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Somewhere between Heaven and Hell
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Script Writer, Anime Roleplayer, AMV Maker, Editor, and Director/Film Maker
Real Name
Wouldn't you really love to know? Fine.....Alicia (Not really)
Creating my mangas and making amvs. Also being the leader of HalfBorn Cosplay
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Katekyo Hitman Reborn, Tsubasa, Fushigi Yuugi, One Piece, Rurouni Kenshin, Saiyuki, Ayashi no Ceres, Death Note, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Peacemaker Kurogane, and much more
Having my anime/mangas become as famous as the ones that are out today and also making my own dubbing and movie company
Drawing, acting, voice acting, writing scripts, cosplaying, amd MUCH MORE!
Everything in my hobbies I am pretty much good at
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Thursday, November 22, 2007
Everyone, in case you are still half-asleep or if you forgot what day is today, then let my explain!! Today is Thanksgiving, the holiday of the different varities of food and the gathering of family and friends. So make sure you are thankful for something today and have fun today. Although Thanksgiving is not really my favorite holiday to celebrate, I still like it because of the delicious foods adults make for it.
Also, I went to Tandokucon two weekends ago on a Sunday. It was awesome!! Well let's just say that I got a hug from a very special person and also and autograph from him on his new cd. You guessed it, VIC MIGNOGNA (voice of Edward Elric and many other anime characters). I asked him to sign my cd I bought (which was made by him) and he aggree^_^ He also gave me a hug when I aksed for it. I was truly in heaven after that. I also got autographs from Lex Lang (voice of Sanosuke Sagara and others) and Chris Ayres! It was really exciting and also...I bought a Rangiku figurine. So col!! can't wait for the other con when we perform as Final Fantasy Advent Children. I'm Reno^_^
Also, the con that happened in October where my group and I performed at...great! Everyone knew their lines and we got some awesoem feedback from everyone that watched us. Hope I get to see some of you guys at conventions very soon! If you need to look up some of them then look up the listings of conventions online. Well that's it for now, I also changed my site to Sanji because my cousin Momo-Hime made me watch it again. Now I am obsessed! I am also very upset with Tokyo Revelations Tsubasa! Very cool but I have to wait for the other episode to come out in JANUARY!! That's too far away-_-. Well I am going to get back to sleep and then I will talk to you guys later.
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Sunday, September 2, 2007
I really don't know what to write about...
Well I know today is another cosplaying practice for the convention in October, bu I don't know how that is going to go because everyone we have had, only a few people came. But still, we will get it done and it will be good. If you live anywhere near Bucks County Community College, then come to Shikkaricon on October 27th to see us. We will be performing a Bleach Skit called Bleach Idol. So if you can make it, then come and see and dress as your favorite characters from any anime series. You just have to pay 5 dollars per person to get in. Hope to see you there!
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Thursday, August 30, 2007
Mystery Contact, Who did I talk to?
Well I was busy on myspace and I just so happened to go on the famous Vic Mignogna site (since I am a magor fan of his work) and noticed that his birthday was on the 27th of August. So I made him a birthday ecard with some of the characters he plays as and sent it to his email address, thinking that he wouldn't respond to me, or think that I am nuts. (don't even say it Momo-hime XD)
Here is the ecard I sent to him:

Well this morning I checked my email and guess who replied to my message...Vic Mignogna himself! He told me that he loved the ecard I made for his birthday and he said that I would be considered one of his good friends. (since I told him I was a huge fan, but who isn't right?) Anyway, he also invited me to go to a convention in Philadelphia on November 9th-11th. I told my dad and he said we can most definately go. I am so excited this happened, I was squealing, jumping around, even crying when I got his message!! When I do go to the convention, I am probably going to bring my cousin Momo-hime and maybe another friend of mine. If you are interested in going, look up the name "Tandokucon" on google or whatever server you usually search under. That's all for now! Oh and the new theme for my site will be...OURAN HIGH SCHOOL HOST CLUB!!
And for all the other fans of Vic, here is a pic of him:

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Monday, August 27, 2007
Changing my profile..again!
Yeah I am wanting to change it so badly. But not to just any anime. I honestly can't tell you what it will be yet, but you will find out late on tonight. So yeah, seeya!!
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Monday, August 20, 2007
I am extremely bored now...I might be posting some cosplaying pictures later. My Vacation at the beach sucked because I got yelled at a lot and I was being called 'asshole' and 'bitch' by my parents. -_- I could care less about them anyway...but it was fun when I saw Momo-Hime and MayoKing Hijikata there. But like I said, I am going to make more walls and blah..also working on a belated birthday gift for my friend LinaGreenStar and SnowWhiteByakuya. So yeah^_^
School starts in like 2 weeks!! I don't wanna go to school...hate much....
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Saturday, August 18, 2007
Nothing to say right now, just at a friend's house. I will post later. Bibi^_^
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Saturday, August 11, 2007
Yep today is the day for my VACATION!! I have been waiting for this since school got out. (well not really) But today we are leaving around 12 pm or after to LBI. I am going to see my cousins Momo-Hime and MayoKingHijikata, and I am going to bring my little piglet Saizo^_^ (yes I named him after the piglet from Peacemaker Kurogane). But I will not be on online for ONE ENTIRE WEEK!! But I will miss you all and I promise as soon as I get back I will make more PMK wallpapers along with taking requests on making wallpapers from other people. So if you have a request, then I will make that certain character. But take care till then.
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Wednesday, August 8, 2007
My laptop....completely broken..
Well When I was at my cousin's house today (because I slept over last night) my computer fell on her computer. It worked fine before I left and everything but will not work at all. This really sucks because I want to edit stuff on photobucket and change some things around on my other sites (myspace). At least my dad isn't mad at me or anything because he said I was going to get a new one anyway soon enough. But I am still pretty upset over it. At least my brother is being nice and letting me use his laptop until I get my new one or get my old one fixed. But it will still take awhile to have my on computer again. SO if I am barely on, then please bare with me.
Anyway, soon I am going to go on vacation like I mentioned before. I am getting excited, but then again I only like the beach when I am hanging out with my friends or cousin. Hopefully I will be able to still have some fun when Momo-Hime leaves on Sunday to go back home. I am going to miss her a lot...
I am also going to change my site once again. I know I just changed the background and everything but I just got into a lot of other anime series like:
Lovely Complex
And other ones thanks to my cousin. But yeah the new theme will last until...well until I get bored of it, and the anime it is going to be based off is...PEACEMAKER KUROGANE!! SOUJI AND SAIZO KICKS ASS!!
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Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Bored and Sleepy
Yeah I am EXTREMELY BORED!! XD At least I will be till this weekend when I go on vacation^_^. But this time, I will be going for the week and my cousin Momo-hime will be coming for the weekend. Although it isn't the whole time, we usually have fun roleplaying, drawing, or just hanging out together. I still can't wait, I am going to see if I could maybe spend the night at her house this week sometime because of my boredomness. Is that even a word? Well now it is!
In other news, you can see that I have changed the theme to my site. I am now Sasaki Kojiro aka ASSASSIN from Fate/Stay Night. I was getting tired of seeing Howl on my site (although I am still in love with the guy XP) so I decided to change the theme to something I haven't really talked about in awhile. Please make sure you take some time out to watch the amvs above. Of course, I did not make them.
It is so F***ING HOT OUTSIDE!! I have everything you could think of to keep me cool but it is definately not working! Man I know I am being random, maybe the heat got to my head or something...
NOOOO!!!!! School is going to start in less then a month and I am not at all ready to go! Sure I will see my friends and yes there will be a lot of cool things going on in the school year (like the anime convention at Bucks County Community College). But everything else sucks!! Except for the fact that I can bother my cousin again...^_^ I am the little devil when it comes to her but that is why she loves me. Or is it because she torments me and thinks I am funny when she gets on my nerves...@_@ Oh well!
Well that is all I have to say. So yeah...COMMENT NOW!! Just kidding....or am I...
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Thursday, July 19, 2007
Yeah, as you can tell from the title, there is another newcomer to theotaku!! She is one of my youngest yet good friends and she got into anime not too long ago. Her username is of course LinaGreenStar and you can either look her up under the searchy thingy and then see her site or you can look her up under my friend list. Doesn't matter which one you pick, but she really wants friends. She is very nice and you will like her as much as you like me ^_^. So yeah look her up, here is a picture to help you on how she lookes like...

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