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high school
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have made a lot of good pictures of inuyasha and stuff
Anime Fan Since
5 grade or so
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inuyasha, flcl, cowboy bebop, wofl's rain, case closed
to become an artist
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 12/09/04:
Result Posted on 12/09/04:
Result Posted on 12/09/04:
Result Posted on 12/09/04:
 Well, aside from that one perverted comment, you're liking Danteous a lot. I wonder what he meant when he said he didn't want to lose you again. And you have to train with Dameon? I wonder if that's what he and Danteous were talking about? Hmm...Better stay tuned eh? Don't worry, I won't let him do anything too horrible to you *evil grin* RATE IF YOU KNOW WHAT'S GOOD FOR YOU XD! lol
A Different Life - The Threat (aka A Weird Story) #5 brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 12/09/04:
 I think you're more Dameon's type. Feisty and all atitude-like. Not much else to say really, except, maybe you have anger issues...Let's sing *I feel pretty, oh, so pretty...I feel pretty and witty and gaaaaay. And I pity, any girl who is not me, today* I hope the pictures work, my computer isn't showing them :(
A Different Life - Dratox (AKA A Weird Story) #4 brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 12/09/04:
Result Posted on 12/09/04:
Result Posted on 12/09/04:
 Wow! You're kinda fun and crazy! But, uh, well, no REAL result since this is only the first quiz and I haven't even introduced you to our mystery guest yet...Better rate HIGH if you want to know what happens next! I'm going to put more info on your friends later too, so look for that!
A Different Life - The Party (AKA A Weird Story) #1 brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 12/07/04:
i love south park bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!................
Result Posted on 12/07/04:
 You're Leila! The quiet chick who has a bad attitude and a hot temper! You get angry quite easily, especially with your dumbass half brother.
You're awesome with any kind of fighting and you usually win. It's very hard for someone to get close to you though because you have trust issues, but once you've opened up and finally learn to trust people, you're loyal to the end. Congrats, you're cool!
Which character from my book are you? (Girls) brought to you by Quizilla
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