jeeze what has happened to me.. i used to be obsessed with the o... the other thing is that im computer less alot until my mom buys my laptop.. shes getting a broken one and fixing it... -_-' i dont want a broken computer!!!! damnit.. plus im gonna kill it with my yaoi in the first week AHAHAH XD
i have ninja fox icons on MSN LOLOLOLOL
anyways ive been having some trouble, more than normal.. i have my horse here at the house now.. ill post a pic of him i took yesterday at the end of the post. the reason hes at the stable at my house and not the stable in Barrio san jose is cuz the owner of the stables let some other dude put shoes on my horse and my horses hooves were too short to put new shoes on.. sooooo... my horse had 4 nails in the frogg of his foot.... thets the soft part that has feeling incase u didnt know.. thats like someone jabbing 4 needles under ur fingernails. so i paid 20 dollars for a truck and brought him home were i can take care of him since he cant be ridden for another week and a half. i over slept this morning and he didnt get his grain on time cuz i wont let me dad feed him.. im afraid he himght over feed him
im not feeding him as much as they do at the stables cuz im scared of over feeding him, but after a while ill get closer to what they feed him so when he goes back he doesnt get ovver fed....
im paranoid when it comes to my horse ^_^ i love him too much to let something happen to him. i felt really bad when that mad put those nails in him... next saturday, im calling my dude to get him shoed. i have cool new shoes. theyre rubber, made of recycled tires. it also helps him not slip n the asfault cuz we use him in alot of parades sinccce hes one of those dancing horses.
ong.. im just sitting here talking about my horse.. my horse is great....
anyways ill be back on the o more often.. if i get time between myspace and Deviantart.
gaara....KIBA.....omfg GAAXKIBA YAOI
*cough* thought maybe some ppl might miss that side of me.. plz let me know if im right ok XD XD XD XD XD XD