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Wednesday, February 25, 2004
The story behind your name - One of my parents, can't remember which, says: Sam! Uncle says: Let's add another M! Parents agree! Wow! ('Sam' comes from Great- Grandfather Samuel, Del comes from great-grandfather Delbert. I'm named after men. Woo hoo. -___-)
Are you a lesbian - no.
Where do you live - Under the sea!
1 word that sums you up - Haggis.
Wallet - the zipper fell off. I'm pissed. I gotta go get that Gloomy-Attacking-Child one. It rocks.
Hairbrush - A what now?
Toothbrush - It's periwinkle and white and over used and nasty and I need a new one before I contract a disease from this one.
Jewelry worn daily - Skull-in-a-black circle pendant, 1-800-autopsy bracelets, stripey-wrist-thingy, red stringy bracelet thing, axe going through ear earring, fairy-skull chain, skeleton-guy, Tibetan bracelet...
Pillow cover - Dragon, sometimes ants, sometimes blue and white stripey.
Blanket - red and blue and yellow trianges on white. or dragons. or ants. or blue and white and stripey.
Coffee cup - Argh, too many...Uh, my name, Iowa, Les Beaux Gar's name, The National, Bruce, A Lovely Day for a Guiness, Texas, Watkin's Glen...
Sunglasses - They're purple and bent 'cause I sat on them and they make me look...like a hippie...blah.
Underwear - nope. (kidding, Pirate Boxers)
Shoes - Lime green yellow striped bowling shoes, one pink one black sneakers, black boots (I have too many shoes. grr.)
Handbag - eeeew. :p
Favorite shirt - 1-800-Autopsy!! or Montreal Intl. Tatoo Expo! or TROGDOR!! or Zero-Infinity!! or Indian beer label!! or Captain of the Fire Department!!
Cologne/Perfume - I smell good enough with out it ^_^
CD in stereo right now - I'm listening to me Launch Station. ('You'-Mustard Plug)
Tattoos - Naw, too permanent.
Piercings - I wish...T.T
What you are wearing now - Black long sleeves, Black "EXTREME" pants, checkerd-y sock, nerd-turtle sock, lung-in-a-heart O.o necklace.
Hair - Short and curlyful, some bleached parts left over from the purpleness! ^^ Not brushed. No style.
Makeup - eewewewewewewewew.
WHO or WHAT (was/is/are)
In my mouth - cinnamon hearts.
In my head - little to none.
Wishing - I had some food in close proximity to my mouth.
Persons you wish you could see right now- Uh...I'm fine with seeing noone right now...
[ x ] Is next to you - CDs and cases, jewlery, lip balm for some reason, bed, closet, Barbie Phone O____o, Glue stick, a flyer for March Break Hockey Camps, a postcard of Sainte Cecile by Max Ermst, a Gulshan Kumar tape, a pig-flinger pig, backpack, research on Drake, Chinese-food package lamp...
[ x ] Some of your favorite movies - MUPPET TREASURE ISLAND!!!!!!!!
[ x ] Something you're looking forward to in the upcoming month - D n' D, next 'House League' game.
[ x ] The last thing you ate - Nachos.
[ x ] Something that you are deathly afraid of - Davey Havok.
[ x ] Do you like candles - 'specially when they're left with our class *UNSUPERVISED*
[ x ] Do you like the taste of blood - *insane giggles which eventually turn into incomprehensible ranting which leaves me huddled and rocking in a corner, giggling again.*
[ x ] Do you believe in love - no
[ x ] Do you believe in soul mates - good muffins, no.
[ x ] Do you believe in love at first sight - hells no.
[ x ] Do you believe in Heaven - no. Gimme evidence and maybe I will.
[ x ] Do you believe in forgiveness - ....yes?...
[ x ] What do you want done with your body when you die - A Burial at sea! Or, science! But why would it matter? I'm DEAD.
[ x ] Who is your worst enemy - the Barbie Phone *glares at innanimate objects scattering room* ARGH THERE IT IS! KILL IT!
[ x ] If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be - Sloth. It'd be me best friend. ^^ Or if I could...control the vermin....MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH-*ahem*
[ x ] What is the latest you've ever stayed up - I dunno, 4?
[ x ] Ever been to Belgium - No, but once I make my "List of Places to go RIGHT NOW" list, it'll be Number 31, I guess.
[ x ] Can you eat with chopsticks - According to Sir Ivan, "My technique is EXCELLENT." ^____^
[ x ] What's your favorite coin - The spud coin me Les Beaux Gars has from P.E.I. It has a potato on it! yaaay!
[ x ] What are 5 cities you wouldn't mind relocating to - Anywhere but Skagway or Dildo.
[ x ] What are some of your favorite pig out foods - Wasabi Peas, Rice Crackers, Shrimp chips, Mentos (Never Again!) jalepeno pepper rings, jalepeno chips, sugar, uncooked pasta, anything.
[ x ] What's something that you wish people would understand - If people don't agree with you DON'T FORCE THEM TOO, YOU [Explative] **freeee willlll**
What's something you wish you could understand better - Math, Science, Any or all other languages.
Anyone you miss that you haven't seen in a long time - Nope.
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Thursday, February 19, 2004
I can wear the same pair of pants for MONTHS
I think I'm going to start a campaign or something... Students Helping Abolish Violence Endangering Shakespeare...or...something.
The random attacks on Shakespeare have gone on FAR too long.
Myth: Shakespeare is a suitable outlet for your murderous rage. That is not the case! Shakespeare may not look like it, but he's both sensitive and delicate!
Myth: You have justification in ruthlessly beating Shakespeare, because it his his fault that you're failing courses such as English and Drama! Wrong again! That is entirely your teachers' fault! A small, plush-and-beanie toy does not deserve these savage attacks! His head is falling off, people! HIS HEAD!!! And that's only one of the many forms of abuse Shakespeare has to endure whenever he leaves the safety of my locker or my room.
Myth: Shakespeare is *not* lonely! He has many friends. He doesn't need your "help". Please stop violating Shakespeare. That is all I ask.
In conclusion, please respect this Elizabethan-Age writer. Read his plays. Die of boredom. Watch his plays, renact them, ANYTHING! But always, always eat your vegetables. Thank you.

Look! Someone has mounted his head on their slippers! The fiend! (I gotta get me those slippers.)
(and everybody reading this is like WTF^^? 'cept for maybe Godel. Or maybe not.)
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Sunday, February 15, 2004
Not that...not that...I cared that I was...shunned...heh. I didn't..care.heh.heh.
*ahem* Yes, well. Good game. Must purchase it. Wish there were more RPGs for the 'cube. Another day spent owning brothers' friends at Soul Calibur II. Well maybe not owning, as such. (More like losing. XD) Well I did beat them using Voldo...(eew :p) 'Cept when one of them used Link's Uber Cheapness. Only a cagematch can defeat that crap. But meh. Great game when you wanna release all that murderous rage that tends to accumulate.
See you later, Kupo! ^.^
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Saturday, February 14, 2004
Do the Shino Dance
Wooo...Just saw the 19th ep. of Nartuo. (Yeah, I suck, Imma n00b...)
'Twas truly the best episode of ANYTHING I have ever seen...I laughed, I cried. And cried...Damn, I was like...hysterical...Wow...I blame it on the fact that it was midnight, and when I don't sleep, I get all....hysterical. And and and then...I tried to watch more...I think my disk drive is gonna explode. It goes:
*chv* *chv* *chv* *chv* *ckl* *ckl*
as oppose to
And the other drive, it wont play anything. It's like its not fuckin there. Dude. Mayhaps I should just sleep. Nah...I shall try, try again. I wonder why noones told me to get off my damn computer yet. Feh, s'all good. I'm vapid when it's late. That's sad. T.T
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Thursday, February 12, 2004
Note to self. Never mix a Sony fan with a Nintendo fan. Much anger shall ensue. I fear I have made a horrible mistake. Wait no, they just made up...aww...that's so cute...
Can't wait for Queen. w00t! Will buy own dice, will buy own Miniatures, will buy MANGA! YES!
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Tuesday, February 10, 2004
Just Drums; No, I didn't say Just Drugs.
Question: Why does modern music suck ass?
I'm finding it hard to beleive that I've been listening to it for so long. I realise now that its all a bunch of crap. Take "Punk". Just a ton of over-used, cliche mantras screamed over and over again. Add one chord, (two if you're lucky) and a repetitve bass line with approx. three notes (there are exceptions to the rule. Check out some old Rancid for some killer bass). The drumming may be fast, but so simple a monkey can play it. That is, if you can seperate the sounds of the three different instruments. Usually it's just one big ball of nosie, punctuated with high pitched voals, which rarely if ever vary between bands. A genre based on an image? Pathetic.
What is this "Nu-Metal"? I can accept most old metal. Zeppelin, Sabbath...They've got definite musical skill. But the new stuff? The whiny, self-deprecating lyrics sound like they've come out of a 16 year old female with PMS rather than a grown man. I do believe in expressing yourself emotionally, but every band appears to be expressing the same emotion in the same way. I could at least appreciate the lyrics if they were poetic, or at least original. Again, you will find three crunching chords, simple drumming, and no descernible bass line. You will never find a solo. Ever. Lots of screaming. The mass appeal? 16 year old girls with PMS can relate to the mopey verses. Fine. (For an example of mopey yet POETIC lyrics, try A.F.I.)
I touched on Metal. After purchasing my first metal comp, I had sorted metal into two categories. Less than half the songs have wicked bass, insanely complicated percussion, and yes, guitar solos. It's music. The majority of the tracks consist of some sort of dying-emu sound resonating from what must be a guitar. I believe it's only one chord...Hard to tell. The bass is drowned out by the Guitarish noise. The drums...Only the snare is heard, and it sounds like a garbage can being struck by an angry male moose. The vocals are obviously meant to deafen, stun, and inevitably kill the listener. Sometimes they're just telling the listener to kill others. Whatever works. (Sometimes known as Hardcore)
Rap. Or, more accuratley, porn. I could focus my rage at the male counterpart, for the explotation of my gender. But no, I turn to the females. How could one let oneself be used in that way? How can one let onself be so influenced by the media? It sickens me, it truly does. I find that most songs have no substance. (I've heard the occasional inspiring song. 10 points to Nas, etc.) The majority are centered around sex, money, women, flashy accesories, T&A, cars, etc. And sex. If you must prove your "Manlyness" by being surrounded by as many females as possible, please, do it in the privacy of your own home. (That's it. MuchMusic is going on Block. I'm so glad I don't have Mtv)
Hmm...There's Soft Rock. Boring, uninteresting, bland...Bossa...Whoa, elavator music is actually listened to OUTSIDE OF ELAVATORS?! I can't see how that works. I just can't. I dislike country. It irritates me. Southern American soungs about killing Cousin Earl. Personally, I don't see the appeal. Each to their own, I say! Yes indeed!
My only excape is Jazz and Classical, I guess. That's real music. Talent from every instrument, and something great to relax to. But it tends to miss the spunk and energy I look for. That's why I enjoy Ska.
Ah, the elusive ska. Known by few, fast and 'funky'. It gets annoying when taken in large doses. To much happy. *Shudder* It makes me giggle, nonetheless. S'like...fast reggae. Complete with horn section, and a (usually, hopefully!) quality band. May I suggest the Planet Smashers? (For that Canadian Charm)
In conclustion, music is pissing me off and breaking my heart. Just you wait until I start my OWN band, World!!! Just you wait.
But...that's just English music! English music sucks. If you gotta get away from the Englishnessisity of it all, there is always the comfort of J-Pop waiting there for you. Aaahhh...So great. So amazing. J-Pop. w00t.
(Sammie apologizes for offending those who love the afforesaid genres. Sammie hates writing negitive opinions. They're so pointless. But Sammie had to get this down. She just did. Sorry. GO NERDCORE! NERF HERDER OWNS YOU!)
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Saturday, February 7, 2004
An odd moment in parental history:
Driving to hockey game with daddy. I say, "Hey! Did you know that i was up at 6:40 this morning playing Gunbound and watching Naruto???" He then launches into a tirade. It went a little something like this:
If you spend to much time watching Naruto, you'll go crazy!! If you start believing that Naruto is more important than school, and if you start believing that Naruto is more important than sleep, you'll start hallucinating!! You'll think your a Naruto-Person, and you'll climb on the roof while singing Japanese songs!! Then you'll jump off, thinking that you can fly!! You'll go crazy!!
I told him that 6 a.m conditioning skates were'nt good for him and that he shouldn't coach Bantam A next year. Imma kill someone, there's never any drum solos.
Muffins Above, that was teh Most infuriating. Game. Ever. A Mass slaughter is in order. DAH!
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Friday, February 6, 2004
I'm sleeeeeeeepy. Meh.
Thanks for the Naruto eps Godel. Thanks again. You are truly my suply of anime. Thanks. I shall watch.
I'm thirstyyyyyyy.
And I shall halt my complaints. For now...
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Wednesday, February 4, 2004
Mango Snapple
Thanks for sendin' me the Naruto fourth ending...with...the lyrics for the...chorus.......
I've been listening to it on loop for the last hour or so...(stupid movement interfering with my listeningness)
What an amazing song...wheee....I should be studying, eh?
I love this song...First time I've ever had to put a song on loop!
Yay...Whole NaruTaru season out for DL...Now I can watch what I've only heard about from Godel...
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I give you...The Biography of the Wasabi Snacks.
The rice crackers originated from Japan some 200 years ago. The product is made from 100 percent glutinous rice and is shaped to a variety of forms and sizes and flavoured to meet a range of consumers' taste in many countries. It takes a full seven days to transform rice into rice crackers. During the process no chemicals or additives are added. The rice subjected to a natural fermentation process produces amino acid- an important protein derived from the starch in glutinous rice. The rice grains steamed in a huge pressure cooker form into a big cake (called Moji). The Moji goes into cold storage for fermentation for three days. It is then removed and cut into different shapes. The cut pieces are dried for two days and allowed to stand for one day to bring them up to room temperature. The next step is to toast the dry Moji in an oven to make it crisp. The process is completed by blending the product with different flavours or adding soya sauce to taste. The rice crackers you are about to enjoy are mixed with Wasabi Green Peas. Wasabi is the green Japanese mustard sushi lovers relish and is a staple in the preperation of authentic Japanese cuisine. The crunchy sweet peas are coated with wasabi adding an aromatic spicy kick and are a flavourful compliment to the crisp zesty taste of the rice crackers making every last handful as satisfying as the first. Dan-D-Pack Wasabi Rice Crackers are a whole new twist to the taste of rice crackers. Give it a try. You will love it!
And I did. And I want more. Now. Dammit.
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