Birthday • 1988-08-12 Gender •
Female Location • Hamersville, Ohio Member Since • 2004-03-15 Occupation • work in a medical lab Real Name • Samantha( Ram Sam Sam)
Achievements • i am having a baby and with a great man Anime Fan Since • 2003 Favorite Anime • Marmalade Boy, Love Hina, Mars, Paradise Kiss, Dragon Ball, Sailor Moon, Shaman King, Ah My Goddess, Chobits, Yo-gi-oh, Rurouni Kenshin, YuYu Hakusho, One Piece, Bug Boy, A.I Love You Goals • to be a great mother Hobbies • snow and picking my nose SammyJoe
Friday, March 18, 2005
Just Listen
Hello everyone, ealier today i got pissed and said somethings that offended everyone, and i am sry to those who i have, you know who are you are, the ones that left comments saying that it was wrong(not the ones i am mad at)
but if you really want to know the whole story well here it comes
It all started last year, me and Street Racer were having some problems and Jennifer who at that time was a senior, well she kinda started things bt me and Street Racer and well at that time things started to get tense and well let me tell you everything was not so good, then when my mom had passed away Street Racer and Jennifer said some horrible things about her, and well Street Racer did say sry and well Jennifer did but she never meant it, well then Jennifer said things about Street Racers grandpa that passed away last week before he even died, she said ohh she is just doing this to get attention and that was not even it, it hurts when someone you lose that is so close to you and then someone going and saying hurtful things, well Jennifer just got a dose of her own medicine, and i am sry if i did cause all of this trouble, but hey you have to say things to get ppl to realize what you have put them through, and MIMI, i am sry if i offended you personally you never did anything and i know you hate seeing everyone figt, but a lesson to everyone, fights are going to happen look at the world no one is perfect and i know i am not i can admit that, and yes i did use a lot of hatred words and well they just flow once you get so pissed, i am sry if i caused heartack to anyone, and well this is my sincerity apology (spelled wrong) to everyone that i have offended on this site, it is not used to lash out at ppl, but hey it is just how i reacted, i usually keep things inside, but it all built up and exploded,
well i hope i have fixed some of your guys wounds
with all my prayers