Thanks for stopping by! Please sign my guestbook and add me as a friend too, I shall do the same for you if you do so for me! I am barly granted time to even post durring the weekday so if you would like me to post on your site post on mine first.
1 I do not take Pm's from people I dont know! Dont Pm with me just to chat...If you want to chat I have a box *points down* right there! do it in there!
2. If you want me to create some kind of art, than you can PM me or tell me in a comment if you want one. That is the ONLY thing that breaks the pming rule NOTHING ELSE. and just because you ask me doesn't mean I will make it either.
3. Visit me on a daily bases. I am not asking every time I update, jus come visit me during the month or whenever I update. If not I will delete you off my friends list because I have WAY too many. When I get boored at times I usually go throught MASS DELETING RAMPAGES!
4 Remember you are a guest here at my site so dont do anything here that you wouldnt want me to go and do at your own site.
5. I will only give my contact if I need to so don't ask for it other then if you need it badly.
Anime: Naruto
Music: Wings of a butterfly
layout: Somegirl
Sponsor: Myotaku
It was as funny as hell going into latin class this morning. Both us and the sophmores had a latin club meeting and so we went in all in slow motion and such and my teacher had the "we are the champians" song going and oh jeez it is just funny and such to say the least XD but hey. its something that really DOESTN happen everyday. However something that was intresting was I was thinking about updating while I was in tech since I finished my website which I may or may not show to you all once its published and such but then I found that someone had installed quake 3 on the comp int he C-drive! I was like.. "WTF?!?!!?" So I ended playing that for the rest of the period..but hell..it was fun atleast..and isnt me having fun the most important? yes of course it is ^_^
Well that was the most exciting part of the day..here is something for you to oggle over
Oh yeah my friend Ines like..gave me this awesome J-pop song..so this goes out to here just incase I know her on Myo somewhere because..this is like..an awesome song!..I have no idea who does it though..no latin stuff today I ish tired..