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Monday, September 12, 2005
i am in a deep depression. these guys are spreading a rumor that they *gulp* 'DID' me. it's sooo not true! *sobs* i am SOOO getting those guys a referal when i figure out their last names. *cries* my REAL friends would never believe it though, they know i've sworn to abstinence! 7th grade sucks. i'm pissed off beyond belief.
A love in disguise: Sango and Miroku 
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Sunday, September 11, 2005
Signs you are obsessed with Sango
- You literaly make a giant boomerang out of real bones.
- You always style your hair like her.(sometimes)
- You wear dark pink eyshadow.
- You buy a tight black body suit and put the pink pads on it.
- You learn how to use a boomerang.
- You buy a katana. (I have two).
- You actually learn how to use it properly. (I can use it)
- You make an exterminating mask.
- You slap any guy that gropes you, or comes to close to you.(I have done that, missed his face -_-)
- You actually want to learn how to exterminate demons.
(I do) - You call your little brother Kohaku.
- You feel very sad and feel Sango's pain when flash backs of Kohaku and his death come on. (I really feel her pain)
- You name your cat Kirara. (I call ours that, even though that isn't his name)
- You throw it in the air hoping it will transform.
- You dye your hair black.
- You make your own black elbow gloves.(I have one elbow glove)
- You hide blades under your body suit on your writsts.
- You get brown contacts.
- Your friends call you Sango (Now I go by Kyo) - You have built a site about her or have a list like this(definatily) - You are thinking of legaly changing your name to Sango
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September 11
Let everyone who lost their families, and their own lives to save those of others, rest in peace. Please take a moment out of your busy days, to pray for the people who lost their families, and thier own lives to the terrorist attack. May they rest in peace. Amen.
A love in disguise: Sango and Miroku 
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HELLO! just seeing if this blog works! ^_^ well, Sabbycat93 is at my house... if you can count that as a good thing... JK isn't this just the most adorablest blog ever? WELL, since the stupid blog didn't work, go to inu-kag.tk and go to the third page where Sango and Miroku are standing with fireworks, thats what i think is the most adorablest blog ever! oh yea! every article i've read about Kirara says that shes an IT. an IT! but in yesterdays episode she caught Inuyasha, and Kagome said "SHE CAUGHT INUYASHA!" Sabbycat93 says it was Shippo who said that, but i think it was Kagome. Well bye for now! i'll update later! ^_^
A love in disguise: Sango and Miroku 
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Saturday, September 10, 2005
i made some changes, like the stars falling down from the top of the page, and the curser. hope you like it! ^_^ i'll update later, i'm going shopping in a bit! have a nice stay at my wonderful site!
A love in disguise: Sango and Miroku 
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Friday, September 9, 2005
Graphics: From me, to you.

A love in disguise: Sango and Miroku 
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I knew people in New Orleans... I hope they're okay.

A love in disguise: Sango and Miroku 
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Another wonderful... boring... exciting... stupid day! ^_^
hello! OMFG i hate justin! he is freaky! *eww* *gag* when i was walking to the school doors, and this guy said "HI!" from the bus, i waved at him, but i didn't know who he was. how come everyone knows my name, but i don't know theres? then anya said this guy wanted her to ask me if i "Swallow or spit?" if anyone knows what that is please tell me! because i'm getting freaked out! she said that like his name was steven, i told her to get his last name so i could see if i knew who he was. in health i got 100% on my chapter 1&2 test, and these guys accused me of cheating, or studying. and i did neither. anya threw my purse across the room and a guy grabbed it. i stood there, *obviously aggravated* and yelled at him. when he didn't give it back, i yelled "IF YOU EVER WANT MY PIZZA AGAIN YOU'LL GIVE ME MY FREAKIN PURSE!" he so kindly gave it back to me. violence is really helpful ^_^ my WONDERFUL chorus teacher *no, i'm serious, she really is wonderful* post poned our music test till monday. see ya later people!
P.P.S. PM me to join the Sango and Miroku fanclub! Please join! ^_^
A love in disguise: Sango and Miroku 
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Thursday, September 8, 2005
Suffering of Boredom. . .
bored...bored...bored *looks around room* bored...bored...*humming song i'm trying to learn on the piano, My Will* bored...bored...bored... *waiting for friend to come and pick me up so we can go to taekwondo* bored...bored... *thinking about world domination plan for my and bankotsusonlylove evil kitties and penguins* bored... bored...*lightbulb on top of head*
do you have any ideas to cure boredom.. if you do... can you tell me? i suffer from it ALOT.
A love in disguise: Sango and Miroku 
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Wednesday, September 7, 2005
Joined Forces...
I have joined BankotsusOnlyLove armny, and she has joined mine. Cats and Penguins will rule the world, just watch! We are unstoppable, this is war! Sorry, for all who are reading this, that are in Sabbycat93's army, but your going down! *evil laugh* We will win this war!
A love in disguise: Sango and Miroku 
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