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high school
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have made a lot of good pictures of inuyasha and stuff
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5 grade or so
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inuyasha, flcl, cowboy bebop, wofl's rain, case closed
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Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 12/13/04:
Hope you liked it...I love to hear from you guys so message me with some ideas and if I use your idea Ill put your name in here to make it even well g2g Byez ^_^ src=""> background=""> class="style15">size="1" face="Tahoma">src="" loop=100>
size="1" face="Tahoma"> src="">class="style15">size="1" face="Tahoma"> src="" border="0"> style="cursor:url(;">
~*~You & Draco~*~ Part 3 brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 12/13/04:
Hope you liked that one...Ill have another 1 posted A.S.A.P. well message me with what u think n what house you want to be put into Slytherin or Gryffindor. Byez src=""> background=""> face="Tahoma">src="" loop=100>
face="Tahoma"> src="">size="1" face="Tahoma">
~*~You & Draco~*~ Part 2 brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 12/13/04:
Dont forget 2 message me about what the name should be of your owl i'll find sum picz later 2 put in here later. Rate plz!! background=""> src="">src="" loop=100>
~*~You & Draco Malfoy~*~ Part 1 (Changed) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 12/12/04:
:hides strait jacket behind back: you are perfectly sane... are you cold? why don't you put on this nice white jacket i found? RATING OF SNAITY: 0 out of 10
How sane are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 12/11/04:
Result Posted on 12/11/04:
Result Posted on 12/11/04:
 background="" bgproperties="fixed"> color="#F8F8FF"> Meh, Quizilla's SO slow on me tonight!! I really couldn't get more into this quiz, I'm sorry. On the bright side, I got a lovely pic of Earl the Penguin for ya. Isn't he adorable?
I know this quiz maybe wasn't that full of action, but it's an essential part to the rest of the story... read it carefully and you might discover some clues about the next parts! Rate me and message me (not that I really need to press on, you got me on the highest-rated list, YAY!) and hope with me that I'll manage to get the next (longer) quiz out soon. Love y'all!!
Sweet Serpents - Not your average Draco Malfoy/You quiz. (Part 17) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 12/11/04:
 background="" bgproperties="fixed"> color="#F8F8FF"> Yea so... I'm sorry you had to wait so long ) Anyway, Draco's such a mean git! He always has to make things so difficult. Gosh, I just hate it when he does that! (you: but... you write what happens. me: uhm, yes! your point is?) The real question, however, is what exactly he's playing at? Who knows, who knows... Rate and message me (easy on the hatemail tho! It's just for the sake of the story, mkay?!) and be sure to read the next part of Sweet Serpents. Now say good-bye to everyone, Earl! (Earl: quack, quack quack!) (me: What do penguins do, anyway? quack, right?)
Sweet Serpents - Not your average Draco Malfoy/You quiz. (Part 16) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 12/10/04:
 background="" bgproperties="fixed"> color="#F8F8FF"> Aahh, doesn't it feel good to see Pansy getting what she deserves? You should be thankful to Draco, really... But the fun doesn't end here, you still have your own plans to execute! Wanna find out what they are? Then rate and message me, and take my next quiz when it comes out =)
Sweet Serpents - Not your average Draco Malfoy/You quiz. (Part 15) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 12/10/04:
background="" bgproperties="fixed"> color="#F8F8FF"> I know it's a short quiz today, sorry about that, but I can't help it, really. But at least now you know what house you're in! Yep yep, you're a Slytherin, (shocked?) so you don't have to leave your new friends, and ofcourse, Draco. But you don't care about him. Or do you? Pansy's a real bitch, you better get her back good! How will Snape react on your story, though? And what other nasty things might Pansy have in stock for you? Rate and message me (sorry, I'm an addict!) and find out more in part 15 of Sweet Serpents.
Sweet Serpents - Not your average Draco Malfoy/You quiz. (Part 14) brought to you by Quizilla
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