Birthday • 1989-02-07 Gender •
Male Location • New York Member Since • 2005-11-02 Occupation • Aspiring Cartoonist Real Name • Steve
Achievements • Getting into SVA, That's What She Said Productions, Being who I am Anime Fan Since • Old School Toonami, Speed Racer, Voltron, G Force, Favorite Anime • One Piece, Dragonball, Lupin III, Eyeshield 21, Akira,, Cowboy Bebop Deathnote, Yu Yu Hakusho, Bleach, Shaman King, Evangelion, Love Hina, Full Metal Alchemist, Case Closed, Shin Chan Goals • Become a cartoonist (Already half way there!) Hobbies • Drawing, sports, video games, movies Talents • Excellent at Drawing, Funny Sanjiscool
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
I know, I know, it's been a looooooooooooooong time, there's so much to tell, well, probably after I type, there won't be.
First, Dub Piece Episode 7 and Out of Context II have been uploaded on You Tube for a while now. If anyone needs links, I'll edit my post.
Last Sunday had to be one of the greatest, and most fun experiences of my life. What was it you may ask? I camped out for a mother fuckin' Nintendo Wii! We got there at 11:30 at night, and got in at about 8:00 in the morning. I went with Royce and Shiny, and we had a blast just having conversations with a bunch of people, and fooling around like always. We gave ourselves codenames based on place in line. I was Mr. 5. I picked up a Wii and Legend of Zelda, and I couldn't be happier.
Yesterday I went to the mall to start buying gifts for friends and family. I pretty much got the majority of everyone. Feels kind of cool now, having a job and just using it on you friends. Later on a bunch of us got together to play pool, and that's pretty much it.
That's all the excitement for this week, but hey, Christmas is coming, and I'm freakin' pumped. Comments (4) |
Wednesday, November 8, 2006
That is the DVD I've waited over a year to recieve. One of my favorite films of all time, and probably the geekiest, Transformers finally gets a worthy DVD edition. I didn't have school yesterday, so I went to pick it up and I was so damn pleased to finally buy it, and it was cheap too!
I also went for my job interview yesterday, I am now working at K.B. Toys (applause). It's cool, I'll be working with one of my best friends, so we'll be pulling some Clerks style jokes.
The reason I haven't posted in a few days is because my wireless connection is teh gayness. It seems that Sundays and Mondays are its off days.
I took the SAT again on Saturday. English part was okay, but shit, the math was absolutely brutal.
I'm glad the One Piece anime is finally kicking off the CP9 fights. If you've seen the new opening, do you like it? It's not as good as Brand New World, but I find it decent.
Oh yeah, Shiny came over after work on Monday because he's working all week, and new he'd hardly have anytime to dub. Yesterday, I hung out with Dan, he's girlfriend, and our good friend Andy. Me and Dan dubbed, then we all just went to the mall, doing nothing but mallratting, and tasting very disgusting mayonnaise. Long story. Comments (3) |
Friday, November 3, 2006
I got the SAT's tommorow, ain't that a bitch. I haven't really prepared that much for it, but I just hope I do better than last time. Though I am aiming on going to an art school so I don't think they'd care about the SAT's, but I still want to do well.
My grandmother went into surgery, she broke her hip a few days ago, I believe she's 93. She's always been very healthy, I hope the surgery goes well, and I hope she gets better, because she sure hasn't been recently.
Also, I'm going to start a gimmick with my posts soon, hope it's something people will be intrigued by.
After SAT's, it's dubbing season again. Dub Piece Season 2 will begin production soon. Comments (6) |
Thursday, November 2, 2006
Been a while, no? I held of another return for this significant day, 11/02. Why's that? Look to your left, I've been here for a year now, feels wierd, especially since I haven't been doing that much anyway.
Football's over, I'm not going to get into it much, but a losing season is the utterist of shit. Though it was shit, I played a lot, and I miss it already.
Halloween was cool, I didn't go out and do asshole shit like egging, or get candy, I was just hanging out outside with my friends, I really couldn't have asked for more, it's what I normally prefer to do. We later visited some friends at work and had fun there. They work at the super market, FREE HAM!
Now that football's over, the college hunt is on. I have to get going on my applications and stuff. Really, I'm aiming on going into the city at SVA to go somewhere with my art.
Next Tuesday is a day I'm pumped for. Not only do I have the day off from school, but the 20th Anniversary Edition of Transformers the Movie comes out on DVD, and being the Transformers geek that I am, I'm ready to sink my teeth into it. I believe Clerks 2 comes out on DVD as well, definately will go pick that up.
I'm also getting pumped for the new Nintendo Wii. Fuck the PS3, this is the system I'm looking forward to. I'm planning on buying it at midnight of opening day. The system, the games, and the price are so freakin' sick.
Otherwise, feels wierd knowing I've had an account for a year now, even though I didn't start posting until a few days later. I wouldn't have found this site if I wasn't wallpaper hunting, and persistant enough to get an account just so I could use them. Met a lot of cool people earlier in the start, don't know how many of them are still around, but anyway, see you later, and I will start posting again, though I question those that have great interest in it. Comments (4) |