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1 I do not take Pm's from people I dont know! Dont Pm with me just to chat...If you want to chat I have a box *points down* right there! do it in there!
2. If you want me to create some kind of art, than you can PM me or tell me in a comment if you want one. That is the ONLY thing that breaks the pming rule NOTHING ELSE. and just because you ask me doesn't mean I will make it either.
3. Visit me on a daily bases. I am not asking every time I update, jus come visit me during the month or whenever I update. If not I will delete you off my friends list because I have WAY too many. When I get boored at times I usually go throught MASS DELETING RAMPAGES!
4 Remember you are a guest here at my site so dont do anything here that you wouldnt want me to go and do at your own site.
5. I will only give my contact if I need to so don't ask for it other then if you need it badly.
Anime: Naruto
Music: Wings of a butterfly
layout: Somegirl
Sponsor: Myotaku
Yeppers. I didnt really do that much today at all now that I think of it... I just sat here eiter stufying for my finals or playing fire Emblem the path of radiance..I dont care what anyone says...that games Pwns teh N00bs... I got....er....um..Well I finished off burning all the episodes that I could for meh friend taylor ( she aint on Myo ) and I only got up to episode 50 ....theres 164 episodes though....so yeah.. I have a long way to go already. I went to her house to give the the last of the stuff though. Her house is nice..Much bigger than mine of course... There arnt that many people living in my house... That is basicly it though..I really didnt do alot today... The weekends tend to be slow..However it was funny on friday something that I forgot to mention. In latin club we officially the latin cult...Then then we impeached the leader but then the one who impeached him were impeached so then the cult died in under the five minutes that it was formed... However! We got it back when the teature came back...thats all for me...now..pics!
More O.o
and just for the season....