alchemist ninja (09/24/07)
Hey cool site do you mind if i add you if is ok
fukaoiheizen (07/27/07)
rock on tigers da coolees animals eveand u got them all over the place!^-^ ur site is awesome
foamy14 (07/06/07)
Hey thanks for signing my GB. I love your site. Thanks for adding me too. I'm going to add you too. See you around.
ShatteredAngel (11/24/06)
Hello it HurtingAngel, well it was until I locked myself out of my site
I hope you don't mind if I re-add you to my friends list
yuko711 (09/02/06)
uino-chan (08/22/06)
hey there!! may i ask a favor!!! kudasia!!
how can u change ur cursor?!!! pls!!
or change ur background?!! just like u did here!! its awesome dude!! soooo sugoi!!! pls!! share some!^^
hope to here something from u then!!
tomoe crystal (08/08/06)
hi there,
cool bg and avatar i really like it looks like you luv tigers too ^_^ well you have cute things in ur site also hehe well im adding you as a friend k g2g im really busy i'll see you sometime k.
@{- crystal
amogoi (07/14/06)
forgive me for taking so long to get around to signing your guestbook. I lost contact with otaku for a long time. but I'm back now, and hoping to stay. well, see ya round!
Reoku-Himura (07/03/06)
*signs in purple* Hey! Sorry it took this one so long... issues in life provented me from remembering Myotaku! But here she is ^_^ Nice site that movie is so cool!
KJ-11 (06/27/06)
hey thanks fer signin my book.i appreciate it. i like yer bg. it reminds me of my little cuzins. cute little pupys. yes, very cute. well if you need anyone to talk to pick me, cuz like i git bored and irritated really fast. well anyways i'll add ya.
well gota jet
hey: tite site
Lataz KJ-11v ^-~