You're Seiichiro Sakaki, the chief mechanic for the
Tokyo Police's Special Vehicles division! An
expert when it comes to the functions of
Labors, Sakaki does his job very well and is a
person of sage advice for any of Section 2's
teammates when they want to know about the
Ingrams (most often Asuma, it seems) or other
Labors. He has a no-nonsense attitude and can
be quite imposing, expecting professionalism
and nothing but the best from those who work
with him. As a result, the young mechanics who
work under him (such as Shiba) are incredibly
terrified of him, and everyone tries to stay on
his good side. It is quite hard to get things
past Sakaki, and he usually notices when
Section 2 and his crew are up to something very
quickly. Somewhat old-fashioned, Sakaki cannot
seem to cope with the new technologies that
keep rising up around Labors and has come to
accept the notion that someday Shiba and the
other technicians will have to take over his
position, despite this, however, Sakaki
continues to do his best at his work, always
ready to put his expertise into use when its
needed (which proves to be quite often)! :)
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