You're the half-breed / ancient race! Some may see
you as looking a bit awkward on the outside,
what with your furry ears and/or tail or your
scaly dragon wings, but many will probably find
you adorable as well! You tend to be a
cheerful one and rather good at athletics that
have to do with agility and stamina, and often
times you have some sort of special gift that
either allows you to communicate on some level
with wildlife or cast some sort of rare and
powerful spells. Ever helpful, you'll eagerly
leave the home youve always lived at in order
to help your friends on their quest, even if
you dont get approval to do so. You have an
innate desire to see the world and you never
quite seem to lose your cheerfulness for too
long or your childlike innocence, proving to be
quite refreshing to your comrades when things
turn too somber.
What Female Fantasy Archetype Are You? (For girls-->Results are anime pics!) brought to you by Quizilla