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Suiken Chef
New York
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Aspiring Cartoonist
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Getting into SVA, That's What She Said Productions, Being who I am
Anime Fan Since
Old School Toonami, Speed Racer, Voltron, G Force,
Favorite Anime
One Piece, Dragonball, Lupin III, Eyeshield 21, Akira,, Cowboy Bebop Deathnote, Yu Yu Hakusho, Bleach, Shaman King, Evangelion, Love Hina, Full Metal Alchemist, Case Closed, Shin Chan
Become a cartoonist (Already half way there!)
Drawing, sports, video games, movies
Excellent at Drawing, Funny
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Sunday, December 11, 2005
Say what? BOBO!!!
I realized that I haven't gotten a new graphic novel in a long time, so I decided to persuade my dad into getting one for me. I saw the Bo-Bobo volume, and since I've become a fan of the anime I thought I'd see the original. The thing that pisses me off is that Viz thinks they have to "test the popularity" of this series before they decide to release the entire series. That just makes me ask "WHAT THE FUCK?" You release some crappy manga titles Viz, but you think you have to test this one out? It's freakin' Bo-Bobo, it's freakin' hilarious. I didn't go one page without laughing out loud when I began reading. For any otaku who needs a good laugh and has an articulated sense of humor, go buy Bobobo-Bo-Bobo, and show Viz that this series deserves to be released.
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Friday, December 9, 2005
Let it snow baby!
Snow day today and it totally pwns. It's gonna be a pain in the ass getting rid of it though.
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Tuesday, December 6, 2005
Bad news first, then the good....
My scanner is bleh right now, refuses to scan, why must you curse me in my time of need?! My comic is almost done, and it just quits on me. What a douchebag...
Anyways, I uploaded the bevin's Alabasta trailer onto You Tube. It's the third video on this page. Watch it, it's a must see AMV.
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Saturday, December 3, 2005
It's that time again!
It's that Christmas countdown feeling, so I decided to refresh the site with some Christmas colors, now ain't that special? Hopefully Christmas will be awesome this year, but anyway let the countdown begin!
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Saturday, November 26, 2005
FINALLY, some good news for once!
It's about time I post something pleasent for a change, and oh baby, this is the rose between the thorns. I finally uploaded Kalei's infamous Franky Bud Light commercial. Don't know what the hell I'm talking about? Heh, and you call yourself a One Piece fan. For those who know what I'm talking about, sit back, relax, and laugh your ass off.
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Friday, November 25, 2005
R.I.P. Pat Morita aka Mr. Miyagi
Yeah, my day really couldn't suck more right now. One of the coolest dudes to ever appear in a motion picture has passed away, Pat Morita, mostly known for playing Mr. Miyagi from Karate Kid.

Rest in peace Pat, you were the best.
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Sunday, November 20, 2005
R.I.P Eddie Guerrero
Since my first tribute was accidentally deleted, this spot's for Eddie.

One is only truly dead when they are forgotten.
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Saturday, November 12, 2005
One Piece Dream Dub Cast
Well, I gotta put something here, so I thought I could share my dream list for a "good" One Piece dub.
Luffy - Stephanie Nadolny (Young Goku/Dragonball)
Zoro – Crispen Freeman (Ebisu/Naruto, Alucard/Hellsing)
Nami – Laura Bailey (Marlene Angel/Blue Gender)
Usopp – Vic Miqnoqna (Edward Elric/Full Metal Alchemist)
Sanji – Steve Jay Blum (Spike/Cowboy Bebop, Mugen/Samurai Champloo)
Chopper – Lisa Ortiz (Same as 4Kids dub)
Robin – Meredith McCoy (Android 18 & Lunch/Dragonball, Fujiko/Lupin III)
Ace - Justin Cook (Yusuke/Yu Yu Hakusho)
Koby – Aaron Dismuke (Alphonse Elric/Full Metal Alchemist)
Alvida – Wendy Powell (Envy/Full Metal Alchemist)
Buggy the Clown – Mark Hammil (Luke Skywalker/Star Wars, Joker/Batman TAS)
Kaya – Tara Jayne (Same as 4Kids dub)
Don Krieg – Marc Thompson (Same as 4Kids dub)
Arlong – Dameon Clarke (Cell/Dragonball Z, Scar/Full Metal Alchemist)
Smoker – Christopher R. Sabat (Piccolo & Vegeta/Dragonball)
Tashigi – Kara Strong (Videl/Dragonball Z)
Crocodile – Daran Norris (Vincent/Cowboy Bebop the Movie, Cosmo/Fairly Odd Parents)
Mr. 1 – Phil Lamaar (Jack/Samurai Jack, Green Lantern/Justice League)
Mr. 2 (Bon Clay) – Tom Kenny (Spongebob Squarepants)
Mr. 3 – Daran Dunstan (Pegasus/Yu-Gi-Oh)
Mr. 5 – Phil Lamaar
Igaram/Mr. 8 – Christopher R. Sabat (Mr. Popo/Dragonball, Alex Louis Armstrong/Full Metal Alchemist)
Mr. 9 – Eric Stuart *shot* (James/Pokemon)
Miss Monday – Lisa Ortiz
Vivi/Miss Wednesday – Colleen Clinkenbeard (Rachel or Ran/Detective Conan/Case Closed)
Miss Doublefinger – Wendee Lee (Faye Valentine/Cowboy Bebop)
Miss Valentine – Vicky Green (Beauty/Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo)
Miss Goldenweek – Tara Jayne
Kohza – Kirby Morrow (Miroku/Inuyasha)
Wapol – Rob Paulson (Arthur/The Tick, many other American cartoons)
Pell – Eric Johnson (Trunks/Dragonball Z)
Dalton – Ted Lewis (Same as 4Kids dub)
Captain Morgan – Michael Alston Bayley (Same as 4Kids dub)
Kurobi – Michael Alston Bayley
Gaimon – Micahel Alston Bayley (Same as 4Kids dub)
Hellmeppo – Kevin McDonald (The Kids in the Hall)
Franky – John DiMaggio (Bender/Futurama)
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