Birthday • 1988-08-12 Gender •
Female Location • Hamersville, Ohio Member Since • 2004-03-15 Occupation • work in a medical lab Real Name • Samantha( Ram Sam Sam)
Achievements • i am having a baby and with a great man Anime Fan Since • 2003 Favorite Anime • Marmalade Boy, Love Hina, Mars, Paradise Kiss, Dragon Ball, Sailor Moon, Shaman King, Ah My Goddess, Chobits, Yo-gi-oh, Rurouni Kenshin, YuYu Hakusho, One Piece, Bug Boy, A.I Love You Goals • to be a great mother Hobbies • snow and picking my nose SammyJoe
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
It is 2 after midnight, and i am tired i have to get up at 7 to go to my uncles and help with a car cleaning it but hey it gets me out of here lol.
Hmm what else to write well i want to do like a theme each day give me ideas i want to do quotes but give me the kind you like and i will put on up everyday well take care
Thanks everyone!! I got 20 comments yesterday. And i will visit all your sites when i get back home. I had to get up at 7:30 and i went to bed at 11:30 omg not sleeping is killing me plus my sis woke me up at 5 looking in my mirror omg lol
Okay everyone this is a big change b/c i am now changing my site around i mean the colors and the bg i need one this one is boring and looky two posts in one day and don't forget to read the other one as well and well i will comment on you alls sites later tonight so don't worry i still love you guys
see me not depressed me happy *stares*
Well, don't really know what to post up here. I am almost done with my book called Their eyes were watching god. It is pretty good. And then i watched the movie called The Color Purple and i have to read that book also.
well hmm what else guess not much i'm tired still. and hungry i think i might go fry some pancakes for me and my sis, ahh lol
It all sucks but i will get over it, Chris dumped me. I guess it wasn't true love. I guess there is others out there for me. I just have to wait and not be so impatient well i love you all very much. You are there for me and i know that. Thanks guys and gals.
I will not give up just yet. I am a person who strives for the better and that is what i am going to do.
Well i can't be on this much this week b/c i am grounded from the computer and i miss you so much chris, well i hopefully can get out of being grounded but she is really sticking to this this time, well i can't visit noones sites but i will when i can get back on this week i love and miss you guys
Well i have been back and i already told you all that lol. I just thought i would update i don't think i will be updating that much this summer just when i can b/c i feel like i am getting bored of this i'm sry but no one comes to my site and all lol, oh well i am said b/c chris will be gone i miss talking to him. i love him so much, i wish he could move out here
well i am going
I love you Chris and i'm missing you have a great time when you are gone
Hello Everyone,
How is everyone? I just got back today from a week at Buckeye Girls State. It was an okay experience. I made 39 and more new friends. It was hard remembering their names that goes with the faces. Ashland University had okay food. We ate three times a day and did our jobs and I took a college class seminar and it was okay. It was pass or fail exam. I got to be a Municipal Judge for my City. My city was called Deal and my County was called Nickoson. And i stayed in a really shitty dorm room. The doors was falling off and the beds were so confortable. We had only four showers on each side and four stalls to use to go pee. And they put natural laxatives in the food. OMg that really sucked it made my stomach hurt for a very long time. We couldn't watch no t.v and we had a set schedule and then i had a roommate, she was pretty nice. There was like 846 girls up there and it really sucked. There was like no guys not complaining b/c I have a bf but still it was so ahh you know what i mean girls. And then we had no airconditioning. So we had to use fans. And then after it rained up there it got really cold and i had no hoody or long sleeves. So i kinda was cold. Well i only got to get on the computer once while i was up there and it was not for long b/c i was so busy and i called home everyday b/c my grams wanted me to. But everyone up there was so nice and well i will miss them all. Well i hope i didn't bore you with all my story. I will have to tell you about it more often and i think i will go take a nap now. I missed you guys so much *hugs*
I love you chris and i missed you so much
*hugs and kisses*
And like i was campaigning and i didn't talk to that many ppl and well they all remembered me which made me really happy.
Well today is my last day on here for a week. Tomorrow i am leaving to go to Ashland Ohio and it is like a 3-4 hour drive and i have to be in a car with two of my sisters omg, it is really going to suck. And i am getting kinda nervous b/c i won't know anyone up there and it will just be weird. So today all day i will get on and off if i am aloud and visit all your all sites that have been updated.
Well i don't know else to put on here for this post. Yesterday was a record for me i got 19 comments on my post. I am so happy. *happy dance* and today is also Chris and I's three week anniversary i lied chris i thought i was four but it is three. Okay well Just wanted you all to know that, i am going to go now and eat me some breakfast. Well you all have a great day
I love you Chris
I love all of MyO friends so don't worry i'll be back