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Monday, July 16, 2007

Whats up?
Well My day was okay at work. I got stuck in the bubble room when I got back to work after lunch because I had 3 masters which have four rolls of bubble in them to pull and I had to get them all pull by 4:30 because my boss order 6 more masters and they are going tomrrow. I got all but one roll done so I have to pull that one tomrrow morning. Friday I am going to my moms for the weekend because I am going with my aunt, uncle and grandma to a barque at my aunts uncle's house so I maybe on and may not but I will be on tuesday, wensday and thrusday after work.

What are you doing this weekend?


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Saturday, July 14, 2007

Sorry that I didn't really get to post yesterday but I don't have a computer at home so I have to come to the library to get on the computer. The library closes at 5:oo on fridays and I get off at 4:30. Well I have to check my email go home because I am going to stay the night at my aunts so I can go to the new harry potter movie. I am going to go with my grandma to her hair appointment first.

ps if anyone know html I need help with my twilight willow site it is all mess up.

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Friday, July 13, 2007

Whats up?

I am going crazy because I had to work today

I will post tomrrow.
Have to get off.


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[]Make out with me

[]Hug me

[]Date me

[]Kill me

[]Love me

[]Hate me

[]Hold me

[]Lie to me

[]Hurt me

[]Sing with me

[]Dance with me

[]Grind with me

[]Touch me

[]Lick me

[]Bite me

[]Cuddle with me:

[]Let me make a move on you

[]Make a move on me

[]Play with me

[]Watch a movie with me

[]Get me a B-day gift:

[]Caress me

[]Let me borrow your car

[]Let me see you naked

[]Be there for me

[]Buy me a drink

[]Take a shower with me

[]Bring me around your friends

[]Give me a massage

[]Take me to the club

[]Go to sleep with me

[]Do me

[]Drink kool-aid with me

[]Look if i was naked

[]Take advantage of me

[]Let me take advantage of u

[]Hangout with me

[]Take care of me if I wasn't feeling good

[]Hold hands with me

[]Do something incredibly sweet for me

[]Give me a lap dance

[]Tell me you love me

[]Let me call you

[]Will you repost this so i can do the same for u?

What would you do if you woke up next to me?

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Thursday, July 12, 2007

whats up
I just got off of work. Our labels that were number for us were numbered wrong so the boss had to number them again for us. The hot bubble room is a shed with no window and it is right off of the building. The only two ways to get air in to that shed is to open a door and turn in the fan.

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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

whats up?
I just got off of work and I am wipped out. I boss came up to my mangner and told her to tell me that my boss wanted me to go in the HOT bubble room and pull bubble because we are going to need it tomrrow because we aren't going to do other orders tomrrow and my mangner isn't going to be there so I was in the HOT bubble room until ten mintues to closing time. I felt like I was going to faint because I was so hot. I was so hot that I had to take a break when I was suppose to be working.


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Friday, July 6, 2007

hi everybody why is that when tinker needs to talk to me she always does it through posts, Well If she talks to you will you tell you to pm me if it is that important. I think she really would like to know why I had to move.

really really need to talk to tinker

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Thursday, July 5, 2007

How is everybody doing I guess that I will update this site since samie isn't going to do it she is proably updating her own site right now if she pms you will you tell her I would like to talk to her.

Happy late fouth of july

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Thursday, June 21, 2007

I am going back home this sunday to see my grandma and to go to work
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Saturday, March 10, 2007

Hi I am back and I know that I have havn't been on that much here latley but I will be on every saturday because my parents got wireless internet. They did have dial up. Well I have to go but it feels great to be back
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