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myOtaku.com: Samie

Monday, July 30, 2007

   move back a day
I sorry but my next story is moved back a day because it is really long.
But I went to work today and I put my snack and my drink and my pics in the break room then I went and my boss that this week was my last week, she said that she was going to tell me friday that today was going to be my last day because I was only hired for this big order that they had and then I was done. So my last check is going to be very low. I am actually glad that today was my last day because I need some me time and not have any one home. We have been having some water bug problems so my grandpa call okin and they came early before we got off of work so they call my grandpa and had him get off early. We also have these small bugs that are smaller then ants and they are lite brown. I am going to my moms this weekend for seven months out of the year. Well I have to go to the other site.

Question of the day
What do you like to do in your free time?


Ps I am going to start a quote of the week that I get from a site on the internet though my email I will put the quote up tomrrow.


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