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myOtaku.com: SamuraiXKenshin

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Guestbook Entries:

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sevrin skylace (01/23/05)

Kenshin rocks that he does...
Woot enough of that >_> yesh indeed
Uh i ment to say hi o_o

heruchigu (01/23/05)


nice site, love the bg and avatar, kenshin is so cool, but i'd prefer just kenshin and the cool guys like aoshi rather then the love story part of kenshin ^^ the colors fit nicely as though ^^ good luck and have fun


animeanimalgirl (01/23/05)

Hiya! ^^ Your site's really coming along! ^^ I love the colors! ^-^

And sure we can be friends. ^^ I'll add ya! ^-^ Well, see ya!

0.o Inuyasha o.0 (01/23/05)

konnichiwa! oaidekite ureshi desu! eigo wa hanasemasen...o-namae wa nan desu ka? lol, you have a very nice site ^^ ill add you as a friend aswell! sayonara


Reoku-Himura (01/22/05)

*signs in purpel* WElcome to My Otaku, as a Guardian, you can ask this one questions and she will try to answer them. *bows*

" No matter where you go.. you will always be a man slayer."

" A Man slayer is a man slayer untill he dies.."


Wandering Soul (01/22/05)

Thanx for signing my gb and for giving me some advice.^ ^.GAhh i was being stupid and accidently deleted ur guestbook entry on my site.^ ^;;;gahhh.I'll add u to my freinds list..^.~..By the way like ur site so far.

50 cent (01/22/05)

Ya well just returnin the favor. Oh and by the way no one knows the password of my site it just is that sometimes my avatar is just a piece of crap and it wont' always load up for everyone. So give it time and it will eventually come up like it is supposed to.

InuGirl 22 (01/22/05)

Hi, i'm heather. I like your site alot, and i would love to be your "friend" lol. I love Kenshin, but if you go to my site, you can tell i like Inuyasha a little more...
You sound like a nice persin, hope we can be freinds ^_^ Come to my site, sign my GB, and i will add you as a freind, k. L8ter.

Sindalla (01/21/05)

Hey big bro! Whats up? It is I, the MASTER of the computers, the one who helped you, and practically MADE your site, Sindalla!!! I am your lil sis cuz Kamiya is my sis, that makes me your sis in law!!! WOOT!! Hey, hope you have fun here! And I will be checking up on ya, also I wil be addin ya as a friend and also if ya need any help, lemme know or your baby Ayla! LOL Cya bro! Have fun here and visit lots! CYA^ ^

KamiyaUsagi (01/21/05)

Ok stupid computer! but agauin thank Sindalla she helped you on your site! i'll do your clors and i love you lots! i hope you really have a nice time here and i hope you become the most loved guy on this site! but your mine alll the way sweetie! i send you lots of kisses!
~Kamiya your true love!

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