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Wednesday, September 21, 2005
My article is up!
Go read it now!
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Wednesday, July 6, 2005
Stop calling yourself Otaku!
EDIT: Read this, and you will know what kind of idiot/attention whore I was when I wrote this! Enjoy!
I hate myself for writing this!
That means you, you, you and you! Stop it! Right Now! You’re a disgrace to all anime fans!
You think you’re an Otaku? You think you’re better then the avarage anime fan, just because you call yourself Otaku?
You think being an Otaku is about having all the merchandise, DVD’s, Manga and posters of your favourite show?
You think you’re cool because you’re an Otaku?
You’re not. You’re sad.
I can’t stand people who think they’re ‘Otaku’
By people I mean the kids who’ve just seen their first Anime and claim to know everything about it. It’s usually worse when that first Anime is something along the lines of Pokémon, Dragonball Z, Digimon, Yu-Gi-Oh and that kind of shows.
Otaku can also be discribed as ‘nerd’ because Otaku are thought to be fat people who live in their basements and can’t get a girl/boyfriend and have great knowledge in the field of Anime.
You’re proud to call yourself this?
But now I can hear all you little Otaku whine: “But that’s not what’s being an Otaku about!”
Here’s what I have to say: You don’t know what you’re talking about!
I invite the first person who calls himself Otaku to explain me the meaning of being Otaku.
Don’t come with something like: “It’s about being true to your favourite series, collecting everything that revolves around it and adorise it as much as you can.” Cause then I’ll say: We already have a word for that: sick, obsessive fandom.
Don’t you people see that companies are making millions by sucking you dry, just because you want everything that has to do with your favourite serie? I bet it wouldn’t matter what they’d sell, you’d but it anyway because otherwise you won’t be a true Otaku. I could make millions! I’d make a crappy serie with all stupid, stereotype, but very likeable characters and when I’ve spawned enough Otaku, I’d milk them dry selling them paperclips with their favourite characters on it, and more of those things.
You know, you don’t have to buy every product, or like every single thing from your favourite serie to show that you like it.
When someone has a collection of 10.000 action figures, 250 poster, all the boxed sets and more, I’ll just say: I don’t care, cause I really don’t! Nobody cares what you have, and nobody likes an arrogant fool who brags about his prized collection all the time. Just get the picture already!
Just be a normal anime fan, then you’ll even save money for doing things you’ve never dreamt of: going out.
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Wednesday, June 29, 2005
When was the last time a horse ever did you a favor?
Well? When was it? I know, how about NEVER!
I was cycling to school some day when I saw a big pile of horse shit laying on the cyclelanes. DAMMIT! It didn't only reek, I couldn’t avoid the stinking pile, so I had to go through it.
After that event, I continued my way onto school, only to go through another stinking pile again!
My bike had crap sticking to it the whole damn ride! (And for your information, I cycle an hour to school, not because I'm slow, becuase it's 23 KM)
That’s when it hit me; horses suck. Period.
It’s evil itself.. with four legs.
I mean, what good did a horse ever do to mankind?
They are too big to keep indoors, they also stink and are always surrounded by flies, they are useless for riding (Cars anyone?) and they will bite your arm of whenever they get the chance!
Horses are evil!
Just what purpose do these creatures serve? Other then taking a crap on the cyclelanes and being smelly whole day?
Even the meat that’s made out of horse tastes like shit.
Then there people who ride horses for ‘sports’.
Sports my ass. Riding a horse while sitting on your lazy ass isn’t sports. What is up with that equipment anyway? A stupid cap that doesn’t serve any purpose other then looking really lame, a stupid fancy jacket that will stink like horse when you’re done riding it, stupid leather boots and the most ridiculous thing of all, that stupid little whip!
What do they do with that? It’s too puny for hitting the horse.. If they want to hit the horse, they should use an iron bat or something. Whips are for pussies.

Can you find the whip?
Anyway, I’m not such a bad guy, I won’t go outside now with an iron bat and hit all the horses I run into, no, I have a better solution; we drop all the horses on a big island somewhere where they can have all the horse-fun they want.
And then we drop the bomb.
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Tuesday, June 28, 2005
I'm embarassed I wrote something this stupid.. Please hang me. |
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Friday, May 13, 2005
Woa! Rough week! I don't know where to start!
Well.. Let's start with a Schedule:
Last week:
Saturday - AnimeCon 2005 Almelo!!
This week:
Monday - Girlfriend came over =3
Thuesday - Snowboarding with school
Wednesday till Friday (today) - School camping trip.
Okay, so you've kinda got an idea how my week went? No? Well.. I tell ya!
AnimeCon 2005 Almelo was my very first con I'd ever attended, and it was every bit as great as I imagined! I arrived at 12:00 Am at the Theaterhotel in Almelo, where the con was held. I was amazed by the grand hotel alone, it was truly breathtaking! Anyways, I checked myself in and went to the fan art gallery to hang up some picture's my girlfriend drew (She's an awesome artist..I gotta convince her to make a Deviantart site) then I meeted with my friends.
The big event of the Con was the dealer room with all kinds of stuff.. I couldn't stop squeeling for about half an hour ^^' I bought too many.. all my money's gone now ='( (A well..who care's ^^)
The Cosplay contest was also really great. Next time I visit a con, I'll cosplay, that's for sure!
Anyway, moving on to the next topic on the schedule!
Monday was great ^^ My girlfriend came over to my place and we watched Anime =)
I went over to her place on Friday earlier, we don't see each other much outside of school, so it was grand =3
Then came Thuesday, and I found out that I'm lousy at snowboarding =p well... I'm not that bad for a rookie, but I still suck ^^' I only went down the 'loser's ramp' as I call it. That's a small ramp for all new snowboarders and Skiërs (sp?)
And before I knew it, Wednesday cam along! Camp!! YAY!
Arrived at school at 08:00 AM, waited for the rest of my mateys.
Happosai Kerl (Check his myotaku account here !) and my girlfriend were in my group, how cool is that?
Arrived at the campsite at around 11:00 AM, then we went survivaling and we got to board canoes ^^ We got all wet the first day ^^'
Thursday - The grand event of this day was the wind sailing! The guy who taught us was a little.. enthousiastic.. ^^' and he absolutely LOVED Happosai Kerl for his skills on the board (Aint that right, Kerl? hehe)
I only fell once! I did pretty well, considering I couldn't figure out how to steer the dang thing >_<'
During supper we had to cook out in the open, and the wind kept blowing out the fire, so Happosai Kerl and I danced our 'Stop the wind' dance (which Kerl made up that very moment) 't was hilarious!!
Then at night, we went out for a little walk. My group consisted of Me, Happosai Kerl, Véro (my girlfriend) and a few of Véro's friends. During the walk (in the dark forest.. spooky!) Véro got scared and clinged to my arm.. PERFECT! =3
Then today.. The events of today were go-kart and handbow shooting.
Go-kart racing sucked.. but handbow shooting was awesome! We held a little contest, and I came out first =) with 64 points ^^
All in all, this week was really something.. so much fun ^^ |
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Sunday, May 1, 2005
Finally, Vacation!
Heh, It's relaxing time from now on! I'm not gonna do one stupid thing for school ^^ Long live vacation! |
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Thursday, April 28, 2005
Nothing much to tell.
Two more days before it's vacation ^^ finally, some time I don't have to worry about stupid school all the time.
I got another mail from, saying that my poem made the semi-finals..
awesome! |
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Friday, April 22, 2005
"Dear Roel,
Over the past several months, we have been reviewing the thousands of poems submitted to us, as well as examining the poetic accomplishments of people whose poetry has appeared on the Internet and in various editions released by other poetry publishers in America and Europe. After an exhaustive examination of this poetic artistry, The International Library of Poetry is pleased to inform you that you have been nominated for inclusion in ...
The International Who's Who in Poetry
Congratulations on your accomplishment, Roel. We look forward to publishing your biographical information on a page dedicated entirely to you. Along with your biographical information, we plan to also include in depth information about your poetry, including your motivations, the meaning poetry has in your life, and your personal philosophical point of view. In addition to dedicating a page entirely to you and your personal background, we have also reserved a second complete page that will be used to showcase a new, unpublished poem that you will provide. This means that ...
The International Who's Who in Poetry will feature two full pages dedicated exclusively to Roel Jansen!"
This is soo freakin awesome.. YEAH! |
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Sunday, April 17, 2005
We lost the championship match.. and we were soooo close! And we didn't even lost because they were better, but because the ref was against us, seriously!
But it was a nice game, I played at my peak, so I'm not really complaining, there's always next year! |
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Tuesday, April 12, 2005
I hate this! I'm so busy nowadays.. ='( I don't even have time to blog..
Well.. I have a little time now..
To all you Dutch people: Who of you are going to the Animcon 2005? I sure am! I'm really exited about it ^^ can't wait till the 7th of May.
See you there!
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