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• 2005-12-08
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Monday, August 21, 2006
Final fantasy:Dierge of Cerberus came out yesterday. I like it! Well it's good for ps2 and I like Yuffie wait... YuffieKisaragixVincent Valentine!! Main character is Vincent.OH and catsith is in there too. His attack is scratching. I've only gotten to the part with The Shera.
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Monday, August 14, 2006
stuff again
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Sunday, August 13, 2006
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This is old.
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Saturday, August 12, 2006
kikyo and Inu
\ Kikyo will never die that's a good thing.
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Friday, July 7, 2006
kikyo and fluffy!!
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pictures yipee!!

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poor ed

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naraku stuff
Naraku's Fangirl: Naraku, you're the main villain in the show and there are lots of people out there who hates your guts. They think that you're just this evil guy who do evil stuffs for no good reasons at all. How do you feel about that?
Naraku: Well, it's not easy being called a villain you know. All the things that I did, I didn't do it because I'm evil. I did it because I was trying to help! But do I get a "thank you, Naraku"? NO! If there's a victim around here, it would be me!
Fangirl: (sweatdrops) uhhh.... you were trying to help?????
Naraku: well yeah... I'm not a bad guy you know.
Fangirl: Naraku, come on now... you put that black hole thing in Miroku's grandfather hand. How is that helping, if it just ends up killing the guy and his family???
Naraku: well, as we all know, Miroku's whole family are perverts... I putted the hole in his grandfather's hand as a way to HELP all those innocent girls out there. It was a punishment to get them to change their perverted ways. The wind tunnel will disappear if they just stop being perverts! So they have no one but themselves to blame! I was only trying to help the girls by getting rid off perverts!
Fangirl: okay, that's seem believable. But how do you explain what you did to Sango's family?
Naraku: what happened was all a misunderstanding. I didn't kill Sango's family. The spider demon did, and if I remember correctly I was the one who killed the demon and gave Sango's family a proper burial. I don't know how people could see me as a bad guy while I was just trying to help. I even saved Sango and Kohaku's lives by giving them each a jewel shard to help keep them alive. And what do I get in return for all my good deeds???? Sango teaming up with Inuyasha to kill me! So if there's a victim in this one, it would be me!
Fangirl: (more sweatdrops) uuhhhh..... but what about the time that you ordered Kagura to kill Kouga's wolves???
Naraku: yet again, I'm just an another innocent victim. We all know that Kagura doesn't like me. I gave her life and in return she slaughtered Kouga's comrades and blamed it on me! Making me a into an evil guy, while it was all her doing!
Fangirl: and the time that you ordered Kagura to kidnap Rin???
Naraku: again, it wasn't me. It's obvious that Kagura has a thing for Sesshoumaru, but he turned her down. Bad mistake if you ask me. So she's pissed and kidnapped Rin as a way to get back at Sesshoumaru. She tried to set me up to fight against Sesshoumaru. You know "killing two birds with one stone". But Sesshoumaru and I, we're too smart for that girl, so that's why we're both alive right now and Kagura's evil plan didn't work. Again, I was just the middle man in Kagura's revenge against Sesshoumaru for dumping her!
Fangirl: wow! That actually makes sense! Oh, you poor thing. But how do you explain what you did to Inuyasha and Kikyou?
Naraku: (sighs) it was all a mistake. Everything turned out so wrong. The plan was for Inuyasha to leave town, then the Shikon Jewel and Kikyou would be mine. So I didn't like Inuyasha, but can you blame me? He has the girl that I loved, it was only natural for me not to like him. But I didn't mean for him to get kill. How was I supposed to know that Kikyou was going to kill Inuyasha? And of course, I couldn't foresee that Kikyou was going to die as well. I thought that she would use the jewel to save herself. (sighs) Everything just went so wrong.
Fangirl: aawwww.... there you have it ladies and gentlemen. Naraku's own words! It wasn't his fault that everybody were suffering. He was either trying to help or just an innocent victim himself, but somehow he always get blame for everything. Poor Naraku, people should really stop blaming him for everything!!!
Fangirl: Oopps I almost forgot to ask you the most important question of all. Now Naraku, you're such a bishy man, so why hide behind that baboon mask??? You should really let your fan girls see more of that beautiful face of your ^_^
Naraku: kukuku, the baboon costume is for my mysterious nature.
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she's powerful
she's beautiful
she's smart
the classic clothing looks great on her
her lovely eyes
she looks great when she smiles
she still looks great when she frowns
the super straight hair
she been to hell and back (literally)
she's a master archery
she's great with children
the people of her village held her in high respect
she has the power to purify
her magic is most powerful
demons are afraid of her
Naraku is afraid of her power
Inuyasha is in love with her
even Naraku loves her
you can't kill her
falling over a cliff can't kill her
even Naraku can't kill her
she's more than 60 years old, yet looks like as if she's 18
she defeated Inuyasha so easily
she's not one of those girls who throws a tantrum and whacks you on the head when you angered her
no, she will just kill you! (ask Inuyasha, he knows)
she has high pride in herself
she's not afraid of Naraku
she even played with his head
she likes to mock Naraku
she's not afraid of anything
she's calm and collective
she's tricky
her intentions are unknown
she's mysterious
she's good with medicine
she helps injured soldiers
she has great helpers Asuka & her other shikigami girl
Now for my all so infamous kikyo speech... my thoughts on all you Kikyo haters out there. All I have to say is geezz give it a rest, will ya.
Don�t turn her into something she's NOT. I have been to a few Kikyo hater sites and their info of her is totally unjust and really one sided. OK SHE ISN'T A SLUT OK IF ANYONES A SLUT IT'S KAGOME.i MEAN PLEASE SHE GOES AROUND THE FUEDAL ERA WITH A SKIRT. IF MY MOM SAW THAT SHE'D SAY WHERE'S THE OTHER HALF OF IT!SHE KNOWS SHES GOING TO FIGHT DEMONS.OKAY KIKYO DOESNT WANT MEN STARING AT HER LEFT AND RIGHT 2MEN INUYASHA, NARAKU BUT SHE HATES NARAKU. KAGOME-AKATAKI HOUJO(FUEDAL ERA) HOUJO (PRESENT)KOGA AND INUYASHA.4! They turned her into some type of sickly, evil girl who is out to get Inuyasha and Kagome. The number one reason why people hate her so much is because she came between Inuyasha and Kagome's relationship, others say it's because she's evil, and some says she's dead, should remain dead, and has no business walking around. (I love Sesshoumaru and Kikyo don�t say anything against them. Or I�ll become your worst enemy buwhaha!!! I�m ok) First of all, Inuyasha and Kagome's relationship has problem is because of Inuyasha, not Kikyo. Kikyo gave up on Inuyasha, because she knows she is dead and can't go back to the way thing was between them. She distanced herself from Inuyasha. Every time they ran into each other, she always ends up leaving him behind. If she really wanted to break up Inuyasha and Kagome, then she would have stick around and be part of the group. Then Kagome would be out of a job, since Kikyo can also sense jewel shards. So if you want to blame somebody, Inuyasha is a good start.
Second, Kikyo is not evil. How the hell did people came up with that idea anyway? Is it because she tried to kill Inuyasha when she first appeared? Or is it because she doesn't like Kagome? Yes, she did want Inuyasha dead at first, but can you blame her? She was brought back to life against her wish, and the first person she saw was the one she loved and believed that he had betrayed her. Heck, you would be pissed too. On their second encounter, she wanted to take him to hell with her because Inuyasha told her that he had never stop thinking about her. To her, it's better to be together in hell, than to live and not be able to forget about her. No, she did not do that out of hate, but love, just so they could be together. If you just follow the story, it's obvious that she is still love Inuyasha. Ok, she doesn't like Kagome and tried to kill her ONCE, but does that make her evil?? NO, it's natural for her not to like Kagome. Kagome has her soul, the man she loved, and pretty much the life she could have if she was still alive. Her jealousy of Kagome doesn't make her evil. How can she be evil if she travels around helping the sick and injured people? Plus do you see her helping Naraku all the time? NO! so she e didn�t kill Tsubaki when she had a chance, she knew her 50 years ago.�If you even try to kill Inuyasha I�ll kill you.�unless you aren�t one of those people that don�t watch Inuyasha all the time and think you know every thing about it.(I HATE THOSE PEOPLE) Next issue the "she is dead and should remain dead" argument. There is a thing called an unrest soul. Don't forget how she died. The reason why she is still walking around is to kill Naraku and have her revenge. There is nothing wrong with wanting a little justice for your death. She is strong, and doesn't rely on others to protect her. She knows what she wants and goes for it. What I like most about her is that she is not one of those weakling girls, who need to be comfort. Now kagome in fact is one of those girls. Every time she needs help she asks Inuyasha. That�s all she does! Hate her if you will, I in turn may hate you if you hate Sango too.
PS. SANGO AND KIKYO ROCK! *COUGH*KAGOME STINKS.*COUGH*if anyone can get me to not hate kagome i'll go around and smack a popular person at school.You can ask kagomeassassin if i did we go to the same school or sangoangel
CHOW,CHOW sango warrior
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