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Saturday, March 11, 2006
hi peoples!!!!
sorry i havent been on lately. ive been busy.... well not really busy i was just too lazy to go on the how have you guys been? my week was ok i guess. i just found out that im doin the same projects i did in my last year's spanish class. now that really sucks cuz i have to do that again. but i could use my old projet and make it better. and if any body lives in Fremont CA, theres gonna be an anime expo in the teen center and if any body lives in the bay area i found out that the owners are selling japan town. and people are trying not to sell japan town. well i guess i said alot today. i normally dont say alot on my post. well i have to go now. ill talk to you guys later^_^ bye!
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Wednesday, March 1, 2006
wats up!!
sorry i havent been posting anything lately . ive been very busy and i had lots of hw to do. and my computer had a virus in it so my dad had to fix the computer. but now my computer is fixed and virus free. so anyways hows everybody's week going so far? my week has been boring and i got sick last week. but im feeling better now. i cant wait to get kingdom hearts 2!!!! i pre-ordered it i wouldnt have to wait long to get it. its my brother's b-day on firday and i made him something for once since he gets me things for my b-day. anyways im gonna try to put my pics that i drew on otaku so you guys can see them. well i got to go now. i have to go now. have lots of other things to do so ill talk to you guys later^_^
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Saturday, February 25, 2006
kingdom hearts 2!!!!!!!
kingdom hearts 2 comes out next month! im so gonna it comes out!!!

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Thursday, February 16, 2006
hi pplz!!
sorry i havent posted anything in a while. my dad had to fix the computer again. so hows everybody's week so far? and did you guys get anything for valentine's day? i did^_^ i got a flower from my friend kirstie and the rest gave my candy and valentine card. this week i only got four days of school cause i had no school on monday and next week i get four days of school also. on saturday i went to san francisco and saw the chinese new year parade but i was hella crowed and people kept pushing us just to get out of the crowd. and for the rest of the weekend i just watched movies mostly chick flicks. lol! wats funny is that my bro actually like one of the chick flicks i was watching. well i have to go now so ill talk to you guys later^_^
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this is from Lytjuh
i know valentines already past but i havent been on the computer in a while.... again it broke down. anyways i want to that Lytjuh for this valentine card^_^

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Wednesday, February 8, 2006
hows your week so far?
hi!! sorry i havet posted anything in a while. my comuptoer wasnt working so i couldn't go on. but now its fixed^_^ ive never posted anything early in the morning before. anyways hows everybody's week for far. my weeks been boring so far but yesterday i went to my friend's house and we were sparring. sparring really hurts when you dont have pads on. but me and my friend deal with it. were actually used to getting hurt while we spar. now my legs are sore from sparringT_T we had ten rounds of sparring. apperently i lost, but thats ok. well i have to go to school now so ill talk to you guys later^_^ bye!
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Monday, January 30, 2006
wats up?
finals are over and now im starting my new classes. i have spanish 2, pe, geography, and computer operations. but in my spanish class theres like only 3 freshmen in my class. i dont know anybody in my class. theres mostly sophomores juniors and seniors in my spanish class. in pe, my friend alberto was so pissing me off. he kept bugging me and my friend amanda. he went under the bleachers and stared pulling my feet down like something scary was trying to pull me down somewhere. and then he stared playing with my key chains on my backpack and started taking it off which got me even more pissed off. i dont really like people taking my key chains off my backpack. but over all my day was ok. i also had a minimum day. so i got out at 12:40 today. well thats all i have to say for now. ill ttyl guys later! bye!
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Thursday, January 26, 2006
im sorta in a good mood today^_^ today i just had half of my finals and i think i did good. tomorroe im gonna have the other half of my finals. and today i got out of school at 12pm. i hope i do well on my finals tomorro. for those who have finals i hope you do well too^_^
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Monday, January 23, 2006
howa everybody doin today? i have finals coming up and i have to study alot but i get minimum days on thursday and friday cause those are the days of my finals. do you guys have finals in school? well anyways my weekend was ok. all i did was watch movies and stay home all day. well g2g! talk to you guys later!
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Thursday, January 19, 2006
hows your week so far.......
sorry i havent posted anything in a while^_^ ive just been too busy to go online. i had so much homework to do and i have finals to study for. anyways hows everybodys week so far. my week has been boring cuz of all the homework ive been havingT_T well i g2g..... i have homework to finish. talk to you guys later^_^ bye!
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