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Monday, October 4, 2004
hi everyone, i cant type for very long ow because its thundering and lightening here and i dont want the computer to blow a fuse, well wish me luck on my math testtoamrrow :P
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Sunday, October 3, 2004
i had a blast over the weekend, my grandmother took us to see the "come and take it" cannon, its the cannon that started thr texas revalution, my friend that i took with me and i stood in the exact spot that it was first fired, but what sucks is it was raining th ENITRE time we were there, they still had the parade, and all the activities and everything but everything was WET,
im kinda nervouse about monday, because if i take in the brouchures
i got from there into my texas history teacher to PROVE i was there to get my extra points, he has to ask me a few questions and i dont want to get n e wrong... i think a few he might ask would be when was the cannon first fired:it was first fired on october 2 1835.
or when did the revolution end: it ended in 1836. stuff like that but im not ENTIRLY sure, so wish me good luck on that. geese i still have HW to do, but not that much, i finished most of it in class on friday.
speaking of friday, we had a pep rally on friday and it was so BAD because i was sitting on the bleacher right below this one girl and she kept putting her feet on my bleacher IN MY BUTT AREA, and she would be touching my but with her foot and start tapping her foot, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH it drove me insane, lol luckly i didnt turn around and smack her.
My friend and i were cleaning the kitchen in my house today, and we decided to mop (cus it REALLY needed it) and when we had the soap down we were sliding ALL OVER the floor, it was sooooo funny.
i may have a poem up tomarrow because i had started to write a really good one and didnt finnish it yet and i need you guys to tell me what you think.
it was so cool, right after we got back from the "cannon" place, my grandmother droped us off with my mom and we all went out on the boat again. and what really cool is while my friend and i were gone with my grandmother, my parents went out and bought an intertube, so when we went out on the boat we each got a turn to ride in it, it was so funny because on my turn i flipped backwards out of it lol, luckly i didnt get hurt tho.
well ill shutup now
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Friday, October 1, 2004
hi every one, i wont be updating all weekend because im going with my grgand mother to see the "come and take it" cannon, its really just to get extra credit in my texas history class, my teacher said that if we bring back proof of going to a historical site, we get 10 extra points, so i deticated my weekend to getting the points, not like i need them or n e thing but i like to brag about my grade when we get our progress report :P.
well ill miss you all take care everyone and im trying very hrd to get to all of your sites before i go.
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Thursday, September 30, 2004
hi guys, sry i havent updated in like 3 days, its just because i was loaded down with HW, and my sis was hogging the computer :P, well i just got back from our first boat ride in our new boat, IT WAS SO MUCH FUN, i didnt get to drive it though, that kinda sucked. AND THE WATER WAS FREEZING, when i went kneeboarding my teeth were chattering.
not much new has happened latly, just the same boring thing over and over and over again, well thats all i have for today
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Monday, September 27, 2004
hi everyone, that problem between me and my friends has been resolved basically because of our parents,lol they kinda resolved it for us. well we got our boat today and we r goin out on it thursday. well PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS ^_^
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Sunday, September 26, 2004
I AM SO MAD AT MY FUCKING FRIENDS RIGHT NOW. i cant stand them they make me sick....ok for those of you who r completely freaked out by now here is the reason why i am so mad
these two friends i am talking about were over at my house right?? well they said they were going over to one of those friends house and i said ok ill be there in a min, so they left and they were not angry about me staying or n e thing, so i went over there about 5 min later and they were locked in that friends room, so i knocked on the door and and called thier name like a million times and they STIL did not answer the door, and i KNEW that they were in there, so by this time i was crying out in the living room, and i decided i wanted to go home, so i walk out the door and get to my front door and turn aropund to go back, and i still dont know why i went back but N E WAY, when i got back they were in her kitchen talking to the parents, they didnt even look at me, and then go upstairs to get on the computer, so i walk up there about 2 min after they went up and i sat down, after i sat down one of them goes, get me an icon on AIM, and i said in my head "bullshit, just cus im the only one who can do it, doesnt mean thats all im good for" so i walked out of the room, and REALLY went home this time. so ya they are PISSING me off.
and im truly sry if i made you dat bad by that, but i need advise
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Saturday, September 25, 2004
a good day
hi everyone, it feels so wierd to just now right a post, its like 11:30 pm right now, usually i put a post right after school, but i had alot of things to do today.
my mom is buying a boat tomarrow and we have to take out for a test drive (hopefully i can drive it :P)
ive wanted a boat for the lake since i was like 7 so im pretty excited ^_^,
latly ive been trying to put fan art up and t hasnt been going through, and i have like 50 of them that i want to put up, maybe ill get it soon *shrugs* who knows.
STILL nothing from Adam, im getting worried now because he shouldnt be going this long without power, errr why did he have to live in florida. ive sent him like 5 E-mails and he hasnt replied to one of them, im starting to think he doesnt WANT to remember me *tear*.
i had mediation training today and i got to skip every single class period because of it, it was pretty fun, one of my friends younger sisters was in there, that was pretty cool. but since my friend was a mediator last year she only had o come in there at 8th period and a little bit of ninth.
it was so close in scienec AGAIN yesterday, i hadnt got this wksht completely done and when she cam around to check if we completed it, SHE DIDNT NOTICE MINE WAS NOT DONE, i was thrilled, and so when she turned her back i quickly finished it, WHEW, lol,
i also get to go try on brides made dresses tomarrow for my aunts wedding, bu the wedding isnt till like january :P.
 You are Earth
You are a Healer. you like things to be adventurous and calm like the forest. You tend to let things go a lot but you dont treat yourself enough, you are forgiving in many situations and never loose control. People like having you around.
Earth is compatible with Water.
Which of the 5 Elements are you? (animated icon results) brought to you by Quizilla
lol just wanted to add it
well thats all i hae for today, ill try to make it to all of you sites but its pretty late, so if i dont get to you please dont be offended,
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Wednesday, September 22, 2004
today i have inally decided to give up on Alex, i really need to get over hi, i think he is bringing my grade down, and i think he doesn like me like that n e way, it might take awhile but i know ill get over him.
i am going to go pick out my glasses *ack* on friday, gosh sry but i HATE glasses still, it just isnt my look. but haha my sister needs them to, acctually she needed them last year but never got them so shes getting them on friday like me. i know the reason i have to get glasses is because EVERY SINGLE person in my family has gotten glasses.for awhile berfore this, i thought i could slip by without glasses but the genes cought me,errrr. ok ill shutup about glasses now.
ok i relize finally i CANT put pics on my site doesnt that suck,
OMG i had SO MUCH HW today, i kinda cheated by using a claculator, but hey can ya blame me, if i hadnt id have been up till 1 in the morning and have to get up at 6:15.
ok guys i finaly ran out of things to say, lol, so
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Tuesday, September 21, 2004
hey guys, im sry for not posting in awhile, its just i got grounded yesterday, doesnt that suck, well i went to an eye doctor today and he said i needed glasses,POO, i really wanted contacts but he said i have to wear glasses for the first 10 days, errrr, I HATE GLASSES. ever since i knew what glasses were i NEVER wanted to get them in my entire life. my dream has been spoiled, oh well.
i cant believe those americans are being hel hostage, AND ONE OF THEM WAS BEHEADED ALREADY, it just makes me wonder how we can go on with our daily routined lives when one of our own has died, i feel awful for it, i have to admit im one of those ppl who just went along without giving any respect to the dead, so let all who read this take a moment of scilence for those who die every day and the ppl who are related to them............................................................
since we were just talking about the whole being hel captive thing i think the question of the day should relate to it,
if you have lost a family member say in the war, or just plain from old age, how did you cope with it, and if you have yet to experience a family member dieng, how do you think you would cope with it???
OK lets get out of the sadness zone, i need recomendations on a holiday for next friday, so we have time to count all the recomindations i have, such as national food day, or national picture day or somthing like that, well be creative and it does not have to be national. ^_^ ill finish this up with some pics

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Sunday, September 19, 2004
hey guys, well camping was not fun at all, there was NO ONE there my age, i spent the tima just sitting alone thinking and had NOTHING to do, errrrr, well i guess i did brush up on my drawing skills, i drew for about 13 hours straigh every day, well hopefully all of you guys had a better weekend then i did, not to menchion i still have HW, well
please leave comments ^_^
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