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1 I do not take Pm's from people I dont know! Dont Pm with me just to chat...If you want to chat I have a box *points down* right there! do it in there!
2. If you want me to create some kind of art, than you can PM me or tell me in a comment if you want one. That is the ONLY thing that breaks the pming rule NOTHING ELSE. and just because you ask me doesn't mean I will make it either.
3. Visit me on a daily bases. I am not asking every time I update, jus come visit me during the month or whenever I update. If not I will delete you off my friends list because I have WAY too many. When I get boored at times I usually go throught MASS DELETING RAMPAGES!
4 Remember you are a guest here at my site so dont do anything here that you wouldnt want me to go and do at your own site.
5. I will only give my contact if I need to so don't ask for it other then if you need it badly.
Anime: Naruto
Music: Wings of a butterfly
layout: Somegirl
Sponsor: Myotaku
*faints at the 8 comments* Gasp...I really didnt expect that..thank you everyone!
Heh guess where I am right now? Yep I am back on the roof with my dogs yet again. Since it is the weekend and all I can stay here up all night if nessasary. Last time my mom almost had a heart attack when she came up to my room and didnt find me.
However I woke up at around 10 10:30ish to go to one place. I was going to the Texas State Fair. ALRIGHT! That place is freaking huge I tell you. It is where the cotton bowl is and even that wasnt big enough for it. The fair however has had a notorious reputation to make some..intresting foods...here are some of the new foods that I tried wile I was there
Double Decker Funnel Cake: Once it left the counter...it never saw the light of day
Fried alligator:*gag gag barf*
fried ice cream: HOW DO YOU EVEN MAKE THIS! it was good however
fried corn on the cob: Intresting...I have had better though
fried cheescake:*looks around* What... I didnt eat it THAT fast...
Well that was basicly it. I finally went on that long bunjie cord type you know...The one when they hoist you atleast a hundred feet into the air and let you drop down kind of ones? Yeah I went with two of my friends on it. One of which who is afraid of heights...So being me I said "Hey I can see my house from here" But I have to admit. It was pretty damn scary just to be on there. I though we were going to die.
I did however eat to much. AFter that skydive kind of ride I just about passed out aleep after that and dont remember much. I knew I wanted to thow up though because I had just eaten way to much. I wanted to explode until We were able to make it to the car. I was almost praying when It came.
That was my fun filled day however...I shall now go to sleeop* Falls off the roof*
((20 minutes after the post..))
Alright this is just plain freaky...My stomach wont stop rumbling...its like..blargo blargo blargo...((2 minute or less pause)) blargo blargo blargo! Why does my stomach want to eat itself..There it goes again...Its not stoping.....I think I had to much fair food -.-
((20 more minutes later....-.-)) *rapidly punches stomach* Damn you! leave me alone! necco es! ((latin for I shall kill you..not exactly because I dont know the future tense...but close enough!)) Why does my stomach torment me so?