floor as he overloaded the wiring in the security system. "Done..." Torimaru sighed as he wiped his brow, a small static bolt tripping down his waist length hair. "That took a lot outa' me." he said as they continued their mad dash towards sector five, which was under lockdown as Amuro had previously noted. Part 2 ~Cornered~
Zhisi (Calico Flame) pushed her friends behind her knowing what she had to do. "It's my turn!" she growled, all too eager to see the light of day, and not a containment area with dim florescent lighting. "Sonic, Bubble Bunny..." she said starting to heat the door with her flames. "Help Amuro." The two did as they were told, for the team was cornered and Amuro needed support in fending off the armed guards and soldiers. Suchi's scream was enough to throw back twenty men charging towards them in the narrow hallway, but she needed to catch her breath after every blast. B-Chan blinded generated a shield that filled the hallway and slowed the soldiers even more. "Ha...ha...water is so shapeable." laughed B-Chan at her creation. The doorway had been melted halfway down when B-Chan's shield had been broken through. "Over here!" yelled Zhisi, "There's enough room to climb through." B-Chan cooled the scolding hot iron door and proceeded to fending off the Guards with Suchi and Amuro. "You boot licking sons of bitches, Soldiers suck Asses!!!" Screamed Suchi during one of her blasts. Throwing a large group of soldiers twice as far as she usually did. Blushing she looked over at Amuro. "Sorry..." she squeaked, out of breath. "It's okay, I guess cussing makes your power stronger." said Amuro before shooting another guard. While the three were working wonders in creating a living barrier Zhisi and Torimaru pushed Peromaru (Healer) through the hole in the iron door. Then Torimaru and Zhisi climbed through. "Hurry up slow pokes!" shouted Zhisi.
Part 3 ~Free...Almost!?~ After Amuro, Suchi and B-Chan climbed through they all made a break for it. They were nearing the outer fence when a small battalion of guards and soldiers surrounded them. "Damn" cursed Zhisi. "I think it's our turn again,” said B-Chan looking over at Suchi. "Let's do this!" said Suchi selecting a group of guards and letting it all go. "You freaking, brother sucking, shaft mongers." she blew half of the battalion a mile back. Waving her arms around, B-Chan summoned a storm of bubbles that blinded twenty of them, forcing them to their knees in terror. Taking a deep breath Suchi blasted the remaining guards away with her sonic scream. Amuro then motioned for everyone to run, knowing that another group of guards would be on their way. Jumping over the outer fence the team realized that Amuro had been left behind. "Amuro!!" cried Suchi, tears welling in her eyes as she began to turn back. Part 4 ~Free~ Amuro was being fired upon, a pool of blood forming at his feet. "Stay where you are!" Torimaru shouted, half at Suchi, half at Amuro as he leaped back over the fence and grabbed the red haired soldier, this time both went over the fence together. They all fled as far away from the compound as they could, carrying Amuro along until they reached a safe place to heal him. Peromaru lifted Amuro's head and mumbled softly, "It's not your time to go." The wonderful warm, mint green glow of Peromaru's power wrapped around the entire group like a rejuvenating blanket, and Suchi cried as she saw Amuro open his eyes. "You're free." said Amuro, closing his eyes and falling into a deep sleep. "Free." purred Zhisi softly, taking B-Chan into her arms and giggling lightly. "We're free." chirped Torimaru, as he wrapped his arms around Peromaru and sighed heavily. From the mind of Sgt. Amuro: Freedom has a price you can't buy it with money price: eternal suffering End of chapter 8 Peace be with you ~sakurachi24 (aka. Jessie Denaro)
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Friday, September 9, 2005
Chapter 7 ~The Plan~ "I'm sure that you know why you're all here." said Amuro, looking over the group and finally landing his gaze on Suchi. "It's because of these powers right?" asked Zhisi, receiving dirty looks from her friends, with her ears down she showed that she didn’t like it. "Correction, this meeting is about how you all are going to break out of this facility!" Sgt. Amuro stated, using his full authority. "To make things easier for me and to end calling you all by number, I'll have 'Suchi' introduce you all." Amuro surprised the group by using Suchi's name. "Well," said Suchi, wondering how she would present her friends. "Ah...first is Zhisi, she has short brown hair, bright blue eyes, and catlike features. The Scientists labeled her as 001." she said this with confidence, and continued introducing her friends. "Next is B-Chan, she has short blonde hair, gold eyes, and rabbit’ like features. The scientists labeled her as 002" She was happy to introduce her friends to Amuro. "Then there's Peromaru, he green hair, dark brown eyes, and doglike features. The scientists labeled him as 003" Amuro was writing down their names on a clipboard along with other stuff besides them. Suchi was somewhat in a trance as she introduced the last of her friends. "Last is Torimaru, he has long blonde hair, green eyes, and birdlike features. The scientists have labeled him as 004" Suchi was finished, and Amuro had set his clipboard down so he could talk to the group. Zhisi was still receiving fearful looks from her friends. "Team, this is not time to start an internal feud amongst yourselves,” said Amuro with a bit of tension in his voice. Torimaru and Suchi hissed a profanity under their breath. "So what's your plan?" Zhisi asked the relatively aggravated Sgt. "The plan is this!" Amuro rolled out a layout map of the base where they were held. "Wow!!" said Torimaru and Zhisi in unison. "Incredible! This base must be huge!" said B-Chan. "Yes, which is why I've selected the quickest way out, and each of you has a skill relevant to getting you out of here. You will all be given codenames, you will use these codenames until you are safely out of this base." stated Amuro with authority. "B-Chan, your codename has been chosen by your teammate Torimaru." Amuro noticed he hit a nerve when he saw B-Chan glaring daggers at Torimaru. "Ahem, you will disable the guards using your Bubbles to blind them,” said Amuro circling guard positions with a yellow highlighter. "Uh...sure!" stammered B-Chan. "Torimaru, your codename is 'Judgment Day'," said Amuro "your job is to disarm the security systems by using your power on the electrical supply." "Cool!" exclaimed Torimaru. "Suchi," said Amuro placing his hand on Suchi's cheek "your codename is Sonic, your job is to clear a path for your team using your voice." "You got it,” sighed Suchi. "Zhisi, your powers are very important to this mission." said Amuro "your code name is calico flame, should the backup security system come online you will have to melt down a pathway through sector five, eleven or sixteen." "I can do that,” said Zhisi, watching Amuro cross out the three main lockdown sectors. "Finally Peromaru, your codename is Healer." said Amuro. "I know," said Peromaru softly. "If my friends get injured I have to heal them." "Yeah...right." said Amuro. "Well I guess you all are ready for anything. No hesitation team, let's move out!!" End of chapter 7 Peace be with you ~sakurachi24 (aka. Jessie Denaro)
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Chapter 6 ~Training~ The next day the 5 teens were herded into the bio-dome’ like training facility and left there for forced training. "What do they expect us to do?" asked B-Chan, she sounded scared. Seeing the jungle expanse around them she figured anything could happen. "Who knows." mewed Zhisi shaking her head, her short brown hair slightly covering her bright blue eyes as she lowered her head. "I mean they've never done this before." "What!" shouted Torimaru. He didn't like bad news and his new soft silver wings ruffled with his fear and anger. "We are the animit..." said Peromaru, beginning to walk deeper into the forested bio-dome, as if he were in some form of trance. His large blue eyes looked as if they were fixated on a point on the horizon that no one else could see. "We had better follow Peromaru to make sure he doesn’t get himself hurt,” said Suchi, as she started tailing him. "That's a good idea,” said Zhisi, beginning to follow her lead. The rest of the group then followed suit and dashed after Peromaru. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * "They’re on the move," Thought Sgt. Amuro as he watched the monitors, on which he saw everything going on inside the bio-dome training area. "They’re heading towards area 2," Amuro pushed the button that activated the training simulator. "We'll see if you have what it takes..." * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Flashback "You really want to go home don't you?" asked Amuro, sweaty and out of breath. "Yes...I'll do anything to go home!" said a crying Suchi, not once glancing into her assailant’s emerald green eyes. "I promise I'll get you and your friends out of here," said Amuro, wiping away one of Suchi's tears and gingerly kissing her on the forehead. "Just meet me after the lab monkeys send you to training." Amuro then kissed Suchi one last time, cleaned up his office, and called the interns to pick her up. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Zhisi screamed ducking and rolling out of the way of an onslaught of arrows that hurtled towards her, keeping her ears folded back and her tail down she experienced a new feeling of agility. "What the fuck is going on here?!" she yelled after her close call. "Um..." mumbled Suchi. Trying to think of a way to make her statement pleasant, "Maybe this is the training Sgt. Amuro told me about." was the only thing she could come up with. "If that’s true," Torimaru twittered, with a fiery look in his leafy green eyes "Then we have to keep our guard up." "Yeah," Suchi whispered to her friends, "that and we have to meet Sgt. Amuro afterwards for something important." Another stream of arrows came screaming towards the group from some unknown origin. Zhisi pounced on the dazed and unguarded Peromaru protecting him from the oncoming fire. Torimaru jumped and dodged as if he were flying. His silver feathers ruffled in the breeze, and his waist length blond hair was parted five times by arrows just missing his skin and head. Suchi and B-Chan danced around the projectiles like mice on the offence, B-Chan kept her long ears to her back as she moved around so as not to get an unwanted piercing. When the coast was clear they all were tired and somewhat disoriented by their new skills, that and the smell of blood. "Zhisi." said Peromaru, fear laced his voice, and a tear ran down his cheek as he saw it dripping down her sides, his chest was cold with her blood.
Peromaru laid her down on the ground and tried to extract the arrows. "This is bull shit," said Suchi rushing over to her injured friend. Part 2 ~The Power of five~ "Is Z-San going to be alright?" asked Suchi feeling helpless. She glanced over at B-Chan, who was sobbing furiously over her fallen lover. "That should have been me,” said Torimaru. Weeping the bird-boy laced his fingers through the wounded kittens soft brown hair. "Perochan, we have to get her some help." "She'll be fine," said Peromaru softly, as he finished pulling the arrows from the shoulders and back of his fallen friend, though blood only poured faster from the wounds. "Trust me." He said taking Zhisi into his arms. Peromaru then began to glow a vibrant green. "Perochan!" exclaimed Torimaru, backing up as the green light engulfed both Peromaru and Zhisi; the energy from Peromaru had begun to heal Zhisi. "What incredible power!" said Torimaru as he shielded his eyes from the luminescence that was Peromaru? * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * "003 has discovered his true potential,” thought Sgt. Amuro as he viewed the monitors. "The healer has awakened!" he was trying to think of a more military way of saying it. Amuro then noticed that the scientists were too good in programming the dog-boy, because he evolved too early. 003 was programmed to respond to self-sacrifice, knowing this Amuro then replayed the scene where 001 shielded 003. To further study the teens. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Another throng of arrows came flying out of nowhere, aimed straight at Zhisi and Peromaru. "Look out!" Shouted B-Chan, afraid that she'd lose not only her lover but a friend as well. She dashed forward reaching out an arm attempting to come between the arrows and her friends, but coming short. Amazingly a blast of bubbles materialized from her fingers and created a foam’ like wall that the arrows got lodged inside of, stopping them where they were. "Uh...wha..." squeaked B-Chan. Torimaru and Suchi cracked up when they saw this "Bubble bunny!" Torimaru screamed in laughter. "Good one!" squealed Suchi slapping Torimaru's back. The two of them fell to the ground in sidesplitting laughter. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * "002's true nature has awakened as well," hummed Amuro to himself. "It doesn’t seem like an accepted trait among the others though." Although he was concerned he continued there training. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * "Bubble bunny?! B-Chan asked glaring at her friends. By this time Zhisi was fully healed and heard the statement. "Ungh..." Zhisi moaned, gaining her feet. "What happened?" A stray bubble landed on Zhisi's nose, settled for a moment and popped, causing her to blink multiple times in response. "Z-San!" cried B-Chan lunging at her lover. "You're alright!" They embraced each other lovingly, surprising their friends. "Gee...Wow." stammered Torimaru, his bright green eyes wide in wonder, as Suchi giggled nervously at seeing Zhisi kissing B-Chan so deeply and passionately. Barking was heard off in the distance and suddenly a group of Doberman pinchers bounded at the romantic scene, attracted by the cloud of pheromones Zhisi and B-Chan had generated. Squealing, Suchi hid behind Torimaru's large silver wings as the barking dogs came closer. "Go away!" Torimaru shouted, his arms held out straight and his wings fanned out to guard his friend. A dog lunged at Torimaru and was struck by a bolt of electricity fired from Torimaru's chest. "Uh..." he gasped, as he realized what he'd done. Turning around he noticed Suchi was backing away from him. "Suchi...I didn't know I could..." Torimaru pleaded with her, when a dog that saw an opening and had leapt over him suddenly interrupting him. The starved creature lunged at Suchi who screamed, but not just a scream a sonic blast sending the dog flying. "What the hell..." started Zhisi, covering her large feline ears. "Damn! That’s loud!" B-Chan cursed, unable to cover her long bunny’ like ears during the deafening assault. "What are we becoming?" asked Torimaru, still trying to make the ringing stop in his almost normal but still elfish looking ears. All the others stared at him as they pondered their fuzzy ears and tails as all they saw before them was an angel. "What!" Torimaru was confused now. "Do I have something on my face?" * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * By this time Amuro was absorbed in watching the evolution process of the teens, and was almost ready to declare the training session over. Then he realized he didn't see 001's potential element so he continued to watch and wait. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * "We were, are, and always will be animit,” said Peromaru, with soft assurance. "Animit?" asked Zhisi, she was confused and knew for a fact that an animit-human was a type of animal human hybrid. "I like it!" said Suchi affirmatively. Then another dog lunged at B-Chan, which she dodged easily. Zhisi hissed at the dog for it's attempt, and it spontaneously burst into flames. Upon seeing this, her friends started backing away from her not wanting to be set aflame. "Hey..." mewed Zhisi "I...I didn’t...That was..." she had no way to get back their trust. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Amuro opened the doors to the bio-dome training facility and entered to summon the genetically enhanced and newly evolved teens to a meeting. ~From the mind of Peromaru~ Fighting, Growing, Evolving our powers are strong. We are no longer human End of chapter 6 Peace be with you ~sakurachi24 (aka. Jessie Denaro)
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Chapter 5 ~Interests~ Sgt. Amuro sat down at his desk finally away from the erotic scene of the girls touching each other, but he was unable to stop thinking about what he had seen. "001 and... 002," he questioned it while flipping through his paperwork. "They were..." suddenly his erection had returned after painfully trying to hide it from the scientist who gave him a long tour of the facility. Finally deciding that he should think about something else, 005 (Suchi) entered his mind "She looked so frightened." though he changed his thoughts he couldn't relax his member. He tried stroking himself beneath his desk but he needed something more, 005 kept entering his mind. Pressing the button on the two way on his desk Sgt. Amuro demanded "I have to see 005." with a heavy voice. Two interns came dragging Suchi in chains as she thrashed and whined behind them. "Are you sure you want to speak with this one sir?" said one intern shakily. "Heh...She's quite volatile." said the other. "Leave her here," said Sgt. Amuro, still sitting at his desk "but make sure her chains are secure." After securing 005's chains to the floor the two interns left the room, with Sgt. Amuro locking the door behind them. Amuro turned to the girl he knew as 005 and asked "What's your name?" his voice still heavy and only his face was turned towards her. 005 blinked and looked up at him with her big violet eyes from her seat on the cold floor "My name is Suchi..." she said, a tear was trickling down her cheek. "...Can I go home now?" "Shh...Don’t cry." said Sgt. Amuro gently stroking suchi's moistened cheek. Being a soldier he was not able to be gentile for long. With this he roughly pushed her to the floor and forced her legs apart with all intent to rape her. "P-Please" sobbed Suchi "Please don't." He paid no attention to her cries as he attended to ripping off whatever clothes she had on. Tears streamed down Suchi's cheeks as Sgt. Amuro looked into her eyes with a wanton hunger. He undid her pigtails and stroked her lavender hair as she began to cry more hysterically. Questioning his methods he kissed her gently to silence her squalls. "Please," pleaded Sgt. Amuro "No more tears." He then took her into a kiss so full of passion and hunger that Amuro hadn't noticed that the chains binding Suchi were cutting into her flesh causing her to bleed from her wrists and ankles. Amuro Stripped down revealing his slender musculature to the victimized Suchi. She blushed furiously as he began to undo her shackles, it was a bad move but Suchi didn't try to run. Suchi gasped as Amuro licked away some of the blood from one of her reddened wrists. Once he felt that her tears were spent he entered her, his throbbing member aching for release. Suchi was on edge, she wanted to scream but only empty cries passed her lips, as the fear that her assailant would do worse if she did utter a scream laced her thoughts. Squealing in pain and moaning, no longer able to cry, she endured the thrusting of Amuro's spear like arousal. Suchi's mind reeled as Amuro's thrusts became faster, and more intense. He kissed her neck and shoulders, actions that caused Suchi to tremble beneath him. Amuro felt this and continued licking and kissing the nape of Suchi's neck moaning into her flesh as he did. Amuro pinched the base of suchi's tail. Feeling this Suchi arched her back lost in a mixture of pain and two pleasures with one being very new to her. Arching her back she forced Amuro deeper inside her. In a final rough thrust Amuro released his essence, and Suchi shed a tear as she felt him filling her. Wrapping her arms around him Suchi found her tears and cried, knowing that she would never be able to go back home. From the mind of Suchi: "When I've already lost everything, when I can do nothing but look back at the life I had, can I love a man who rapes me." End of chapter 5 Peace be with you ~sakurachi24 (aka. Jessie Denaro)
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Chapter 4 003+004 ~Love and Pain~ While Sgt. Amuro was monitoring the girls, Torimaru and Peromaru were absorbed in a dreamlike embrace. "Perochan," Torimaru said starting to cry, "I love you...more than anything else in the world." looking deeply into Peromaru's eyes, Torimaru leaned forward with bated breath and kissed him. The unresponsive Peromaru then shed a tear from one of his emotionally empty eyes, and wrapped his arms tightly around Torimaru, in a silent reply. Peromaru moaned againsed Torimaru's lips as Torimaru forced his tongue roughly into his beloved's mouth. Peromaru needed Torimaru so much at that moment, his hands wildly caressed Torimaru’s chest as the ache in between his legs intensified. The kiss was broken, and Torimaru groaned beneath Peromaru as one of the hands on his chest glided into his shorts and tightened around his erection. Peromaru’s hand moved at a steady pace, but Torimaru stopped his hand before he could finish. "I want you...inside me." Torimaru whispered, sweat was dripping down his slender compact musculature; he was in terrible need of release. "Uhnn...Ditto." Peromaru moaned, he had serviced Torimaru's growing lust while trying his best not to come himself. "Perochan..." Torimaru said, cupping his lover’s cheek. "...You spoke." Peromaru only moaned in response to the angel’s reaction. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Suchi was in a panic. "What's going to happen to us?" she asked herself. "What's going to happen to me?" She started crying. "I'll never see my family again!" Suchi was hysterical, and unable to see what was happening around her. Torimaru pinned Peromaru lightly taking him into a passionate kiss, breaking the kiss for a moment only to speak. "I don't want to hurt you Perochan." he slowly pulled off Peromaru's confining shorts and blushed furiously as he saw Peromaru's erection, he's big. " to...stop if I do." he choked on his words as he contemplated Peromaru's length.
Tossing his own shorts aside he laid atop Peromaru, who gave a ready sigh. Torimaru lifted Peromaru slightly and entered him, a small yip escaped Peromaru's lips. "Did I hurt you?" Torimaru was scared and concerned for his lover.
Peromaru merely looked into his angel’s eyes and shook his head. Torimaru then continued he started thrusting slowly, but increased his pace as he felt Peromaru ask for more by kissing his neck and chest. The friction from Torimaru’s abdomen stimulated Peromaru pulled Torimaru into a tight embrace as his hard member.
"Gods...Perochan," said Torimaru as Peromaru moved to kissing the bird-boys shoulder. Torimaru threw his head back as he came inside Peromaru. The sensation pushing Peromaru over the edge, he came his seed sticky on both their bellies. "Uhnn...Torikun," Peromaru said with half lidded eyes. "I love you." "I love you too, Perochan." Torimaru said, noticing that Peromaru had used his name in an endearing manner.
From the mind of Torimaru:
It doesn’t matter what gender you are as long as your love is true.
End of chapter 4 Peace be with you ~sakurachi24 (aka. Jessie Denaro)
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Monday, September 5, 2005
Chapter 3 001+002 ~Love is Born~ "001 Is exhibiting strong emotion towards 002" said a concerned and slightly paranoid scientist, "Don't be silly, your seeing things." said Sgt. Amuro who was happy that he didn't have to see the five teens writhing in pain anymore. "Your superiors made perfectly sure that your subjects were 100 percent heterosexual." "I'm not so sure,” said the ruffled scientist. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * "B-Chan..." said Zhisi, holding her close. "...You haven’t spoken since the last DNA bath, please be alright." B-Chan mumbled into Zhisi's chest, "Don't let me go...stay with me...please." Tears were forming in her eyes. "Don't worry B-Chan," mewed Zhisi, pulling B-Chan closer for a deeper embrace. "I'll never let you go." While this conversation was taking place, Suchi paid no mind and contemplated her situation from a corner of the room. Every once in a while looking towards her physically entangled friends. Zhisi pulled B-Chan to face her. "I could hold you like this forever." she purred, and then pulled B-Chan close and kissed her deeply and passionately. B-Chan gently parted her lips, allowing Zhisi to invade her mouth with her tongue. As a tear ran down B-Chan's cheek, Zhisi caressed her back in a silent way of saying "I'll never leave you." The passionate kiss ended in a loud gasp from both girls. Out of breath and panting, they collapsed into each other’s arms. "I...want..." sighed B-Chan out of breath, and starting to search Zhisi with her hands, and laying light kisses on her neck. "B-Chan," mewled Zhisi, inwardly gasping as B-Chan hit a most sensitive area with her fingers. She continued to touch and stroke the general area between Zhisi's thighs. "Uh...B-Chan...Wh-what do..." Zhisi paused only to gasp as B-Chan found her area again. "What do you...want?" Breathing heavily Zhisi finally finished her sentence, only to fall into a deeper state of ecstasy as B-Chan continued her rhythmic touches. "I...want you," said B-Chan with a deep sigh. "To" The bunny girl then withdrew her fingers from between Zhisi's thighs. Moaning for more Zhisi grabbed her new lover's hand and gently licked the tips of those magical fingers that gave her such pleasure. "I understand." purred the cat-girl, taking her lover into an even deeper kiss than before. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Shocked, amazed and slightly aroused by the display he had seen through the two-way mirror, was Sgt. Amuro. "Um...uh," stammered Amuro, trying his best to hide his erection. "I know I'm not seeing things,” he thought. End of chapter 3 Peace be with you ~sakurachi24 (aka. Jessie Denaro)
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Chapter 2 ~Mutation~ Part 1 Zhisi 001 Floating there in the genetic fluid I remember the feeling of every one of my nerve endings screaming in pain. I felt as if my skin were being ripped from my bones. The feline DNA tearing through me and changing me from the inside out. Horrible thoughts went through my mind. I saw my family disappear in front of me, or maybe it was a dream. It felt as real as life though and it made me miss them all the more. "Mom, Sam I miss you both." B-Chan 002 "Bunnies everywhere." was the only thing bouncing through my mind as the pain of the genetic fluid, changing my body coursed through my veins. The feeling more terrible than anything I’ve ever felt. Indescribable in torture terms. I gave in to the tremors of pain ripping at my flesh, as my spine grew in length and my ears grew long and pointed. I didn't want to feel the pain anymore; I wanted to fade away, to go home where my bunnies waited for me. "Bunnies everywhere." From the mind of B-Chan: Taken from my home I'm lost in a sea of pain I want to be held Peromaru 003 The pain won't stop. I never thought I would end up like this. "I feel so cold." struggling inside my mind I try to think of the friends who are so dear to me, but I can't. Chills run through me as I feel the pain starting to wane. I shiver all over and finally my body settles. So this is it, "I no longer have control, I'm trapped in my own mind and enslaved by science." Torimaru 004 "Peromaru my dear Peromaru I feel such pain. I want so much to be near you, then maybe the pain inside me would fade away." They're hurting me, these terrible changes. The stretching of my skin, my bones are changing shape. "I wish I could hold you my dear Peromaru, to give you hope and to show you how much I need you." From the mind of Torimaru: almost finished now freedom is an image now Home is a dream now Suchi 005 "Why, why me?" and why did my friends get mixed up in all this?!" I asked myself this over and over inside my head. As the soup I was bathing in started absorbing into my skin. "What the hell's going on here? What kind of conspiracy is this? This damn sludge is pinching me all over!!" It hurt like something unspeakable.
Amuro Witness I watched the teens inside the fluid. A couple writhed in pain, and one beat on the glass like a rabid animal, the two that didn't move worried me. I was there to watch and only watch. The only time I can mediate is when they’re training, or distressed. I can't stand witnessing this torture. "There has to be a way out of this." Part 2 ~After the Mutation~ After the DNA bath the teens were taken to a holding area that looked like some ones bedroom. In the room was a monitor where a different anime episode was aired every hour this time it was Tenchi Muyo episode 1. "Where the hell are we?" asked Suchi, with a hint of anger in her voice. She didn’t seem to care that the room was piled up with blankets and throw pillows and manga. "What the hell is all this?" She waved an arm at the room as if to banish it. She was getting very anxious. "This is the comfort room,” said Zhisi. "They’re going to turn us into breedable weapons." "They’re going to use us as weapons?!" screamed Suchi. "That's ludicrous!!" "Hn..." B-Chan mumbled, "...Anything is possible." she started sobbing. "It's alright B-Chan." said Zhisi, "Were all together now, our friends are here." Zhisi held B-Chan close, hugging her as if the end was near. "What's going to happen to us?!" shouted Suchi. "They’re going to attempt to breed us with Torimaru and Peromaru," stated Zhisi, while stroking B-Chan's hair. "To create the ultimate super-weapon." "But why?" asked Suchi prodding further into the situation. "Not even I know that much, and I was here when this whole thing started." said Zhisi. Suchi hung her head "I see." she said.
"Perochan..." sighed Torimaru, as he held Peromaru in his arms. "I'll console you till you find yourself again." Holding Peromaru close and stroking his hair, Torimaru sighed again. The broken Peromaru groaned into Torimaru's chest. "I'll never let you go my dear Perochan." Torimaru said pulling Peromaru closer for a tighter embrace. "So you don't ever think about leaving me." end of chapter 2 Peace be with you ~sakurachi24 (aka. Jessie Denaro)
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Saturday, September 3, 2005

Who's Your Inuyasha Dream Girl?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
>Chapter 1 ~Back Together~ Suchi was thrown into a dark, wet cell with a painful thud. "You military faggots!" Suchi screamed getting up. She threw herself at the door and started slamming her fists at the bars with everything she had. "Where are my friends, you bootlicking s.o.b's!" Suddenly she heard a quiet voice pipe up from the next cell. "Suchi, is that you?" It was Zhisi. Suchi stopped beating on the bars long enough to speak with her good friend. "Zhisi? Oh gods it's so good to hear your voice." she was somewhat happy as she moved toward the small sound of her friend on the other side of the wall. "We're not alone in here Suchi,” said Zhisi, in what sounded like a pained voice. "B-Chan is here too, and so is the rest of the gang." "Peromaru and Torimaru?" asked Suchi quietly, she was beginning to get worried for her friends, and herself. B-Chan was in Zhisi’s cell listening to the conversation, she had not responded well to the way she was treated while in holding. "Pero...maru and Tori...maru," it sounded as if she was almost completely broken when she spoke. "Don’t speak, B-Chan you're too weak." Zhisi went and held B-Chan as she trembled trying to speak. "Peromaru and Torimaru are in the next cell over." She stroked B-Chan’s hair as she held her. An angry looking scientist peered into the cells one by one then shouted, "Shaddup all of you!" He sounded Irritable "It's tube time!" He then opened each of the doors one by one. Lining up the teens single file. Torimaru was placed in front of Suchi and he seemed very upset "Not another experiment," He was directing his whisper to Suchi. "I don’t think Peromaru or B-Chan will last." The scientist led the five friends to a sterile looking room. In it were five gigantic tanks, each one filled to the brim with varying colors of fluids, and each with a different label. "Starting on the far right number 001,"Said the scientist as he rubbed his temples. "Yes, I'm going." Zhisi said, with her head hung low as she walked towards her specified container. "Number 002 center right," said the scientist with a tone of anxiety in his voice, and a look of tired anger in his eyes. As Zhisi was lowered into her tank everyone heard a moan come from B-Chan as she was led to the tank next to Zhisi’s. "003 center." The Irritable scientist shortened his orders as he checked off what looked like a list of numbers and animals the teens were never sure. B-Chan was lowered into her tank as Peromaru stepped forward with a broken look in his eyes. Passively, he was led to the center tank. "This is killing me," sighed the scientist as he rubbed his left temple. "004 center left, 005 far left." he checked off the last two numbers on the list, and led Suchi to the far left tank. "Are they ready?" asked Sgt. Amuro, who as a reward for putting in a winning bid for his country was going to be a witness of the transformation and training for the five teens. "Strapped in and ready for the final DNA bath." answered the tired scientist. As he pulled the lever that activated the life support machines that were strung into the fluid and linked to the teens. "All signs are Green." From the mind of Zhisi: Together again they separate us in tanks I cant see my friends End of chapter 1 Peace be with you ~Sakurachi24 (aka.. Jessie Denaro)
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