Well, I would say you like Aimeric again...okay
well maybe you don't LIKE him, but you LOVE
him...does that make sense? Hmm...anyway. Thank
you all for reading! And thank you for the
messages! Except that one...grr...Anyway,
here's your preview ~Preview~ You saw
Mabel...she was staring at you curiously.
"What are you doing?" she asked.
"I'm looking for Aimeric." Mabel
smiled evilly. "He's in the
basement." She turned on her heals and
left, going outside into the night. You stared
after her a few moments, wondering why she left
so suddenly and seemed so cheery about Aimeric
being in the basement. And then it hit you. The
basement. He was probably torturing people.
Withought thinking, you ran downstairs and
flung open the door. ~End Preview~
Vampires Don't Exist #21 'Scream for Me' (MATURE) brought to you by Quizilla