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Thursday, November 30, 2006
im so bored and tired oh and also cold*shiver*
hey ppls!! so how ya been?? rite now im in school writing this. well anyways this week has been so tiring and very cold!! two days ago my dads car window had ice on it and i was almost late to school. but even if i was late the teacher wouldnt mind. i have a test today in biology and i heard its really hard. so right now im studying in my computer class since i have biology next period. and then tomorrow i have a history quiz and a vocab quiz in biology.... see just when i get back from break i already have tests to do. but my friend ivy she has test in all her class today and tomorro. shes also in my biology class. oh....for the last three days i had a sub in english but now shes back from vacationT.T oh well i was fun while it lasted i guess. our sub wasnt all mean either thank god and he let us do watever we wanted in class of course after we did all our work. well i have to go to studying so i wont fail the test. lets hope i dont fail my bio test. oh before i go how was youre thanks giving break. mine was ok i guess. i mean all i did was stuff myself with food and watch a whole lot of movies.and i also watched my cousin and my brother play halo on xbox live. watching that was kinda boring. well im goin now so talk to you later!
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Tuesday, November 21, 2006
well i thinks its been a while since i posted!! well ive been you know busy woth school and stuff like that!! well anyways its finally thanksgiving break but some of my friend have school today and that really sucks. they only have two days off for their break. soooo.....enough about thanks giving have you guys been and wat are you gonna do for thanksgiving?? for i just have family memebers over and eat ham and turkey and other foods of course. today my friend ivy is coming over at 1:00 and we just gonna hang out and play on my gamecube. i told her that she needed a break from doin her hw since thats all shes been doin since last week..... i think that totally sucks having hw on breaks. teachers are insane for doin!!! well g2g do some of my hw so i can get it over!!! later ppls!!!!
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Tuesday, November 7, 2006
hi ppls!!
hola ppls!!! how ya been??? lst week was really hectic since i had to study for i think 2 test and i had to do homework over the weekendT_T. well anyways.... i only have four day of school this week!!! YAY!! i dont have school on friday since its veteran's day!! do you guys have school on friday??? i cant wait till friday besides the fact i dont have school me and my friend ivy are goin to play super smash brothers and other games. well i g2g since the bell is about to ring so just talk to you guys later!!
ps: im not really suppose to be posting things or emailing things in my computer class but for some reason my teacher never catches!!!
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Tuesday, October 31, 2006
its finally halloween!!!! YAY!!!! today is the day i get lots of candy and!! im goin trick o treating later. but first i have to do my hw before i go trick o treating which kinda suxT_T wel i hope i dont have much hw today. anyways besides it being halloween today i have two test i need to study for two tests and one of them is a mid term for biology... i hate biology but i hope i pass it cuz if i dont my grade will drop back to a C....T_T i cant believe that my teachers would give me homework on halloween. well anyways im being my self for halloween this year since i dont have anything else to wear. I AM A WRIST WATCH, TICK TOCK TICK TOCK!!!!!!!!
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Thursday, October 26, 2006
almost halloween!!!
its almost halloween!!! just 6 more days!! yay!!! are you guys gonna go trick o treating this year??? im goin trick o treating^_^ this year im gonna be myself or kyo!! wat are you guys gonna be for halloween? well i have to go to bed now so ill just talk to you guys tomorro^_^ sayonara and good night!
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Tuesday, October 10, 2006
guess wat......
hi ppls!!! so wats up?? so much hw to doT_T well anyways today i went to the dentist cuz have braces which i wore for 2 years already. and know for the good news i want to tell you guys.......*drum rolls*......well next month i get my braces off!!!! YAY!!! they finally get off and i wont have to wear them anymore!!!! but i have to wear retainers after my dentist takes my braces off. as you can see im really happy right now^_^ just one more month to go!!! well thats all i have to say^_^ i have to go do my hw since i still have some to!! well au revoir ppls!!
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Monday, October 2, 2006
so bored!!!!
im in school right now and im so bored and sleepy......-_- YEEEEEEEEEEE! my computer class is so boring and not fun at all. my teacher is stupid also. she thinks that i lost my computer book but i didnt!!! GRRRRRRRR!!! i didnt even take it out of the classroom. well anyways its just second period and im already!! so how have you guys been?? ive been doin hw all week and it just doesnt stop!!! AHHHHHHHHO_o!!! lol!! i hope you guys dont have as much hw as i do^_^ Now, my dear friends, I shall delight you with a simple fun song dedicated to the abstract concept of rigid connective tissue that makes up the skeleton of vertebrates.
The rib bone's connected to the leg bone!
The leg bone's connected to the arm bone!
The arm bone's connected to the head bone!
The head bone's connected to the leg bone!
The leg bone's connected to the rib bone!
The rib bone's connected to the head bone!
The head bone's connected to the arm bone!
The arm bone's connected to the rib bone!
The rib bone's connected to the leg bone!
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Tuesday, September 19, 2006
hi ppls!! part 2
ok this part 2 of my post^_^ well school was ok. i had to retake my biology quizz. well know im doin hw and listening to music while i do my hw. tomorro i have to to present how the respitory system works but of course im not doin it alone. honors classes give out lots of!! i also have to study for three test i have tomorrow, thursday and fri. last week i got my progress report in biology and i got an A. i was shocked that i got an A in biology. i usually get a B or B+ in science. well i have to do my hw now so talk to you guys later!!
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hi ppls!! part 1
sorry i havent been posting anything in a while. i was busy doin hw and my teacher give me hella hw to doT_T so how have you guys been?? so far school has been fun. since i dont see most of my friends i hang out with my friend ivy and tamara at lunch. well im in school right now and its almost time to go to my next class so ill post more after school^_^ well talk to you guys later!!!
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Tuesday, September 5, 2006
back to school!!
im back in school again....dun dun!! so hows was everybody's labor day weekend?? mine was fun. i went camping in lake tahoe. i had during my three day weekendT_T but i managed to finish it. some of it i did in school cuz i was too tired to do it when i got!! well thats all that happened on my labor day weekend^_^ so ill talk to you guys later!!
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