Birthday 1988-08-12 Gender
Female Location Hamersville, Ohio Member Since 2004-03-15 Occupation work in a medical lab Real Name Samantha( Ram Sam Sam)
Achievements i am having a baby and with a great man Anime Fan Since 2003 Favorite Anime Marmalade Boy, Love Hina, Mars, Paradise Kiss, Dragon Ball, Sailor Moon, Shaman King, Ah My Goddess, Chobits, Yo-gi-oh, Rurouni Kenshin, YuYu Hakusho, One Piece, Bug Boy, A.I Love You Goals to be a great mother Hobbies snow and picking my nose SammyJoe
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Hey guys i have one fanart. You should check it out. I am so happy they accepted it ya happy for me *hugs everyone* ya happy dance. Sry guys for being so happy. lol well ttyl
I am thinking about changing my colors b/c my blog is pink i think i am gonna make the background either pink and then the writing blue or the opposite k, well tell me what ya think bye
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Well i don't know what to say. Life is so stupid right now. I am turning 16 next months and i don't think i will have a great one either. It kinda sucks. We really don't have the money to get much. Well i guess i will just have to wait and see right well ttyl bye. I hope you guys have a great day.
I will tell ya more later on when i get back from the Dollar General. Well bye bye
Yesterday was tiring. Man i was so tired. I slept 11 hours and man i am still tired. But i can say that is was all okay. Had some fun. The ride home was the best. lol. we did the whole punch buggy thing. Today i have no idea what i am gonna do. I will probably do some homework. I just hit 600 visits and i rank 400 thanks guys!!! hugs* Ya well here is a pic.
Take the quiz: "WHAT RELIGION BESTS SUITS YOU?" Average Christian You're not going to become a minister anytime soon, but you do your best to live your life in a Christian way. This means that although you probably don't attend church every Sunday, you do your best to follow the Ten Commandments, help the needy and generally be an all around good person. Who needs to follow the entire bible anyways? It was written ages ago, and Christ transmuted it by giving his life.
boy nextdoor your kind is the boy nextdoor he is mr. perfect and is very sweet and romantic
Take the quiz: "Are you a good friend?" Yeah You are one good mate, you never let your friend down even if it means being boring unpopular and beaten up!!!
Well today was the bday party. She is a great cousin. But i didn't know anyone there. It was one hour and 30 mins. away. It was okay. They had a lot of food and we ate there. My other cousin was there and she is only 14 months old. So we got a pic of the oldest and the youngest there. And my other uncle he drove his nice car it is a pontiac grande prix gtx man it is red and so pretty. lol i love that car.
Well tomorrow i probably won't be on at all if i do it will be late. I have to go to an 80th bday party for my cousin. I hope it will be fun. It is more like a family reunion. Well we all know how those go right? lol well don't have really much to say. But i hope my gram will let me go to kings island with heather. i have to ask her sometime when she isn't in a bad mood. lol well here is the pic.
All i wanted to do today was sleep. I went to bed at midnight like always and had to get up at 8 lol that sucks for me.
Thank to amcgirl13 for all the visits and gb signing. She is really a great friend. Well here is a pic. I hope you like it.
I don't have to get any glasses. I have really good eyes. They are better then 20/20, knock on wood. LOL. And my sis got a 4 on her ap test that's really good. It is like an a or b in college. I hope i get that good on my tests next spring. And finally my uncle got a job. That's even better. He needed on. Lazy bum. lol well ya that's all