inuyashafan101 (07/17/04)
thanks people dont appriciate my work but ur on my friend list ^_^
HeartOfSword (02/10/04)
Hey...I like your stuff. It's good to see originals every now and then!
DarkKagome (12/30/03)
me and my friends Emiri, and Shinaksueka really like to sickenly fantasice (sp?) about them!!
saminoske01 (12/30/03)
i signing my own guest book...hmmmmmmmmm i would like to say............stuff
Mindman (12/24/03)
heh thanx for the compliment on my drawing. i dont get many of those. ur drawings are pretty cool too. well.
Sara (12/22/03)
Why'd you choose your username? I'm curious.
Gasara (12/08/03)
Hello, there. Thanks for visiting my site, and saying nice things about me. Touching my head won't transmit drawing ability as it's currently brainless, and touching my drawing hand might give you a bad reputation (what the hell am I writing?!) Take care, saminoske!!
snow fox (11/23/03)
hi there, thanks so much for visiting my site, it's much appreciated ^___^ oh, and your site is soo bacong ^_^ hmm, that word reminds me of bacon. mmmm... ah, okay yeah, keep drawing, you should send more art in! peace!
GTK (11/10/03)
allo ^_^ *huggles* danke danke for signing my guestbook~
You should post some more art XD *laughs* I think the pic you have up now is pretty cute ^^
kephren (11/08/03)
i will remedy this. yeah, i draw from scratch unless otherwise noted (like i have an Inuyasha up i drew from a scan of the artbook). anywho, good luck on computer graphics animation, maybe we'll work together (i'm gonna be an animator! i must! XD)