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Suiken Chef
New York
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Aspiring Cartoonist
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Getting into SVA, That's What She Said Productions, Being who I am
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Old School Toonami, Speed Racer, Voltron, G Force,
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One Piece, Dragonball, Lupin III, Eyeshield 21, Akira,, Cowboy Bebop Deathnote, Yu Yu Hakusho, Bleach, Shaman King, Evangelion, Love Hina, Full Metal Alchemist, Case Closed, Shin Chan
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Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Decent day today...
Today was a lot smoother than yesterday, that's all I can really say. Oh, I did finish all the needed banners for the Character Group. Enjoy everybody, and for those not in, feel free to join.
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Notta, zilch....
Nothing on my mind at the moment, just getting ready to go to school. I'm hoping to talk to my guidance counselor to switch me out of that harpy's class. My parents are already in full support. That's it really, hope my day doesn't come around and bite me in the ass every twelve seconds.
And I still need to make banners for the Luffy, Robin, and Nami of our new group. Huzzah
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Monday, January 9, 2006
One Piece Character Group
I've founded this new group with Luv3r. Of course I'm the sickest cyborg around, Franky! Interested in joining? Lemme know, you don't have to roleplay either.
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Ugh, rough day...
School was just rough, not brutal, just rough. Of course being the lazy kid that I am, I put off this Math packet until this morning. It was hard as hell, and it was damn near impossible to finish it in English. I just said fuck it, I'll take an extra day to make sure that I can do it right, even if it is taking 20 points off, and is worth a test grade. I am just goddamn horrible in math, I fucking hate it. I'm not even a dumbass, I'm bright as hell, just suck in math.
Usually when one problem develops, sure enough it leads to another. Seeing all my other classmates in math scramble around to copy answers made me puke. I may sound like a hypocrite, criticizing kids who didn't do it, but atleast I'm going to look over it and do it on my own. I really hate my math class, everyone just talks all the damn time, shit around and everything, then they feed this bullshit that they wanna learn. My ass.
And a blast from the goddamn past as come back to make my life a living hell. This devious bitch better known as my 8th grade Social Studies teacher has come to the High School. We got our schedules for next semester, and I have her for U.S. History. No fucking way am I gonna be in that harpy's class. I had to put up with too much shit from her. My dad was a history teacer as well, hates that bitch too. I'm going to try and switch out of that class, maybe into my friend's History class, which is also 4th period. I'm praying to god tonight my counselor helps me out, I'm not like all the bitchy girls who come in and wine and complain to get out of a class. Hopefully things will turn out better.
Hopefully the rest of my day is nice and peaceful. And sorry for the multiple kurses, normally don't get so worked up.
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Excuse the French, but HELL FUCKIN' YEAH!

I swear to god I witnessed a miracle last night. My Ipod is simply retarded now, and will not connect with my computer. Won't show up or anything. So I'm plugging it in for the night to simply recharge it, and it freakin' shows up on the computer. I almost fell out of the goddamn chair, and after ten minutes of work, it was wiped and updated! I'm giddy as a school girl now, I can now listen to the music I've been dying to hear!
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Sunday, January 8, 2006
Well, not going to the movies, for many reasons. I woke up later than usual, took my dad forever to go lifting, my mom has to take down all the Christmas crap because she has to go to a funeral. Her aunt died yesterday, I knew her very well, but she was very sick, I wasn't shocked, but saddened, so RIP Aunt Anne.
Nothing to do now except see if the Giants can win, and watch some SUBS (hellz yeah).
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Royal Pain in the Ass
I'm having some trouble with AIM as of late. I think some fucker is messing with it, goddamn nerds need die in their mother's basement for Christ's sake.
Nothing else to report on. I think I'm seeing Producers later today, so I'm happy.
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Saturday, January 7, 2006
I love my goddamn family
Jesus, if I ever need any help, I know who to go to. My dad helped me throughout the day, I can always count on him for his wise advice. And Mike, goddamn Mike, all he did was simply ask me "Do you have Divx?" Five minutes after that question I downloaded Divx, and the miracle happened, SUBS ARE NOW WATCHABLE! One Piece episodes 121+ here I come! My night has gone from crappy to out-freakin'-standing.
Way too many posts today. XD
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Something to remember....
Here's a quote that I feel is one to remember, helped me get through my day.
"The squeaky wheel always gets the oil, but is the first one replaced."
If you understand that, then I got some respect for you.
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Seems like this console party is going on now. My best friend came over to get me, but I just said "fuck it." I'm not in the greatest of moods today, I just want to chill at home tonight, like usual.
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