Thanks for stopping by! Please sign my guestbook and add me as a friend too, I shall do the same for you if you do so for me! I am barly granted time to even post durring the weekday so if you would like me to post on your site post on mine first.
1 I do not take Pm's from people I dont know! Dont Pm with me just to chat...If you want to chat I have a box *points down* right there! do it in there!
2. If you want me to create some kind of art, than you can PM me or tell me in a comment if you want one. That is the ONLY thing that breaks the pming rule NOTHING ELSE. and just because you ask me doesn't mean I will make it either.
3. Visit me on a daily bases. I am not asking every time I update, jus come visit me during the month or whenever I update. If not I will delete you off my friends list because I have WAY too many. When I get boored at times I usually go throught MASS DELETING RAMPAGES!
4 Remember you are a guest here at my site so dont do anything here that you wouldnt want me to go and do at your own site.
5. I will only give my contact if I need to so don't ask for it other then if you need it badly.
Anime: Naruto
Music: Wings of a butterfly
layout: Somegirl
Sponsor: Myotaku
Well the school work is once again begining to pile up on me, Its really starting to get annoying now, all I have to try and focus on though is that next month I get out of school and that will be the end of it,just try and focus..try and...focus.
Well guess what happened when I soon went to the competition? I get sick! again!? you may say? yes again. I think I just may be a glutton of getting suck by all kinds of things now, I wan't to destroy everything. but according to my mother I had the flu. Yet this was some kind of evil flu because it made my whole body hurt, and amade it weak. At times I though I was going to pass out because I was so weak/in such pain. and then It was so bad tha I had to drop out of my competition because my headaches were to bad that I really couldn't even think well and I did all of that thinking for what felt like almost nothing. so yeah >_> I have been lying in bed just sleeping until I got better. Meaning I missed school and the rest of the latter. So that is why I didn't update yesterday. I will probaly be able to visit sites today, if not I am sorry and you can chastize me later for it. but now I have almost to much make up work to do that I think I may explode soon.
Wish me luck with all of this work >_>