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Shannisou, (it means beautifull priestess in japanese ^_^)
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ever since i can remeber
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Saturday, September 4, 2004

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its in the morning right now on a weekend so nuthin special has happened, but i think im going out on the boat with one of my friends, and the whole thing between maddy and me was resolved, i think she was just PMSing or sumthin,
there is still no word from adam, *starts chewing on nail* im kinda freaked out, and yesterday when i said friends i wasnt lieing i really am only friends with him, he still doesnt know that i like him more than a friend but hey im good with just being friends.
for now,
sailor mars is one of my favs, who is your fav on sailor moon??
well thats all the news for right now ill try to update later,
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 Otaku Level 5
What Stage of Anime Fandom That I Went Through Are You At? brought to you by Quizilla
lol im so proud of myself ^_^
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yet another but not as boring long day ^_^
lets see, this morning when i got up, i went crazy over the fact that its finally friday, TGIF, well anyway when i got to school, and went in to science my seconed period once again i barly got out of somthing, the bell rang when i was out side in the lockers and it freaked me out so bad, lol i sneaked in when the teacher was not looking and took my seat, luckly she did not see me,
its so sad Adam lives in florida and that huge hurricane is hitting, and so im almost positive he had to evacuate florida, i still have not gotten word back fro either him or his mom, (his mom loves me ^_^)im so worried about him, i know i shouldnt be because in florida they deal with this sort of stuff all the time. but i cant help it i mean what r u supposed to do when your friend is about to get hit by one of the biggest hurricanes going to florida.
in texas history we started this stupid thing called texas connection, where you have to get an article out of a newspaper and write a summery about it on an index card. but i guess its pretty easy because its only a two or three sentance summery :P,
YAY i finaly got over that one guy i was crushing on (alex) and its so much easier for me to choose ^_^, but i guess i would have chosen adam n e way.
i went on a walk with one of my friends maybe an hour ago, and when we were coming back from walking around this one guy drove by and whistled at us,lol then he pulled up in his drive way and called out to us "how yall doin" it was so funny how he said it then i called back fine and how about you, then he said somthing after that but i didnt understand it.pretty freaky huh,lol.
hey i need to know how to post just pics on my site not quizes but pics i can never get it,
please leave comments ^_^, i most likly wont be able to go to your sites its pretty late. sry ill get to them tomarrow.
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Thursday, September 2, 2004
long day
once again i did my normal rutine when i woke up, but today on the bus my friend (or at least one of my friends named maddy) seems to be mad at me i i dont understand why, i try to be nice to her but ever since my other friend(PJ) came back from camp she seems to be pushing me away and trying to spend more time with PJ, if you could help me on this it would be great,
in other news, the thing about the pop quiz and how i didnt know if someone told or not, i found out that not just one person but a bunch of ppl told, and in Mr.Hightowers 4 period class(the one after mine) about 8 ppl knew about it already, and in his last class about half the ppl knew so, in VERY bad news he did take my grade and now i just hope he drops the lowest grade at the end of the nine weeks,
also, just yesterday i found Adamns E-mail address YAY, now i can E-Mail him alot more, i just hope he responds,
I had the first meeting for the year book comitee today, all we went over was just things like what they expected from us in the class, and how often we should be there, but what stinks is i dont know yet if my friend can do the year book with me, she took home a form today and didnt stay for the meeting because she couldent get a ride, i just hope we sort it out so she can do this with me, because in my class it seems like alot of my enemys are in it sooo yeah not that fun being alone.
mmmmmmm, tonight my dad is cooking his "world famous" (or so he says) spegetti, and my mom is going to her running class and wont be home untill like 9, well ill try to make it to all of your sites today, TAKE CARE EVERYONE, ^_^
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PS, if there is no music or blogs or anything like that on my site when you r here its because i am currently changing my site so dont be alarmed,
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Wednesday, September 1, 2004
hi guys, it was so close today in science i almost didnt have my HW finished, i had not done it the night before and so when ever she asked for it my face literally turned white, then i got it out and tried to finish it during the warm up and the assigniment we had for that day, luckly i finished and luckly she didnt ask for it untill the end of that period, that was almost too close.
of course i do have bad grade news, in texas history, we had a pop quiz today and nobody was expecting it, and everybody got below a 80 on it i got a 30, CAN U BELIEVE THAT A THIRTY, but what Mr,hightower (my teacher) said was that if we didnt tell any of the next classes about the pop quiz he wouldnt take the grade, so i went thro the day thinking that no one would tell about it and my average was safe, then i heard a little rumor going around about how SOME ONE TOLD, me and my friend in that class serched franticly after school trying to find MR.Hightower to ask if this was true, but we did not find him, so i wait in suspence untill i can ask tommarrow, oh geez i think im sweating.
n e way there is this guy named alex that i like at school, he is so nice and he talks and flirts with me all the time, but see theres another guy that i met down in mexico who i have a huge crush on, and i know if im ever in florida (where he lives) ill want to see him REALLY bad, but if i ever had to choose between Adamn (the guy i met in mexico) and alex i would without a doubt choose Adamn, well thats another day in my life for you, please leave comments ^_^
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Tuesday, August 31, 2004
hey everyone
today is a good day, lets see it started off the usual, me getting up at 6:30 geting dressed in 5 min and falling asleep untill 7:40, then i went outside and waited 20 min for the bus, i got to school and went through all of my classes flirted with a few guys and then at the end of school i asked a teacher about year book meetings and she said we are supposed to meet at the school at 4 untill 4:45 and i think my friend is going to get into yearbook with me, then she might come over to my house every time after we meet. well thats my day so far.
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Monday, August 30, 2004
ok im typing this when its like 3:00 am, i had to get up that early if i wanted time on the computer which really sucks, thats why i like weekends better. well thank you guys for all the comments on my last *clears throat* emarrasing post, i think im over it now, but now i have to wait for the next embarrasing moment, and i have no clue when it will happen, *looks behimd shoulder suspiciously* im about to fall asleep on the keyboard so ill talk to you guys when i get back from school.
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Sunday, August 29, 2004
 You came from the water. Calm and shy, you know what you want, but sometimes are afraid to stand up for yourself.
Where did you come from? brought to you by Quizilla
im waterized lol
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 Queen Maia of Halassar, The Goddess Laharah Reborn
Which Summoner 2 Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
i am a goddess ^_^
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