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WELL, I go to school and I'm working on songs for my future singing album.
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Kitty :P
2nd Degree blackbelt in TaeKwonDo
Anime Fan Since
I was introduced to InuYasha
Favorite Anime
InuYasha, of course!!
um.... let me think for awhile...BECOMING A SINGER
singing, dancing, watching InuYasha, TaeKwonDo, surfing internet, talking on phone, etc.
singing, drawing?? Imitating Sango's slap!
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Wednesday, September 7, 2005
My Day. Featuring: A War With Alarms!
i have to have three alarm clocks wake me up in the morning *i'm a heavy sleeper* the first one goes off at 6am, the second at 6:10am, and the third at first alarm clock went off. i couldn't find the switch to turn the annoying thing off so i just pressed snooze. 5 min later it went off again! i slapped it till it turned off. then the second alarm clock started to beep. i turned it off. the first one started beeping again! i finally found out how to turn it off. by the time the third one went off i was already WIDE awake. but hey, i won the war! ^_^
anya is out to kill me, she even told me she was.....
justin won't stop freakin touching me! it's disgusting! >.<
yesterday at taekwondo was hilarious, this was our dialogue:
instructor: we are going to spar
me: do i have to? i only got 5 hours of sleep
instructor: why?
me: my cat took up half of the bed
instructor: ever heard of kicking the cat off the bed?
everyone else: laughing
me: i wouldn't like it if someone kicked me off of the bed when i was trying to sleep!
everyone else: laughing more
instructor: nodding head
. . .
guess you had to be there
Last Words:
join the Sango and Miroku fanclub! just PM me to join! join my army of kittes! ^_^ you know you wanna...
A love in disguise: Sango and Miroku 
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Tuesday, September 6, 2005
World Domination...
Everyone today seems to have a plan *AND AN ANIMAL* for world domination.... this is the first time you will ever hear me say something like this, but I think that I will do it too... *I already know there are going to be lots of GASPS* I will go with the trend..*again, lots of gasps* I never go with the trend. Well, since I have a friend who has turtles, and another who has penguins, I will have...
Cute lil kitties! ^_^ They may be cute and innocent: 
But they can turn into deadly assasins: 
MWAH HAHAHAHA! All bow down to the kitties! ^_^ You know you wanna...
A love in disguise: Sango and Miroku 
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tried the whole putting background on my site, saw how it failed my beautiful text ^_^ and decided, i don't think i'll ever use backgrounds on this site... i dont' like how i have to highlight text to see what it says when the colors of the background clash with the colors of the text...
A love in disguise: Sango and Miroku 
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Situation: Kagome
i used to place Kagome 2nd, to Sango, who is obviously first. but, i was watching last nights episode of Inuyasha: Kagome, kidnapped by the wolf demon koga. now, i have realized how Kagome is such a damsel in distress image. first, she gets kidnapped by koga, then, tsubaki cursed her, then tried to get her to attempt to kill inuyasha. then in the first movie, she gets possesed, once again, by that evil moth demon dude. and then, she basically set up the stage so that Kikyo could push her down the well. that just ticks me off, on how she always kinda depends on Inuyasha to save her... i don't get it.
now Sango, gotten kidnapped? i don't think so... *not to sound sarcastic* and she got possesed like once in the third movie, i think... *saw a pic of it for screencaps for the third movie* now, this fact has been bothering me for awhile. Kagome is just so, *remeber my opinion* kinda dependant on other people. i would NEVER depend on someone else to save me everytime i'm in some kind of trouble. ok, maybe i would like once, but not everytime. and i'm not saying that Kagome does it everytime either... thats my opinion, and i'm glad i got that off of my chest.
^_^ please, Kagome fans, don't yell at me, i'm just an innocent Sango fan...
A love in disguise: Sango and Miroku 
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WHOO HOO! i finished Sango's Theme! i'm soooo happy! ^_^ i can get through the WHOLE thing! okay, yes, there are some places where i accidently hit the wrong key, but hey playing the piano is harder than i thought! Next Mission: My Will. i wanna learn My Will, then learn the japanese lyrics, and then try out for the talent show this year or next year! ^_^ whoo hooo for me! my chorus teacher would be soo proud... if i told her, maybe i should tell her, hmm something to sleep on. speaking of sleeping. my cat was sleeping on my bed *like he does everynight* he was laying diagnaly *i know i didn't spell that right* and layed straigt, and took up half of the bed! i wanted to sleep comfortably, but i didn't want to move him because he was trying to sleep too. i got 5 hours of sleep. 5 HOURS! *holds up hand* COUNT EM' 5 HOURS! i was sooo sleepy at school. in health we are getting into *gag* HIV/AIDS and STD. then we are getting into *gag more* growth and devolopment. i hate health. well bye bye for now! JOIN THE SANGO AND MIROKU FANCLUB!
A love in disguise: Sango and Miroku 
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Monday, September 5, 2005
Site Changes: New Colors!
Ok, i never thought i would say this, but i'm sick of all the purple on my site. THERES JUST TOO MUCH! so, i made the background black *everything shows up on black, well other than the color black* and i think it looks cool. i never thought i would change from purple to black.. but theres a first time for everything! DO NOT THINK I AM GOTHIC OR ANYTHING I JUST LIKE THE WAY IT LOOKS! oh, and the previous post, she's not more perverted than Miroku. i was kidding.
A love in disguise: Sango and Miroku 
Comments (5) |
HELLO!!! i woke up at like 12 in the afternoon so i highly doubt i will be able to go to sleep very well. -_-0 my friend is IM me and she is totally grossing me out. it turns out she's more perverted than Miroku! *gag* ewwww! ok, next subject!!!!!!!!! my mom is now 'limiting' me to the computer only 3 hours a day! 3HOURS! THAT IS RIDICULOUS! she doesn't want me on the computer ALL day, i don't see why..... i'm doing better on the piano for Sango's Theme. i'm almost done with it. i'm soo happy! well bye bye for now!
A love in disguise: Sango and Miroku 
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Sunday, September 4, 2005
Do you think that I'm over obsessed with Sango?
A love in disguise: Sango and Miroku 
Comments (5) |
Hello World!!!!!
hello! i watched inuyasha last night, Kohaku was really sweet to lead Sango and Miroku out of the cave so that he wouldn't have to fight them. *yawn* i'm drinking water, water is good for the soul! no actually sweet tea and coca cola is. . . . anyways! here are the lyrics to a japanese song i'm learning, enjoy!
No More Words- Ayumi Hamasaki
Kitto kitto bokutachi wa
ikiru hodo ni shitteyuku
soshite soshite bokutachi wa
ikiru hodo ni wasureteku
hajimari ga aru mono ni wa
itsu no hi ka owari mo aru koto
iki toshi ikeru mono nara
sono subete ni
moshimo kono sekai ga shousha to haisha to no
futatsu kiri ni wakareru nara
Aa boku wa haisha de ii
itsu datte haisha de itai n da
kitto kitto bokutachi wa
kanashii hodo ni utsukushiku
yue ni yue ni bokutachie wa
kanashii hodo ni kegareteku
mamoru beki mono no tame ni
kyou mo mata nanika o gisei ni
iki toshi ikeru mono no tachi
sono subete ga
moshimo kono sekai ga shousha to haisha to no
futatsu kiri ni wakareru nara
Aa boku wa haisha de ii
itsu datte haisha de itai n da
boku wa kimi ni nani o tsutaerareru darou
konno chippoke de chisana boku de shika nai
ima wa kore ijou hanasu no wa yametoku yo
kotaba wa sou amari ni mo
toki ni muryoku dakara
there you go! from now on, the japanese song i'm trying to learn at the time, i'm going to post the lyrics up on my site so all of you can see what i'm doing when i'm not on the computer!
A love in disguise: Sango and Miroku 
Comments (6) |
Saturday, September 3, 2005
I am off of grounded. *breathes fresh computer surronded air* COMPUTER! *.* Computer, i missed you SOOO much! *ok, it sounds wierd, but when you're addicted to the computer as much as i am, you would feel the same way* okay! well, i am soooo P-Oed right now! i lost one of my inuyasha tapes! i'm supposed to have 10, and i lost my 9th tape! and i'm working on my 11th tape to! i need that 9th tape! if you have any suggestions of where that tape might be... PLEASE TELL ME! i know you don't know what my room looks like or anything, but the suggestion will be very helpful! who knows, it might be where you said to look! >*.*< *steam blowing out of ears!* Okay, on to a happier subject. . . I'M FREE! therefore, i added a new article, called 'Miroku: Loved by Everyone' and please look at my 'Sango' article! it was apart of Sango Appreciation Day *which i marked on my calendar to remember this moment forever!* THANK YOU NEWMOONINUYASHA *IF YOUR READING THIS!* FOR SENDING IN A SANGO ARTICLE! I REALLY ENJOYED IT! soo, i think i'm gonna leave this post now, and go find some other goodies for my site!
A love in disguise: Sango and Miroku 
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