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myOtaku.com: Sammiechan

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

   Just Drums; No, I didn't say Just Drugs.
Question: Why does modern music suck ass?
I'm finding it hard to beleive that I've been listening to it for so long. I realise now that its all a bunch of crap. Take "Punk". Just a ton of over-used, cliche mantras screamed over and over again. Add one chord, (two if you're lucky) and a repetitve bass line with approx. three notes (there are exceptions to the rule. Check out some old Rancid for some killer bass). The drumming may be fast, but so simple a monkey can play it. That is, if you can seperate the sounds of the three different instruments. Usually it's just one big ball of nosie, punctuated with high pitched voals, which rarely if ever vary between bands. A genre based on an image? Pathetic.
What is this "Nu-Metal"? I can accept most old metal. Zeppelin, Sabbath...They've got definite musical skill. But the new stuff? The whiny, self-deprecating lyrics sound like they've come out of a 16 year old female with PMS rather than a grown man. I do believe in expressing yourself emotionally, but every band appears to be expressing the same emotion in the same way. I could at least appreciate the lyrics if they were poetic, or at least original. Again, you will find three crunching chords, simple drumming, and no descernible bass line. You will never find a solo. Ever. Lots of screaming. The mass appeal? 16 year old girls with PMS can relate to the mopey verses. Fine. (For an example of mopey yet POETIC lyrics, try A.F.I.)
I touched on Metal. After purchasing my first metal comp, I had sorted metal into two categories. Less than half the songs have wicked bass, insanely complicated percussion, and yes, guitar solos. It's music. The majority of the tracks consist of some sort of dying-emu sound resonating from what must be a guitar. I believe it's only one chord...Hard to tell. The bass is drowned out by the Guitarish noise. The drums...Only the snare is heard, and it sounds like a garbage can being struck by an angry male moose. The vocals are obviously meant to deafen, stun, and inevitably kill the listener. Sometimes they're just telling the listener to kill others. Whatever works. (Sometimes known as Hardcore)
Rap. Or, more accuratley, porn. I could focus my rage at the male counterpart, for the explotation of my gender. But no, I turn to the females. How could one let oneself be used in that way? How can one let onself be so influenced by the media? It sickens me, it truly does. I find that most songs have no substance. (I've heard the occasional inspiring song. 10 points to Nas, etc.) The majority are centered around sex, money, women, flashy accesories, T&A, cars, etc. And sex. If you must prove your "Manlyness" by being surrounded by as many females as possible, please, do it in the privacy of your own home. (That's it. MuchMusic is going on Block. I'm so glad I don't have Mtv)
Hmm...There's Soft Rock. Boring, uninteresting, bland...Bossa...Whoa, elavator music is actually listened to OUTSIDE OF ELAVATORS?! I can't see how that works. I just can't. I dislike country. It irritates me. Southern American soungs about killing Cousin Earl. Personally, I don't see the appeal. Each to their own, I say! Yes indeed!
My only excape is Jazz and Classical, I guess. That's real music. Talent from every instrument, and something great to relax to. But it tends to miss the spunk and energy I look for. That's why I enjoy Ska.
Ah, the elusive ska. Known by few, fast and 'funky'. It gets annoying when taken in large doses. To much happy. *Shudder* It makes me giggle, nonetheless. S'like...fast reggae. Complete with horn section, and a (usually, hopefully!) quality band. May I suggest the Planet Smashers? (For that Canadian Charm)
In conclustion, music is pissing me off and breaking my heart. Just you wait until I start my OWN band, World!!! Just you wait.
But...that's just English music! English music sucks. If you gotta get away from the Englishnessisity of it all, there is always the comfort of J-Pop waiting there for you. Aaahhh...So great. So amazing. J-Pop. w00t.

(Sammie apologizes for offending those who love the afforesaid genres. Sammie hates writing negitive opinions. They're so pointless. But Sammie had to get this down. She just did. Sorry. GO NERDCORE! NERF HERDER OWNS YOU!)


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