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Wednesday, May 11, 2005
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i gave elizabeth my sampo CD of my band of Djs, and she sed we roked. i got a practice session on thursday so yea... ill give u the play by play by then. to day was testing, and ill post soon. BAi
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Sunday, May 8, 2005
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to day was the mothers day BBQ!, i went with xm14k4 st4rx and her family and church to celebrate it, khz my family wasnt doing anything but go to lasvegas. when xm14k4 st4rx said that she got a hair ct, IT WASNT EVEN A CUT!!!. the first thing i did pracice singing the wornds to the childrens song, then i heard a WHOLE surmon in KRn it was pretty cool, an almost smae religion, (shes christian, and im catolic) heard in a different langauage. we ate some food, it wasnt BBQ but hot dogs, beaned rice, KIMCHI, and chips did the stuff...awesome. i walked and talked with jessica, amy and elizabeth and talked about how some other krns are effing idiots. played some games that were really fun and i got to know Mr and Mrs Ko more and they got to know me. played tennis loaded up and went home, to day was great!
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Saturday, May 7, 2005
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YAY my dad came from Korea, hes a Marine LT at the DMZ zone (the border of north and south Korea) he went home for his 3 week vacntion and has to go bak for another 6months. he had to go home anyway, and the 6months was an extension, casulty to his leg and needs to recover, a fire fight so he sez. so ME just happi. he came from the hunt for Bin Laden to Korea some where safer.but with taht nuclear testing i guess its getting dangerous there. o well ME JSUT HAPPI
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wutz up peoplz today i lost a battle agaisnt the fobs near carmenita, they brought out there airsofts and we ahd to go bak.. today i also did a toast to my good friend that was moving away. O YEA i plyed with worms today. this girl doin the lab with me screamed when i showed it to her, i got slapped hard, my cheek is still beatin. and this one girl licked the worm, but she got in trouble. stll funni though I HAvWNT MET THIS EDWARD DOOD YET ELIZABETH!!!! the girls that are making me pay them for makin look beter for her. I DINT even agree to anything and they make me do sumthing under there circumstances? thast just mesed up, and if i do pay them then that wud be buying her, litteraly. sevneth grade is wierd.
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Thursday, May 5, 2005
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today was third day of testing and at 6th period, i learned that earthworms are hermaphrdites or how ever u spell it. lol i thought that was just intersting. anyway. i rode my PIMP trike to JRs house and did research for the report. then all the peple there played halo watched some "....." IM if u wanna know, and played even more HALO2.. went home, got reday for battle two KRN FOBS ARE GUNNA DIEEEE, we won the last won, but my freind got his arm broken, bastards are gunna get a bigger venndetta.
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Wednesday, May 4, 2005
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tey had to tell... why.. if i did ask her alisa and grace wud have told her stuff that wud have hurt my chances and if i dint pay them and she sed yes with them telling her about what hapend a long timw ago, i wud ahve practicl bought her. this doenst make any sense at all, im rushing my self.... talk later. gunna find out what i did to deserve this.
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Tuesday, May 3, 2005
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i ahd my chance, i chikend..... im hopeless. I khd have and shud have, but it was friggen awkward! i was rite in fornt of her hosue.. u know what i mean and we were talkin on the phone.... o yea if ur readin this elizabeth ::GASP:: crap. sorri if i got u into trouble. talk bak later
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Sunday, May 1, 2005
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thank u to my biker homey, he told me things that i cud use for my.... and WIN. does being a BMX'er and Skater make me a jock? nvm anyway, i got one hr of communtiy service and 3 more to go. I GOT A POSTER OF DIRGE OF CEREBRUS!!! and im goin to the BBQ next week, kinda early for me to say that dont ya think? havent tried KRN food in a while. i fixed me room and tuned my board and bike, got my water guns and airsoft ready for the seige and hope i dont get hurt. freakin fobs are gunna get it... So thats pretty much it. my two best freinds are moving but il always get to see them again ^_^. PEAS
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Friday, April 29, 2005
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i took a 3 hr nap after going bak to the skate park annd get humilted agian the other bikers recalled form the other day that i was the dude that had to get medical attention for landing on his ass. whoope. anyway. i took a nap and saw the sun go whoosh, go down. sigh people are messing up my chances to ask her
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Thursday, April 28, 2005
....hard truth
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so i learned sumthings over the phone and through her pms. so i guess.. yea. AX only ting thats gunna make me happi, bring me up, put me out of my dam misery. so yea. i guess it never waht u wud have expected, but when words come out, i guess tahts it rite? but... there are other people after that, so im guesing
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