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myOtaku.com: sangoiscool

Wednesday, May 5, 2004

   My story, chapter 2
Rio awoke maybe three hours later, for she had been knocked unconscious and when she sat up, she tried to remember how she was knocked out. Her head hurt very badly and she had a bad headache. She wandered around for hours trying to find a way out, but no matter which way she went there was no ending to the forest. Finally she came to a circle where there no trees but very green grass, and the spot is perfect with the sunlight, it shines perfectly down on the circle. In the middle of the circle is a rock and on the rock was an old woman with pointy ears, an odd looking cane and an arrow pack on her back.
The old woman looks up at Rio and smiles. She gets off her rock and walks over to Rio, Rio started backing off at first and then she gained up enough courage to ask where they were.
�Where are we?�
�We are in the sacred forest, and I�ve been expecting you for some time now, Rio,� the old woman replied.
�What�s the sacred forest, and why have you been expecting me?� asked Rio
�I�ll take you to a place where you can find these answers� the old woman told Rio.
�But I�ve been around the forest for hours and could not find any thing,� Rio said.
�Ah, but you must know HOW to go through the forest,� the old woman said.
�What do you mean?� asked Rio
�I mean I know where to go and it�s easy to get there,� the old woman replied.
�Oh, okay.�
So the old woman and Rio wandered through the forest and it was not as easy as she said.
�Oh, and by the way my name is Keota, my parents named me after the great coyote of the north. The story is that the great coyote was suppose to be a reincarnation of a beautiful and brave young girl, and the coyote would save, give, and take peoples lives with extraordinary powers,� Keota told Rio.
�Oh, but who was the girl, and what did she do?� Rio asked
�Well,� the old woman said, �she was an ordinary sewer in a shop, but she was so beautiful that when the prince saw her he was stunned and could not take his eyes off her. He immediately fell in love with her, but she did not love the prince back. So what he did is say if she did not marry him she will be doomed to a horrible death. But she refused still to marry him and gave her life to stand up for what she believed was the right thing to do, she is one of the reason�s people are standing up for what they believe is the right thing today,� Keota ended.

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