Hearts Mind (07/09/05)
Wow, you're really new. Welcome to MyO. I got your username from SunderedYingYang (Sam) and decided to stop by. I'll add you to my friends list. See ya around.
tsuyu-sama (07/09/05)
Uwahhh! Your site is so pretty!
schoolgurl (07/07/05)
hey.thanx for signing my gb. i like ur site. ill add u as a friend. pm me anytime.k?bye^_^
moonofdarkness (07/07/05)
hey, thanks for visiting my site and signing my gb. i see that you are new here and you've already got a great start on your site.
if you ever need any help, you can always ask me. i'm not an expert, but i can research it for you.
i'll add you as a friend, 'kay?
hatsuhara (07/07/05)
hi, im hara san
i like your site and im just now understanding this too. do you have aim, msn, or yahoo
im are
ttyl hara san
Night shade2 (07/06/05)
I like your site I especially like your avatar. Could you sign my guest book I would really apreciate it.
kittykatangel (07/06/05)
Welcome to myOtaku! SunderedYingYang told me to visit you!
If you need help with anything just ask, although I'm not exactly a computer genius...
Anyways, I'm gonna add you as a friend k? Hope that's okay.
Come stop by my site sometime!
Kuramagoddess1 (07/06/05)
Thanks for signing my guestbook!! I shall help you with anything IF you need me PLEASE pm me!!! I will help you the best way I can!!!! I can also give you some awsome site to add things too I shall also add you as a friend!! Hope you don't mind!! Bye and WElCOME TO MYOTAKU.COM!!!! ^.^
AngelofDark12 (07/06/05)
thanks for signing my GB! i'd be glad to help you but what do u need? just PM me and i'll help u! ... or knowing me, i might screw up just a little but i'll fix it so don't worry. ok, neways, i'll add u as a friend too.
Ja ne!
SunderedYingYang (07/06/05)
Hi Sam! Hope you like this place! I'll add you as a friend, k?