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Pirate. Island.
Member Since
Merchant of Human Lives
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Captain Stan
Gathering a large army of Mediterranean Pizzas.
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Since Godel.
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Paranoia Agent, Gravitation, Excel Saga
Either to set fire to the universe or to blow up time.
Ruling villages...Plundering villages....Burning villages....
Some...are the which I speak. (Also; suffixes. Quite the talent, I'd say.)
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Sunday, April 25, 2004
Always assume everything in life will be crappy. Then you'll always be pleasantly suprised.
Either that, or right.
For example, I was was obligated to go to an end of year banquet for my hockey team. I thought, nay, KNEW that it would be crap.
First of all, I pertty much abhor large social gatherings, especially those that involve dancing. Well... the dancing wasn't that bad...I did do the Chicken Dance. (C'mon, how could I not?)
The highlight was probably the food. Five course Italian dinner? I couldn't have missed that. Also, we did what one must do EVERY time many people come together to eat. Yes, we found as many different foodstuffs as we could and put it all in a glass. And made Samm drink it. Only three of us participated, everyone else told us that we were acting like for year olds and what we were doing was "Sooo grade four!" (One of them inhaled approx. 6 helium baloons. Ha.)
And then there were the boring speeches. And the ceremonial plaque handing-out. How come one team got Sandman to play when they went up, and we got fucking GIRLS JUST WANNA HAVE FUN!? Well, I do know why. It's cause our co-coach loathes that song BUT STILL. Cindi Lauper...geez.
I wish I didn't dress up, though. I got misinforminated about what I had to wear. Waah.
Anyways, it still sounds slightly more entertainging than Home-Decorating shows. Heh.
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Thursday, April 22, 2004
Stupid slow not my computer!!!!!!!!!
I have found the secret to complete and utter bliss.
After an annoying test-filled week;
Not watching hockey, but
Lying in the middle of my floor.
Surrounded by Shakespeare.
Analyzing a sonnet.
Fountain Pen.
The only light source a tiny lamp.
Windows open-- nice, cool air.
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British humour is the ONLY humour.
Did I not tell myself that I would not try out for rep hockey this year? DID I NOT REPEAT THIS TO MYSELF OVER AND OVER? Did I not remember evr'y single hideous experience I had this year and think 'Why would I do this of my own volition?'? Way to give up another weekend of your life just so you can give up another year. Way to go, Samm. I'm so proud.
Aren't fountain pens THE BEST? Fountain pens or brussel sprouts, whichever happens first.
Go to my brother's blog so you can make fun of him for getting Ivy on the "What SC II Character are you?" quiz. He is E102 Gamma.
Song of the Moment: Rose- A Perfect Circle
If anybody ever sees me on Survival Project or Gunbound, (which you probably won't since I can't play on weekdays T.T) say a quick "Hello!"
SP: Acephalos
GB: CaptainStan
One day I'' find something relevant to post about...One day.
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Monday, April 19, 2004
Professor Spinklebottoms, Astrophysicist
And now...
The Story of Fred the Metaphysical Emu
One day, for some unknown reason, my brother stated that everything he said was true. Hearing this, I scrawled the statement "Samm has an emu!" on his chalkboard, and told him to read it. I now had a theoretical emu! Realising what he had done, he then claimed that my poor little emu was dead. How very sad. I then gave him the emu as a gift, telling him that he could not refuse it, as that would be ever so rude. So now we had this dead emu floating around phase space. Later conferring with a friend, we established a number of facts facts.
1. He was MY emu,
2. He was not dead,
3. His name was Fred,
4. He was blue and green,
5. Since he was only a potential emu, he was therefore infinite in size.
Ah... good times.
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Sunday, April 18, 2004
Because editing old posts is for sqaures.
An evening with G
Talking about old kids' shows
G:Remember "Professor Iris"?
Me:Yeah...Didn't he take his class on field trips in his chalkboard or something?
G:No, they were in his closet...NO I DID NOT MEAN IT THAT WAY
Me: O__O(Four days of sickness and a mouthful of soup issues from my nasal passages)
I think you just had to be there.
Additionally, if Ms. Frizzle taught Philosophy, what would the bus turn into? I guessed Reality. If she taught metaphysics, would it dissapear? Hmm.
A friend of G and me promised to invent Lightspeed Underwear. I NEED to get me some of those. Sewioswy.
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 Postatem obscuri lateris nescitis.
"You do not know the power of the Dark Side." There are two possibilities: you are a Star Wars geek, or you are unreasoningly scary.
Which Weird Latin Phrase Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are a GRAMMAR GOD!
If your mission in life is not already to preserve the English tongue, it should be. Congratulations and thank you!
How grammatically sound are you? brought to you by Quizilla
For sweetest things turn sourest by their deeds;
Lillies that fester smell far worse than weeds.
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My "To Do" List:
-Kidnap the offspring of a rich and influential buisnessman and hold said child for ransom
-Use newly aquired funds to purchase Skies of Arcadia
-Choose a Shakespearean sonnet to analyze for English class (94, 35, or 147?)
-Recover Shakespeare from the bowels of Zoin
-Finish reading the veritable library of books that await me
-Destroy the Death Star II with brother
-Destroy brother
-Kill Master Belch
-Invent a death ray
-Use death ray on annoying clock thing
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Sunday, April 11, 2004
I have this little red thing that's a clock and a calculator and an alarm and oh so many other things. I got it from selling magazines. To my family. One day, it played a song. (Of which I do not know the name) It kept playing... and playing... and playing this song. This was a highly annoying song. It would not cease. So I threw it on the groud. The song stopped for about five seconds, and then began again. I then chucked it at a wall. Same result. After throwing it at my brother, down a set of stairs, down the set of stairs three times over, and finally stomping on it, the screen cracked and stuff in the screen leaked out. This happend some weeks ago. Just now, I left my room. The thing beeped three times. This startled me, causing me to jump. And then. The song. Began again. Throwing it in The Room of Said Brother, he begins to yell: NOOOOOO! Screaming and running from his room, he deposits it in mine. This debilitated, obviously broken machine CONTINUES TO PLAY THIS INFERNAL SONG! To this day, I sing the song over...and over...and over....the possesed Calendar-Clock has taken yet another soul.
This style of incidence has happened before...many Decembers ago. We has recieved some odd electronic violin lil' beastie from our cousins. This contraption would blaspheme various songs by Motzart, Beethoven, and the like. One day, it got stuck on...I don't remember...I believe it's Sonata in G or somesuch. Anytheways, whenever I sing or play this little ditty, Mon Frere goes ballistic and attempts to strangle me, or anything else to that effect. I believe it still haunts his nightmares.
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Thursday, April 1, 2004
'Tis random, I swears it is!
Opening credits: | Glen Miller Orchestra- In the Mood | Waking up: | Mustard Plug- Mr. Smiley | Average day: | Mario Theme | First date: | Crazy Train- Ozzy Osbourne | Falling in love: | Fire- Jimmy Hendrix | Love scene: | I believe in a thing called love- The Darkness | Fight scene: | TROGDOR!!!!! | Breaking up: | This Love- Pantera | Getting back together: | No Self Control- Planet Smashers | Secret love: | Somewhere over the Rainbow- Judy Garland | Life's okay: | Cashmere- Nerf Herder | Mental breakdown: | Institutionalized- Suicidal Tendancies | Driving: | Devo- Whip it | Learning a lesson: | We threw gasoline on the fire and now we have stumps for arms and no eyebrows- NOFX | Deep thought: | Pretty Vacant- Sex Pistols | Flashback: | Led Zeppelin- Stairway to Heaven | Partying: | Missionary's Downfall- Planet Smashers | Happy dance: | Rancid- Ruby Soho | Regreting: | The Unforgiven- Metallica | Long night alone: | Black Orpheus- Wayne Shorter | Death scene: | The Leaving song- A.F.I | Closing credits: | 5000 Ways to Die- Nerf Herder |
Your Life: The Soundtrack brought to you by BZOINK!
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Sunday, March 28, 2004
Have you ever just wanted to STAB someone?
Today was a sad day in Hockey Land.
Walking into the dressing room, I find it *gasp*, silent. Further increasing my level of confusion, a team member stands up and anounces; "Okay, we're gonna go around the room and everyone is gonna admit to what they did." Say whaaat? Leaning over to the player on my right, I asked what had gone on the previous night. I had assumed it was just a normal sleepover, one I had laboured hard hours freeing crabs to avoid. She whispered back a hurried answer. The only word I could make out was "beer". Interrogating about seven other teammates and parents, I found out that beer was found and consumed and that consequences were being considered. The coaches talked to everyone who was present for the previous nights' fiasco, allowing the other player who didn't go and I to absent ourselves. Apparently, we may be taken out of not only the next tournament, but also the provincials. Now, I wasn't too keen on the idea of this season going well into April, and let it be known that tournaments are pure torture...BUT IT'S THE PRINCIPLE OF THE THING! I had ABSOLUTLEY NOTHING to do with this incident and, what, approx. eight hours or more of ice time is taken away from me?? Ain't that fair... (Excuse my use of the word "ain't".) IMMA ASPLODE SOMEONE!
At least the semi-final game (with my other team) was, like, a miracle...whoa.
The LAST PLACE TEAM defeated the FIRST PLACE TEAM 1-0. Our horrendously...crappy...goalie got a SHUTOUT! The guy I wanted to disembowel scored THE ONLY GOAL! We won TWO MINUTES INTO OVERTIME! We'd only won maybe...TWO TIMES BEFORE! w00t.
But today? We went back to sucking. Sucking like we always did. *siiigh*. Ah well. Second place. I sure didn't see that one coming. ^^
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