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Garland TX
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I won a Jedi Outcast tournament
Anime Fan Since
Around 8
Favorite Anime
Samurai Champloo
To collect as much anime as possible.
Playing videogames and watching anime
I rock at Computer and console games
| SamriChamploo

I am a Samurai I will own you. There is no escape so die. Hey guys My real name is Jonathan and I am a big samurai fan. I am taking tae kwon do but in about 2-3 years I am going to switch to kendo to learn how to use a sword. Hope you like my site.
Friday, October 20, 2006
I'm back
Hello everybody I'm back. I had a myspace now but since my school blocks it, I've come back.
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I'm back
Hello everybody I'm back. I had a myspace now but since my school blocks it, I've come back.
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I'm back
Hello everybody I'm back. I had a myspace now but since my school blocks it, I've come back.
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Monday, May 8, 2006
My life story pt 3
Here is my life story's next part enjoy.
Ater a couple of years the siphers, Nathan and Zack's family, and my family all moved to different places. The Siphers moved to Florida, Nathan and Zack moved to Utah and we moved only two miles west to a house that was 3200sq ft. There we met two kids called Cameron and Ryan. Cameron was 8 years old when we first met him and Ryan was 6, and Cameron was from Alberquerque NEw Mexico, while Ryan lived in EL Paso Texas . They were cousins who visited here on summers and holidays, and We built a strong friendship playing basketball and soccer together and eventually dreaded each time we were seperated. Soon after we moved, I decided to join kids bible quizzing which is a national game that that is played by teams of five. (There can be unlimited teams in the competion and in a single church as long as there is 5 people. To play, you have to answer multiple choice questions that are read by a judge, and you answer them by taking the letter of the answer that you think is right. If you get it right your team gets 10 points, but if you get it wrong, you get no points. There are 3 rounds of 20 questions in each round, and after each round, one person on the team goes to a minor judge to see if they can earn bonus points by reciting a verse that is in the rulebook from the section you are playing from. If you got it right your team got an xtra 20 points). I was so good that I went to regionals as part of an all star team from many cites in New Mexico. The Regional quiz was held in San Francisco and the church I was from wouldn't sponser me and the others from my church that made it. Just as we thought hope was lost, a person from our church decided to sponser us and that he would play for the plane tickets, the rental cars, and the hotel. SO we went to the airport in Alberquerque and we flew to Dallas first to get on a plane going to San Francisco. Unfortuneately, a heavy thunderstorm hit the Dallas airport and we were delayed until the storm. My mom (who was accompanying me) said around 10 o'clock that if the plane is still delayed, we are going to go to my grandma's house who lived nearby if the storm doesn't let up. Fate luckily was on our side that day and the storm let up but we arrived in San Francisco at one o'clock in the morning. Despite the fact that we were all tired we managed to get third place in the quiz and we returned home with a third place trophy and a small trophy for me for a perfect game. Ill tell you the rest later in pt 4.
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Thursday, April 13, 2006
Life Story delay
I'm sorry guys about the delay but I have to delay writing to next week.
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Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Life Story pt 2
Here is my next post about my life story. I hope you enjoy it. When we moved to Portales New Mexico we soon figured that we needed our own house instead of an apartment and as a result we rented a house in a nearby town called Clovis. Our house was one story tall with a big living room that u see when you open the door and it also had several bedrooms off to the right and the kitchen to the left. It took us several weeks to get settled in but after we did we went out to meet the neighbors. Next door to the left was a family that also moved here recently and their last name was Sipher. (One thing I forgot to mention last time was that I was always homeschooled for my whole life up to this point). This family also homeschooled their kids since all of them were dislexic (correct me if I have the wrong spelling). They had two boys and a girl. The oldest one was a boy called Steven who was 15 at the time I first met him in 1998; he was an avid toonami fan (also I didn't have cable back so I didn't know what it was), and he also was a hardcore gamer. His dislexia was very minor so he didn't have many problems usually. The next oldest was the other boy called Michael and he was 13 when I first met him. He got hit hard with his dislexic disease because he couldn't even make out the letters correctly. One thing that was really bad that he was also a mentally retarded man (not just stupid, I mean seriously retarded), and his favorite hobby was watching slapstick comedy movies and cartoons. The youngest one was Victoria who was 12 years old. Her dislexia was also minor and she became a close friend to my sister Natalie. We soon became friends with them and also other kids on the block. Steven Sipher introduced me to anime when I was 8 when he showed Matthew and I gundam wing episodes for like 3 hours. One thing that he had that we didn't also was an N64 with starfox64 and 007 goldeneye, but actually we spent most of our time outside usually if the weather was good playing with my laser tag set that I got with my birthday. Matthew, Steven, a 14 year old guy called Nathan, another kid called Joshua who was 15 I think and I would play for hours and we would our front yard, backyard (which had a little hand made wooden shack which we transormed into a fort), and the Sipher's back and front yard. Sometimes we would also included the alley way behind us. If there was too many people to play laser tag like if the girls, my younger brother Mike, or another kid called Dallas joined in we decided to play tag with a twist. Instead of traditional tag we would play jail tag in the dead of night (Jail tag is tag where people who get caught get sent to the garage until other people tagged them out and you have 3 lives and if you run out of lives you are it). On rainy or just bad days we would gather at the Sipher house and play goldeneye. After the first year there we managed to gather other occasional people like a 12 year kid called Bradley Struthers who was a friend of mine for a long time and you will hear about him a lot. Also we had Nathan's little brother Zack who turned 8 and we considered him mature enough to hang around us. Another person was Nicholas who's actually was Bradley Struthers best friend. (The reason I am giving so much background is for further rteferances to other stories about them). I now have to go, I will write part three soon.
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Friday, March 24, 2006
My site
I finally found a good background to cover my site and I'm trying to find a good song to go with it. The next time I will be writing a life story segment will probably be on March 28th or 30th. I hope all of you are reading will be patient enough to wait. Please sign my guestbook and also comment on my posts, but please don't be a hater.
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