Spirit Sight is your secret ability.
You see things not many people see, and you never
take anything for granted. You are the kind of
person who prefers to be alone. Not many people
take you seriously whenever you claim to see
things that many do not. However, it is the
things you see that make an impact on both your
life and the lives around you. Everywhere you
look, you see the spirits of the dead and the
spirits of the earth trying to guide,
manipulate and protect the people you are
surrounded by. Whenever something happens, you
know that the spirits are involved. It's just
that no one believes you. However, there are a
few people that take you seriously, and it is
this small but close-knit group of friends you
are most loyal to. They believe in you and you
to them.
Everyone has a secret ability. What is yours? (7 answers with pics) brought to you by Quizilla