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Suiken Chef
New York
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Old School Toonami, Speed Racer, Voltron, G Force,
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One Piece, Dragonball, Lupin III, Eyeshield 21, Akira,, Cowboy Bebop Deathnote, Yu Yu Hakusho, Bleach, Shaman King, Evangelion, Love Hina, Full Metal Alchemist, Case Closed, Shin Chan
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Monday, October 2, 2006
Dub Piece Episode 6!
Here it is y'all!
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Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Well another crappy Tuesday, nothing much going for me as of right now. Everyone is starting to ask about the next episode of Dub Piece, so for those who are interested, or just have to know, this weekend should be it.
I am also looking forward to finding out about this week's chapter of One Piece, I want spoil anything, but for those that are reading, I bet you are just as aniticipated as I am.
And as for the question about OnexPiecexNami, I have no clue, didn't even know her site was gone. And what's with the drill seargeant gimmick?
And I feel like I need to spice up my posts from being less dull, I'll think of a cool new gimmick.
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Monday, September 25, 2006

Yes, it's been quite a long time since I posted here, so I dunno how many are actually going to read this, but I'm back.
I pretty much had a no connection on my computer for about a month, so I never got a chance to post around here, plus I've been pretty busy.
I started football back in August, and as of right now it's been a crappy season, really ruining it for me. Kind of wish it was like my season last year. And of course I started school as well, and my schedule is pretty simple; Psychology, Portfolio, Sculpture, and Genres. Very, very easy. I also kinda got dumped, but at least my ex is still one of my best friends, so I guess I don't get the shitty end of the stick all the time. Also, though I didn't post them here, Dub Piece Episode 6 and Doug the Dub Episode 2 are online, so go check those out. Later.
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Monday, July 17, 2006
Dub Piece Episode 4!!!
Finally, probably the most anticipated episode ever, just judging by the sneak peak in my OOC slideshow, or after the release of Fake Piece, here it is!
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Thursday, July 13, 2006

Saw Pirates last night, and it was freakin' awesome, had a good time last night. What was also funny was that we went and opened doors to other theaters and yelled something. I quoted the guy from Resident Evil 4 and said "What're yah buyin'?" Jose's was hilarious though, he opened the door to Superman and yelled "He Dies!" Some little kid then went up to him and asked "Superman dies, for real?" Jose said "Yeah... twice." I think you might to have been there to laugh at it.
Otherwise I'm just chillin', which is what I should be doing, it's the freakin' summer, later.
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Sunday, July 9, 2006
Ya ha! You have to check out this slideshow that I made, freakin' hilarous.
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Thursday, July 6, 2006

Had a lot of fun in the city yesterday, did the same ol' stuff, nothing new really. Finally got some new manga, Eyeshield 21 Vol. 3 and Black Cat Vol. 2.
Going to Six Flags today, pretty pumped, it's only my second time going. Also gonna burn some One Piece to watch on the ride if I get bored.
And it also looks like I'm going to see Pirates 2 on Sunday with the normal clique, looking forward to it.
Otherwise that's it, and if you're curious about Dub Piece at all, Episode 4 might be out sometime next week.
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Wednesday, July 5, 2006

Well, I took good ol' Throes' advice, and Firefox is my problem, so for those who updated today, expect a comment from me, since I'll use Internet Explorer for that.
I also forgot to mention that a week ago I had about 51 people on my friend's list, and I chopped it down to 33. If you're a frequent commenter, and I forgot to add you, my apologies, but I only axed the people that never comment or the people who haven't updated since the dawn of time.
Today I'm going to NYC with my cousin and uncle who are visiting from Chicago, it's a yearly tradition. I just can't stand when we go to goddamn Canal Street, where my cousin and mom buy fake purses that pretty much support the Chinese gangs, whoopie! Atleast I'll be at Time Square, where I have fun at.
Yesterday just didn't feel like 4th of July to me, mainly because my mom didn't throw some party, which I can't stand, cause all the goddamn neighbors just come over, and they're fucking annoying.
The rest of the week is looking good, my brother has his birthday party on Friday, then that Friday night I'm going to Shiny's since he has open crib, and I get to see my girlfriend, hooray Love Cook!
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Sunday, July 2, 2006

Finally, football camp is over, and now I have a summer to look forward to, that is until football actually starts.
Oh boy, camp was brutal, but it definately made me a better player, but now I want to just chill.
My cousins are coming to visit this week, which is cool and all, but after three weeks of time consuming events, I just want to relax for once, and not play host all the time.
Shiny invited a few of us over last night to go swimming in his pool, and we wound up picking up my girlfriend, who I haven't seen in a week, good times, good times.
Tonight, even though my cousins are arriving today, I'm going to see Superman with a hell lot of friends, including the G/F. I can't wait for me and Dan to scream "WRRRONG!!" along with Lex Luthor tonight, we're so retarded.
Still can't comment on the sites, sorry dudes, but thanks to all those that still leave comments for me, greatly appreciated.
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Saturday, June 24, 2006

Damn, this has had to of been one of the best weeks of my life.
Though Thursday was my afternoon to night shift, it was simple. We set up chairs for Middle School Graduation, then just moved some rooms, then did nothing. And we had a freakin 2 1/2 hour dinner break, it was sick. I hung out with Jose and Shiny from Dub Piece. What was really ironic is that I ran into my girlfriend at the high school, and I met her mom. My approval rating was unbreakable. xD The night shift was awesome, because the janitors were hilarious, and we were quoting Family Guy on the rides back and forth on the truck.
Yesterday was High School Graduation, so I knew it was going to be a repeat of yesterday. I just mopped up the bleachers since it was inside, then of course, DID NOTHING! My friend Paul was the first kid there (he was graduating), and he works with my girl friend. When he told me she was coming to see her sister graduate, I got giddy like a school girl.
Later, more of my friends showed up, and we hung out for old time's sake. Dan showed up and gave me a little rendition of "I'm graduating crackas!" in his Usopp voice before heading in. Then my girlfriend showed up, but she went in to watch her sister, thought it was the better thing to do. I went to Jose's house and went to eat dinner. Went back to the High School, my girl was sitting right near the door, so of course I was making funny gestures to her. Then we left, Jose had to mail something. I picked up a pizza box and wrote "I <3 Toni" on it. Went back inside and held it up, her family sure got a kick out of it, did I mention my approval rating is unbreakable? She stepped out, and then we hung outside and relaxed. Then I had to go back to work, so I said my good byes.
So today is a very bland day, but I have a surprise, I finally made my own AMV! It's the first one on the page, the song is "Kaisei Joshou Hallelujah" by Jindou. One Piece fans enjoy!
And I still can't post comments, think it's the videos on my site? Or is My Otaku itself being lame?
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