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myOtaku.com: SangoKirara

Friday, November 25, 2005

   Busy Beaver....

I woke up at 12:00 PM, yea I know, it's bad. But I was gonna get on the computer first thing, after I ate breakfast, but my dad was on downloading songs... INSTEAD I cleaned the area where the Christmas tree and decorations are going to go, and my dad is currently in the shed getting the Christmas tree and decorations. ^_^ I also cleaned my room, I was getting so sick of all the dirtiness around it! Is dirtiness a word??? I don't know. And I also put all the dishes up, and made sure that my cat's litter box was clean. OMG, 23 unread messages. ONLY 6 OF THEM ARE BULK! URRG! OH, and I'm washing my clothes. My mom always says "Put them in the hamper and I'll wash them!!" But she never washes them. My friend made me a new Xanga account a couple of days ago, RIGHT AFTER I DELETED MY OTHER ONE.... she put my real name on the internet and I was getting freaked out. I figured out how to change it, I'm not going to delete the account, but I'm not going to get on very much... WELL, my dad never got the decorations, so I have to go bug him now... I'm thinking my next layout will be Christina Aguilera, because she is awesome... SEE YOU GUYS LATER! CIAO!!

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