Hmm, a child? Wonder what he has in mind? And
before anyone asks, No, I'm not going to pull a
'Claudia' :P Oh and on the subject of
Virgil...you all need to get over his death!
Come on, it's just a story! I'm glad you all
love him and everything but sending me hate
mail is not going to bring him back. I AM
considering putting up a sequel after this for
you VIRGIL fans, but I'm not going to if I keep
getting hate mail. So, with that said, I'll
give you your preview ~Preview~ "What are
you doing up here?" the girl asked, her
voice surprisingly soft and childish. Her
expression showed no emotion and those dark
eyes of hers held your gaze. "Oh, I was
just looking around. I'm sorry if I intruded or
if I'm somewhere I'm not supposed to be. I was
bored and-" "Shh." the girl held
her finger to your lips. "I don't care
that you're up here. I was just curious. Not
many wander to this part of the mansion."
her lips broke into a soft smile. "But
then, not many have the chance." ~End
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