Birthday 1988-08-12 Gender
Female Location Hamersville, Ohio Member Since 2004-03-15 Occupation work in a medical lab Real Name Samantha( Ram Sam Sam)
Achievements i am having a baby and with a great man Anime Fan Since 2003 Favorite Anime Marmalade Boy, Love Hina, Mars, Paradise Kiss, Dragon Ball, Sailor Moon, Shaman King, Ah My Goddess, Chobits, Yo-gi-oh, Rurouni Kenshin, YuYu Hakusho, One Piece, Bug Boy, A.I Love You Goals to be a great mother Hobbies snow and picking my nose SammyJoe
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Okay my grams is being so unreasonable she is really starting to piss me off, everything i do is not good for her and i can't have a great weekend without her bitching at me, i swear i will be so happy to get out of this hell hole and i know a few out there that knows my grams and hates her as much as i do, i know it isn't right hating her but if someone yelled at you or talked about you to others everyday of your life and it will just make you so mad you won't care anymore
I am so sry if i offended ppl, i just can't cope with things like this, it makes me wanna cry but i am too strong for that!!
Today Lenny Jennifer's bf said She is out of the coma, i am happy for her, and thank you all for who prayed for her recovery, i don't know the details but if you want she is jennifer92. Thanks everyone
So yesterday i was talking to rich this one guy from texas and i got on my scn he didn't know and i was saying things this prank said to say and he had no clue it was me and he is like you are going to get it back lol hmm i can just imagine what it will be.
I don't know what else to write in here i just woke up and well i still have to do just one more chp in chem and read some ap psych, umm it is a rainy day and i think i just might have time to visit all yours sites
I hope you guys have a great april fools day, to bad i ain't in school to have this day, you know what i would do lol, man there would be a whole bunch of great pranks right about now, that would be so awesome haha, so tell me what you all did for today with the pranks anything good yet?
He who is born a fool is never cured. ~Proverb
If every fool wore a crown, we should all be kings. ~Welsh Proverb
I hope life isn't a big joke, because I don't get it. ~Jack Handey
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. ~Japanese Proverb
Don't give cherries to pigs or advice to fools. ~Irish Proverb
I hope you all like my lil quotes i thought it would be great to have some today, you know april fools and all, some of them don't make a lot of sense but at least i think they are funny, haha. well have a wonderful and great day!!!
I just woke up and it is almost noon. Man i was tired i was doing my Chemistry at 12 last night, i was like oh i am not tired i will do some now. lol and i got a lot done. I hope we can acutally do something fun today, this whole week has been boring as ever.
I was thinking last night and i was going to ask a few questions but i kinda forgot what they were going to be. But i will be thinking when i write the rest of this.
Eh here it goes....
1) Does everyone really read the posts? Or do they just comment or a lil bit of both?
2) Does it matter what ppl write in there posts, i mean like not talking about anime or things like that?
3) What do you really think of me? Yes that one is kinda shallow but hey gotta find out one way. And Sarah i know what you think shithead
4) Write anything you't know what else to put on here...well i hope you all have a wonderful day.
Well i think that was one of the most stupidest posts but hey at least you can probably now see my pic in my post to see what it looks like, and well i think i might do the rest of my hw and maybe ride my bike depends on how far away the ppl are working on the water, hopefully by the end of the week and next week we will have the nice city water and no well!! i hate that thing, my pipes freeze and get screwed up. well until next time my friends
Yes you get to hear from me again today aren't you all lucky, well as i said before it was homework day and i didn't do much of it lol, pooy i still have to do chem ahh i hate that class i dread that class, well hmm what else to put on here, well i know i have to visit your all sites, and hm well i will update tomorrow and i hope i can get to your alls sites,
ttyl and love you all
So how does everyone like my site, i switched somethings around and i am still working on it, and well today for me is homework day just like it is for street racer well i hope you all have a great day
i will update later on too.
SEe ya
How is everyone today? It is a beautiful day. They are putting the pipes in for our water so we can have city water, well right now we have a well and we use it and well it sucks and then we will have the nice water ahh, lol crazy old me, i read bleach manga and it is pretty good.
How do you all like my site? I think i am off to go do some chemistry haha, or psych. what to do, well ttyl
See you and love you all
I would like to thank all the ppl who have helped me on here and that have been so nice and are nice...
YokoBandit Has a wonderful site that helps with myotaku html thanks
X CaNNoN also a nice person that is helpful
Wolf Angel She is a nutt but i still love her
Weaver A great friend
usagi sohma she is a friend no matter what
Takara Sohma same with her toni you are a great friend even when i was mean thanks
Street Racer She is a shithead but you gotta love her lol if you know her then you will get the shithead part right guys?
Snow Guardian Even though i was mean and stupid acting to her she is a great friend. Sry Jennifer
Silent Love Awesome person
PockyStix Nice site and great friend always visits me thanks
Mimi heather you are so sweet girl
Jaxx You are a great guy and you will find love one day and so will i lol you hear about it enough that i need a bf lol
FruitsBasket4Life thanks for the help on my site you are a great friend
hidden golden eye you also helped me on my site even though i am a confusing person thanks
brokenandinlove you are also a great friend you also helped me on my site
amcgirl13 lol you are one of the best ppl on here i have known you from the begining almost and you are a awesome friend thanks for everything and welcome back
blackflameddragon amy my friend you are like a sister that i never had and never will haha look at them jk, and i know we fight and things but you will always be there for me and i will always be here for you girl i love ya
Blue Hawk thanks for the otaku guardians and you are a great person on here too, you have an awesome site and club thanks
chaos 7 even though you are never on here i always talk to you on aim and you are a great guy, we always can talk about things and have a lot in common lol well i hope you have a wonderful day
Thank you guys you are all the best and my site wouldn't be anything if it weren't for you guys.