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Monday, March 12, 2007
hola ppls!! well this weekend was kinda boring and i also sprained my ankle on friday and i couldnt really walk. yesterday i coulnd really do anything and my mom had a tests to do at her college. i had to helo my mom with her math since she hasnt done math in like 20 something years. well anyways today i went to valley fair, its a mall in california. my aunt and cousin were with us. i didnt have a hard time walking today which is good. cuz that means my ankle is getting better. right now my ankel is kinda swollen and it kinda hurts still. oh did you guys forget to change your time since daylight begins today. i think we get an hour of sleep this time. i also had hw to do so i did that. i could really talk to any of my friends cuz they wouldnt answer theyre phone and theyre were also studying. i think my friends teachers are trying to drown them with!! well i have to go to sleep now since i have drivers ed in the morning. it starts at 6:40am. i have three weeks of drivers ed left. i cant wait for it to end im kinda tired of waking up at 5am. i look like a zombie in the morning since it!!! ok now i have to go to bed so talk to you guys later^_^
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Monday, March 5, 2007
konnichiwa ppls!!
my current mood:

hi!! how has everybody been doin? ive been busy and havent got a chance to post anything^_^ well i just got my registration thing for next year, im having a hard time picking classes for next year. i dont know if i should take english AP and us history AP. if you dont know wat ap classes are, theyre classes that would look good for college but theyre really hard. and im also having a hard time choosing electives too. im gonna be a junior next year. time goes by so fast. well lets stop talking about school.... so wat have you guys been up to?? well i went to san francisco on saturday and watching the chinese new year parade. it was awesome and plus i had to do hw which really sucked. and i also bought new mangas. i bought negima 13, r.o.d(read or dream)vol 3 and azumanga vol.2. oh and im also gonan get my braces off on wednesday!! wel li already have half of them off. i get the other half off on wednesday!! YAY ME!! well i have to go now so talk to you guys later!!! bye!!
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Sunday, February 18, 2007
happy chinese new year!!!!

well today is chinese new year!! and im half well actually a quarter!! but i dont celebrate it cuz im mostly filipino. well anyways this weekend has been boring as usual. i was goin to san francisco today but i changed my mind i was only goin there to get yummy pork buns and probly go to japan town. sooooo hows your guys weelkend goin??? i have no school tomorro since its presidents day!! yay!! this is my second three day weekend for this month!!! i still have hw to do but thats only geometry so ill probly do it tomorro. my cousin has no school for the whole week. oh yeah yesterday i got 2 new mangas from borders well theyre actually not new but i got the 3rd vol of azumanga daioh and i got my friend high school girls cuz she reads that manga and thats gonna be her b-day present. well i just wanted to say happy chinese new year to the ppl who are chinese^_^ soooo talk to you guys later!!!
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Tuesday, February 6, 2007
so boredT_T
my current mood:

hey ppls!! havent been posting things lately. been busy doin hw and stuff like that. but my finals are over!!! YAY!!! now i started my new classes i have spanish 3 geometry pe and art 1. so how have you guys been??? ive been fine if you guys want to know^_^ my friends friend taya has given me a new!! she calls me kitty cuz i always wear a kyo beanie to school. sometimes she pats me on the head making me look like a!!! and like when i get angry she says "kitty is angry". LOL!! well i cant wait for the weekend eventho i dont do anything on the!! ill probly go to the library and check out nancy drew books or maybe anime dvds. anyways...... there is nothing to do and im soooo bored!!! i still have homework to do but ill get to that later. im so glad that tomoror i get to go to school at 8 tomorro. YAY ME!! lol!! my friend is inviting me over to her house on friday. my friends maria and ivy are also invited and were probly play dead or alive 3. i suck at that!! im not used to playing on fighting games on the x-box. well anyways i jsut got down watching all 26 episodes of ouran high shcool host club. i heard that theyre having a second season and that gonna appear in april. well i gotta do my homework now since i havent done it yet....>.< so talk to you later!!!
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Friday, January 19, 2007
finalsO_o....dun dun dun
well finals is coming up and that means i have to study alot for the classes i have finals inT_T that wont be a problem though..i hope^_^; my finals are on thursday and fri. but the good thing is that i only get two of my classes and that i get out at 12pm. the bad thing is that its two hours longT_T. i only have four classes so yeah. per. 1-2 on thurs. and per 3-4 on fri. i cant wait till the semester ends cuz im getting sick of the classes i have right!! well next semester i have spanish 3, geometry, art 1 and pe. im not gonna like spanish cuz my teacher goes off topic alot. sooooo how have you guys been?? ive been studying alot and im barely online. the only time im online is when i have to do hw. well im goin to the snow again... i just went last weekend. but this time im goin to ask my friend iv if she wants to come with us to the snow. but i highly doubt that she'll go cuz he has alot of studying to do. well i go to go study for two test i have tomorro so ill talk to you guys later^_^!! goodbye and good night!!
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Sunday, January 7, 2007
the snow
hey!! i havent posted anything in a while. so how ya guys doin?? so did you guys have a great new year?? i was so tired when i got back to school. well anyways yesterday i went to lake tahoe for the whole day. i played in the snow with my family. my brother stayed home since he didnt want to come. he couldnt make up his mind. well i came home at 2 in th morning. it was hella cold in the snow of course. we had snow ball fights and tried to build a snow man but that was kinda hard to do. my mom made a miniture snowman. the one thing that we forgot to bring was our sleds. but luckily this one family lent us their sled to play with. it was fun sledding down the hill. so yeah my whole day was practically in the snow. when i get home(im at my aunts house right now)i have to study for my biology quiz and do my hwT_T well i dont have much so im not complaining too much. i finally got my new english teacher since my old one had to go back home to boston to take care of her sick brother. my teacher's name is mrs. dollar. j/k!! her name is mrs. dollard. at first my and my friend thought that her name was dollar but its not. she made us write an essay about wat we want to be when ywe grow up. she kinda weird but its better than having subs all week. so yeah...well ill talk to you guys later!!
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Monday, December 25, 2006

MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL MY OTAKU FRIENDS!!!! hope you guys got every thing you wanted for christmas^_^ so wat didi you guys get to christmas?? it got final fantasy 12 and final fantasy 3. i also got the full metal alchemist movie and also got lots of clothes. i have more presents to open at my dads house. last night was fun except my aunts sister's kid was clinging to me and kept telling me to play with her. she was so cute!!! well i didnt go to bed till 4:00 am this morning and got up at 9:30. so now im just watching confessions of a teenage drama queen with my cousin. well i cant wait till next weekend im goin to las vegas for new years and ill be watching fireworks. oh yeah and yesterday my friend ivy said that she had her christmas party early and opened her presents early. i think thats kinda messed up cuz youre not supoose to open presents till midnight. well i g2g so talk to you guys later!!!!
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Sunday, December 17, 2006
some chrismas pics!!!

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Saturday, December 16, 2006
winter break is almost here!!!!
hola ppls!!! so how ya doin?? today im goin chirstmas shopping. ad im gonna uy gifts for my friends. so are you guys gonna buy gifts for your friends?? anyways i jst have three more days of school and its winter break for me!!! my last da of school for this year is on wednesday!! yeah and were gonna have a winter rally which i think might be kinda boring. so anywasy wat are you guys gonna do on your winter break?? well g2g im watching whisper of the heart another hayao miyazaki movie.
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Thursday, December 7, 2006
im so hungry right now......
im in school right now and its not evne lunch yet. i wish it was lunch cuz im so hungry!! im so bored too. im in my computer class im just taking a break from doin alot of work in class. my teacher keeps on giving us so much work to do and gives us so little time to finish it all. wel anyways theres just a few more hours of school left so i hope it goes by fast. oh and i won tbe having an english teacher for the rest of the year wel actually semester since i wont be having english next sem. well anyways now or schedule thing is all messed up and well be having subs for the rest of the year. i feel sorry for the people who have my english class next sememster cuz they wont learn the things we learned when our regular teacher was here. so anyways i cant wait for winter break to start. mine starts in two weeks. how bout you guys.... when do you guys start your break?? well i have to go now and finish my work. since i was bored ill put in pictures that i found were really cool and cute. well hope you enjoy the pics i post on.
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