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Wednesday, August 30, 2006
first day of school^_^
today was my first day of school.i was so sleepy when i got to school. i just wanted to go back to bed. anywyas i saw most of my friends and some of them are in my classes. we also had a rally today which was kinda boring. i dont really like them much. well anyways my classes were ok and some are just boring to be!!! and my last period class sotra sucked cuz the teacher gave us hw on the first day and we have a quiz tomorroT_T so basically my day went ok until i got!! after school my friend kaila was telling me that her day went bad and she was puttin all her anger on me. i got kinda scared of her. she siad shes gonna get her schedule changed. i hope she does that soonO_o.... so how was your day today??
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Thursday, August 24, 2006
these are my classes for this year
just 6 more days till school starts for me...dun dun!!
well these are my classes for this year:
english honors
world history honors
spanish 3
computer tech
so wats your guys schedule for this year?
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Tuesday, August 22, 2006
orientation went well
my orientation went well and i got to see some of my friends at school. but i still dont know if im in any of my friends are in my classT_T they only gave us a sheet of wat are classes are gonna be. they also said well be getting our real schedual on the 1st day of school. i got a locker next to the library again. i dont know why but i like having a locker next to the!! well after my orientation i just hung out with my friends and chatted for a little bit.
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Monday, August 21, 2006
my orientation.....
well tomorro is my orientation. i get to find out if my friends are in any of my classes!!! YAY!! i hope my friends are in some of my classes^_^ school starts next wednesday....dun dun!! well im glad to be going back to school. i get to see my friends again!!! but then again ill have to do homework again-_-' oh!! so did you guys start school already??
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Tuesday, August 15, 2006
today was fun^_^
my dad said i could go!!! YaY!! step up was a good movie. except i was sitting all by myself in the movie!! i got there late and the movie already started. and i couldnt find my friends so i just watched alone till the movie was over. after the we watched step up, we went back to my friend amanda's house. it was the first time ive been to her house. i dont really go to most of my friends house except my friend maria's house. anyways we talked about school and other stuff and we ate fudge. it was really good but i dont really chocolate much it gets me dizzy. after all that she took me home. amanda's sister is a real pest and shes only 8 years old. i dont have a sister so i dont know wat its like to live with a sister in the house. well thats all i did today. talk to you guys later!!
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im acutally goin out with my friends...YAY!!
well tomorrrow im actually goin to hang out with my friends!! i havent seen them all summer. well were goni to the movies and were watching step up. but im not sure if i could go or notT_T i still have to ask my dad if i can go. i hope he says i can go. that would make me really happy. but i wonder wat else were doin tomorro....hmmm? my friend amanda said that shell call me tomorro morning. im afraid that she might call when im still!! well i g2g!! talk to you guys later!!! bye!
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Tuesday, August 8, 2006
summer vacation is almost over....oh!!
i havent posted anything in a!! so how is everybody doin? summer is almost over and i go back to school in 3 weeks. that really sucks!! but at least i get to see my friends again. well anyways.... my friend amanda is coming back from vacation on sunday. shes asking me to think of thing we can do whn she gets back?? do you guys have any idea on wat me and amanda can?? well i have to go now ill talk to you guys later!!
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Sunday, July 16, 2006
i was just bored so i just wanted to put pic of random anime picture since i barely have any pics on my!! oh yeah and i cant wait to see the bleach movie!!

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wats up peoples!!!
sorry i havent been posting anything in a while^_^ ive been enjoying my summer vacation off the computer. so how have you guys been? and hows your summer? so far dor my summer ive been to washington. but for most of my summer ive been at home. hanging out with my friends and doin other things. ive just noticed that i read alot during the summer since theres nothing to do. i go to borders alot to read! borders is like my library but i cantborrow!! well i hope you guys are enjoying your summer^_^ talk to you guys later!!
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Friday, June 2, 2006
hi peoples!!!
sorry i havent posted anything in a while. i was busy working on my powerpoint project for my computer class. my powerpoint is so cool!! most of my slides have anime things on it. so anyways... how have you guys been? me.... ive been fine today was our last day of swimming in pe. swimming was so fun except i had to miss a week of it cuz of random^_^' well my last day of school is in two weeks!!! YAY!!!
i cant wait to get out of school!!! when do you guys get out of school? well im in school rite now and i have to finish my powerpoint project!! talk to you guys later!!!!
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