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Shannisou, (it means beautifull priestess in japanese ^_^)
ive made this site, isnt that an achivement.
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ever since i can remeber
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Tuesday, May 18, 2004
HI everyone, sorry i havnt updated in a while, ive just been loaded down with homework and stuff, well i want to know out of all my friends if you have been writing a story on the otaku, so if you are one of my friends, or even going to become my friend please tell me in the comment box if you are writing a story, and ill try and come to check it out,
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Friday, May 14, 2004
My story, chapter 5
Keota and Rio made their way through the forest once again, but this time it took about twenty minutes before they came to a small kingdom. As Rio and Keota came up to the wall, Rio saw a guard at the top of it.
“You people, what is your reason to enter?” the guard asked
“We are just passing through, we have no reason,” Keota replied.
After she said that, the drawbridge started to lower in front of them. They entered over the drawbridge and Rio was kind of freaked out because of course she has never been on a drawbridge.
“Why are we here,” Rio asked Keota.
“I believe we are here to just find a place to sleep and then head on in the morning,” Keota replied.
“Oh, I wanted to stay and check the place out,” Rio wished.
“But we mustn’t for we have a far more, greater place to be,” Keota said sternly.
“Like what?” Rio asked
But when Rio said this, Keota was already half way toward the entrance and did not answer. So Rio quickly caught up, she would not be left behind. They entered the small kingdom, Rio smelled something foul in the air and she saw that the houses were very poorly built, they were built with mud, some wood and hay. They followed the narrow path that obviously needed to be rebuilt.
“This is a kingdom, right?” Rio asked trying to ignore the smell.
“Yes, it is, but it is not run very well as you can see,” Keota replied
“Who is the king?”
“I do not know,”
“Well cant we find out?”
“We could but we don’t know what the king is like, he may kill us just for entering this kingdom, so we probably should not go looking for him,” Keota said.
“Good idea, the thought of being killed just for coming in here makes me queasy,” Rio said shuddering.
They followed the road (which was almost not even a road), until they came to a little market, Keota bought more food for the journey saying their most likely going to run out before they get there. This confused Rio because Keota had bought a lot of food, almost enough to feed her whole family for a week.
“We couldn’t take that long to get there, could we?”
They continued walking through the small kingdom, the clothes they wore, which was basically rags but still had a beautiful uniqueness to them intrigued Rio.
“Rio, quit staggering, your falling behind,” Keota said.
“I’m sorry but this place is amazing,” Rio said letting her voice drift off.
“If you want to see amazing wait till you see what I have in store for you, that is if you hurry along,” Keota said getting Rio to go faster.
“What could be better than this?” Rio thought knowing that there could be something better.
They started walking again curving this way and that; Rio would still be gazing at all of the sights there was to see on the road they were going on. She saw small almost completely not covered shops and houses, which were basically just mud for the walls and hay for the roof.
“Why is this place so poorly built?” Rio asked
“Well, some kingdoms are better than others,” Keota replied.
“Are we going to see better ones?” Rio asked curiously.
“Oh, yes marvelous ones, ones that are so beautiful that you have to stop and look at everything to take it all in, what I mean is there are gold banners hanging from every shop and every body is greatly dressed, they would go around in what would be poorer peoples finest clothing as their play clothes and the weather is marvelous as well. It would be perfect to grow crops all year around so they always have more than enough food and the streets would be extremely clean there would be no litter any where and the most of the time very happy.” Keota said.
“Wow,” Rio said with amazement in her eyes.
“Yes it is amazing, and we’re going to see a few on our… never mind,” Keota said suddenly.
“On our…what?” Rio asked curiously
“Oh, never mind, that’s not the point,” Keota said quickly.
“Tell me,” Rio argued
“You will find out soon enough,” Keota replied.
“Look there is an inn right there” Keota said pointing at a shabby looking place that seemed almost about to fall down. So Rio and Keota entered the inn.
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Tuesday, May 11, 2004
have you ever been to these sites, please leave comments,k.
inuyasha world dot com
inuyasha@holy mango
if you have ever been to these please tell me in the comment box, and you can also tell me which one is your fav, ^_^
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please tell me out of these singers which you have heard of,k.
Out kast (i love them ^_^)
No doubt
Toby Kieth
Stacie Orrico
Kelly osborn (i dont know how to spell it, so dont get mad)
and Good Charlotte
please put yes or no beside them
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Sunday, May 9, 2004
My story, chapter 4
Rio woke up the next morning thinking to her self; I how could this have happened, I mean I was just going along my normal day until I flipped off my bike. Maybe there’s a secret…
“Rio are you ready,” Keota cut in as she was thinking.
“Ready for what?” Rio asked back.
“Well to learn how to use the bow of course” Keota said
“Oh, okay” Rio replied
Then Keota and Rio went again to the lighter parts of the forest, they came across a group of deer.
“This should be perfect for practice,” Keota said.
“But I’ve never used a bow and arrow before, I hardly ever seen them used,” Rio said getting frightened now.
“It’s very easy once you get a hang of it,” Keota said trying to enlighten her.
“And how long would that take” Rio asked.
“It depends on the person who is learning, some people take two weeks some people take two years.”
“Well how long do you think it will take me,” Rio asked curiously.
“Shh, the deer are moving,” Keota said not answering Rio’s question.
“Now you need to hold the bow with your left hand on the front part using your thumb to hold the front part of the arrow and your right hand holding the string and holding the arrow in place, then you aim and fire, okay,” Keota instructed.
The fist time Rio tried it she had gotten way off, Rio started to get discouraged, but then the second time she actually hit the deer.
“I believe you are one of the gifted ones,” Keota said astonished at Rio quick learning and accuracy.
“What do you mean the gifted ones?” Rio asked
“I mean you have skill probably from your ancestors who used bow and arrows,” Keota replied.
As Rio and Keota mad their way back to the cave, Rio saw an engraving in a tree and then remembered when she was around the age of ten her family had a big tree in the front yard that they had engraved a heart with all their names on it, then it hit her, she realized then that she really missed her family. Rio suddenly crouched down and started crying.
“Dear child, what is wrong,” Keota said very worried.
“I miss my family so much, do you think I’ll be going back soon?” said Rio with tears in her eyes.
“Well, I don’t know it depends,”
“Depends on what?” Rio asked
“On what you choose,”
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Saturday, May 8, 2004
My story, chapter 3
So Rio and Keota continued there way through the forest curving around trees and through short caves. Rio noticed it was getting dark.
“Hey, Keota it’s getting dark,” Rio said
“Yes, I know, we are going to stop for camp when we come up to the next cave.” Keota told her. So they walked for about twenty minutes before they came to the next cave. Keota set up camp. She taught Rio some basic rules for setting up.
“Rio your suppose to find a flat area to sleep on.”
“Okay, but what do I put over the flat area,” Rio asked
“Well nothing, we don’t have anything for you to put over it,” Keota said.
“You mean I have to sleep on just solid, hard, cold ground!” Rio said raising her voice (and very dramatically).
“NO, I will not sleep on the ground!” Rio yelled.
“Well what do you suppose to do,” Keota said.
“I don’t know yet, maybe I’ll get grass to put over it,” she said
“If you do you’ll have a hard time trying to pick it, and you have to know which grass is not poisonous,” Keota added
“Will you go with me,” Rio pleaded
“I cannot for I have to start the fire, your just going to have get used to the hard ground not every where we go is going to have grass, well at least nonpoisonous grass,”
“Fine…I’ll try,” Rio replied
“You stay here I’m going to get us something to eat,” Keota said standing up.
“Why do I have to stay here alone, can’t I go with you?” Rio asked
“Why not, you can watch me tonight, and I’ll teach you to use the arrows tomorrow, okay,”
“Okay,” Rio replied.
Rio and Keota walked very quietly through the lighter parts of the forest and they saw a wild boar feeding on grass.
“Rio, watch me very carefully,” Keota instructed.
“Okay,” replied Rio
“Shh, you must be very quite,” Keota said while pulling her first arrow in place. She pulled the arrow back very gracefully and when the string could not go any further she aimed at the boar, and fired. It hit the boar directly in the side, the boar started to run but it didn’t get to far before it fell over… dead. When Rio approached the corps, she felt a sense of pity for the dead boar.
“This one was easy to kill, others put up more of a fight,” Keota said
Keota bent over to pick it up to take it back to camp, getting blood on her hands, but her hands were not the only thing covered with the blood, the ground had about a three foot wide puddle of blood.
Rio bent over the blood and preyed, like it was the natural thing to do, then she headed back to camp, leaving the blood as the boars right full grave.
this is chapter 3, i will try to get the next one posted on sunday, hope you guys like this one. ^_^
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Wednesday, May 5, 2004
My story, chapter 2
Rio awoke maybe three hours later, for she had been knocked unconscious and when she sat up, she tried to remember how she was knocked out. Her head hurt very badly and she had a bad headache. She wandered around for hours trying to find a way out, but no matter which way she went there was no ending to the forest. Finally she came to a circle where there no trees but very green grass, and the spot is perfect with the sunlight, it shines perfectly down on the circle. In the middle of the circle is a rock and on the rock was an old woman with pointy ears, an odd looking cane and an arrow pack on her back.
The old woman looks up at Rio and smiles. She gets off her rock and walks over to Rio, Rio started backing off at first and then she gained up enough courage to ask where they were.
“Where are we?”
“We are in the sacred forest, and I’ve been expecting you for some time now, Rio,” the old woman replied.
“What’s the sacred forest, and why have you been expecting me?” asked Rio
“I’ll take you to a place where you can find these answers” the old woman told Rio.
“But I’ve been around the forest for hours and could not find any thing,” Rio said.
“Ah, but you must know HOW to go through the forest,” the old woman said.
“What do you mean?” asked Rio
“I mean I know where to go and it’s easy to get there,” the old woman replied.
“Oh, okay.”
So the old woman and Rio wandered through the forest and it was not as easy as she said.
“Oh, and by the way my name is Keota, my parents named me after the great coyote of the north. The story is that the great coyote was suppose to be a reincarnation of a beautiful and brave young girl, and the coyote would save, give, and take peoples lives with extraordinary powers,” Keota told Rio.
“Oh, but who was the girl, and what did she do?” Rio asked
“Well,” the old woman said, “she was an ordinary sewer in a shop, but she was so beautiful that when the prince saw her he was stunned and could not take his eyes off her. He immediately fell in love with her, but she did not love the prince back. So what he did is say if she did not marry him she will be doomed to a horrible death. But she refused still to marry him and gave her life to stand up for what she believed was the right thing to do, she is one of the reason’s people are standing up for what they believe is the right thing today,” Keota ended.
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Monday, May 3, 2004
my story
hey you guys, im posting the next chapter of my story on wednesday so come check it out then,k. cya
this is the 2 chapter hope you guys like it. the 3 chapter will most likly be posted on friday. well tell me what you think,k.
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Sunday, May 2, 2004 What NERV Child Are You?
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my story, Rio's adventure
Rio was a young girl who had long blond hair and sparkling blue eyes. Her family had a mom a dad and she had two other brothers one older and one younger. The older brother’s name is Terrance and then the younger brothers’ name is Kyle.
Rio was walking down the stairs from her bedroom and smelled the sweet smell of bacon and eggs hovering below her nose. She followed the smell in to the kitchen where she sat down with her family and enjoyed a normal breakfast where her younger and older brother would fight over the last piece of bacon and mom and dad would discuss bills and financial problems.
“So Rio when do you have to leave for your paper rout,” her father asked.
“Well, I think today it starts at eight-thirty,” Rio replied
“That’s in five minutes, you better hurry,”
“Ok, I’ll just get my papers and head off,”
“Bye honey,” her mom said while waving good-bye.
“Bye mom,” Rio said
So she loaded the papers into the sack on the bike and headed off. She was riding down the usual street when she ran into one of her favorite subscribers and she stopped to say hello.
“Hello Mr. Colby,” Rio stopping her bike in front of his driveway.
“Hello Rio how are you doing today,” Mr. Colby asked.
“I’m doing fine, just the usual today, getting up really early to eat breakfast with my family and to do the paper rout, you know the usual.” Rio replied
“Well you best be on your way” Mr. Colby said
“Okay, bye Mr. Colby,” Rio said
So Rio started riding her bike again down the street until she saw a huge rock sitting in the middle of the road, she tried to avoid it but she couldn’t and hit the rock then flipped off her bike and rolled down the hill off the road into the creepy forest that no one goes into. She has heard a lot of stories about the forest and all of them are bad.
this is the first chapter, the next one will be posted some time this week. other wise tell me what you think so far.
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