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Currently??? Japan *I wish!!!*
Member Since
stay at home artist and lonely as hells...
Real Name
Jessie (my friends call me Kitty)
Published twice, recived 3 awards for my creativity, and sold a painting for $1000,i been drawing since pre-k (getting dumped several times)
Anime Fan Since
The age of 6 when Kitty first saw Sailor Moon on DIC, and Dragon Ball on the WB, public access television.
Favorite Anime
YuYuHakusho, Saiuki, Inuyasha, Chobits, Rave Master, Gravitation, Getbackers, Slayers, Sorcerer Hunters, Those Who Hunt Elves, All Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku, Sailormoon, Duel masters, Escaflowne, anything by Hayo Miyazaki, Tokyo mew mew, Utena
I want to become a cartoonist because you can dress casually every day and do what you love(creating anime).
Drawing and Videogames, sumtimes Kitty sleeps
Creating new charecters for Kitty's portfolio,Keeping in touch with friends.*I dont have many so there a very special treasure to me.*
Sunday, August 21, 2005

Who's Your Dream Naruto Girl?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
Genetix Written By: Jessie Denaro Illustrated by: Jessie Denaro 8/20/05* * * * * *
* * * Hey, Jessie here I wrote this book and I guess this is where I do a kawaii little dedication okay then…
…here’s to all my good friends who inspired my story Brooke, Deanna, and Jeff. My family who inspires me to draw constantly, Mom, my sister Samantha, Mammy and Papa and my cat Sly. * * * * * * * * * Prologue Zhisi ~Diary of a Cat~ part I It was on a sunny winter Monday I ran into school, eager to see my friends. I couldn't wait to share the latest details about my weekend. I was always early, so I didn't find it strange that my friends weren't there... least until some really important looking military people came down the hall and took me away.B-Chan ~Diary of a Bunny~ Part II A sunny winter Tuesday is when it happened; missing posters with Zhisi's face on them were being plastered all over the school. I was looking at one of the posters, wondering to myself where my friend could have gone. Suddenly a military official approached me and told me he could take me to her. If she was in any trouble, and the military was involved, why am I connected? I guess I'll find out.Peromaru ~Diary of a Dog~ Part III This has been a really tough week, and it's only Thursday. The guidance counselors have been speaking to all of the students about B-Chan, and Zhisi disappearing the way they did. During my interview I confided all of my feelings about the situation, and I spoke very clearly into the tape recorder, "They're my best friends I would never do anything to endanger them." After I was interviewed on the incidents I vowed that I would do anything to find my friends... ...A military official speaking to a classmate of mine heard me and took me away.Torimaru ~Diary of a Bird~ Part IV Three of my closest friends disappeared last week and fear laces my heart in thinking what might be happening to them. Especially Peromaru, He's not very fond of pain. "If I could rescue my friends with a wish I would"... ...That's when I saw a high ranking military official looking at me, he must have heard me because he said something into his walkie-talkie and a group of grunts stormed in and carted me off.Suchi ~Diary of a Chipmunk~ Part V I feel as if my friends were picked off by some government conspiracy plot to brainwash an innocent group of otakus and rabid yaoi fan girls into some sort of mindless slaves to society. I spent some good time panicking before I saw him... ...Hah the government is in our school. "Hey, you!" I shouted at him not thinking, and he had me dragged off as if I were a dumb animal. Sgt. Amuro ~A Military Report~ Part VI "A group of anime crazy teens were abducted by a company in Japan called The World Industry of Genetics (W.I.G.). An organization dedicated to selling mutated super-weapons. W.I.G. is going to transform these five abducted teens into animal hybrids with predatory urges. They will sell these breedable weapons to the highest bidder, and we will get these weapons." I felt on top of the world as I gave my report to my troops. "Any questions soldiers!" A hand raised, it was Lt. Roth. "Speak up Lieutenanant This isn't grammar school!" I shouted at him, I loved my authority. "Sir if I may ask sir!?..." Lt. Roth Shouted with his own cracking voice, "What Sir, is anime?" Right then it was hard for me to imagine someone the lieutenenants age not knowing what anime was. But then I figured he had better things to do than be a nerd. After my random thoughts I spoke, "Lieutenant, anime is a form of cartooning from Japan. The word Anime Derives from the French word meaning cartoon, the Japanese adopted the term shortly after hearing and coming to like it." From the look on my troops' faces I knew I was grabbing their interest. "The teens being genetically altered deeply love Japanese anime and it's comic-book form called manga." I then presented my troops with stacks of anime DVD's and multiple different genres of manga. "These will be pacifiers for the teens, to prepare them for battle we will create a form of withdrawal to make them vicious." A sudden roar of applause rose from the troops, it seems a good idea is well admired.
End of Prologue Peace be with you ~Sakurachi24 (aka. Jessie Denaro)
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