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Suiken Chef
New York
Member Since
Aspiring Cartoonist
Real Name
Getting into SVA, That's What She Said Productions, Being who I am
Anime Fan Since
Old School Toonami, Speed Racer, Voltron, G Force,
Favorite Anime
One Piece, Dragonball, Lupin III, Eyeshield 21, Akira,, Cowboy Bebop Deathnote, Yu Yu Hakusho, Bleach, Shaman King, Evangelion, Love Hina, Full Metal Alchemist, Case Closed, Shin Chan
Become a cartoonist (Already half way there!)
Drawing, sports, video games, movies
Excellent at Drawing, Funny
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Saturday, January 14, 2006
Could it be?! Another typical Saturday?!
You heard it, I'm practically doing nothing exciting today, go fgure. I guess I have to work on my Star Wars movie, hoepfully it turns out really good.
For the club, I finished Kaya, Bon Clay and Jango are on the way.
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Friday, January 13, 2006
More knotches in the group belt...
We've recently just added Bellemere, Nojiko, Kuina, Paulie, Shanks, and Vivi to the Chararcter group. Eneru is on the way. OMG fIRst VIlLUn!!342!
Don't be a punk, join.
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The big movie, the big rush...
I have to finish up my stop & go animation movie for at the end of Tuesday. The day off is really killing me. Sucks that my teacher won't be in as early as always, so I'm going to have to rush to get this done. Atleast my teacher is also staying until five at night, so I can probably finish the movie and my portfolio DVD. Boy, like Road Warrior Hawk used to say, what a rush!
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TGIF... not yet.....
It's that big day, hopefully it breezes by quick enough, and I get some work done. Eh, I'm boring, that's all I have to say today.
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Thursday, January 12, 2006
It's a shame....
Seems like my mom is preparing our spring break trip to California this year. I was given some bad news when my brother told me he wasn't coming. A few reasons he said, his girlfriend can't come, plus he said he didn't feel like going. It'll definately not be the same without him, so it looks like a got to find a replacement.
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Nothing new to report dudes and dudettes. Typical Thursday in which you practically want to bite your leg of for it to be Friday. I'm already sure that I am going to be drowning in a pool of work this weekend. A lot of projects are due, regents are creeping there way in, and goddamnit, I'm not going to have a life. Atleast two of the projects deal with art, so it should be no problem.
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Wednesday, January 11, 2006
For those who care, the new aim is Suiken Chef.
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I am feeling a lot better people, just overwhelmed with school work. I got a project to do, test, and math is just overwhelming in general. I guess I'm happy because I finished my commericial project with my friend in graphics. It was a Boys & Girls Club parody with Transformers. Freakin' hilarious.
About the AIM thing, I talked to the all knowing Dan, same thing happened to him. He told me just start over, and that if my sn was sending spam, AOL would eventually delete it, so expect me to post a new aim soon.
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I think I made the best decision to wait 'till this morning to post this, I would of kursed up a storm last night.
It seems like some ass, or just something is using my AIM screen name to send spam. I constantly change the password (Can't change my AOL account because that expired over a year ago without my knowledge). Of course AOL keeps on telling me my screen name is on two different locations, so I keep on changing it, and what do you know, my streak eventually ends, I've used so many damn passwords that I can't freakin' remember the newest one. It was something random, which is what I should have never done, so right now, I'm pretty much fucked. I can't get into my old email, because of the expiration, I couldn't change the email before, for some stupid reason, so right now my screen name will spend it's time being a spammer. Don't know if I should give up or try to pay for that account again. I'm more worried about all the people on my list, but they've never reported problems.
Though I seem pretty mellow, rest assure, I am fucking livid.
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Tuesday, January 10, 2006
I don't find it that big of a deal, but...

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